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Need guidance with daughters study

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Dear vedic astrologers,


My daughter is not very much interested in studies and I am worried about her future. Could you please analyze her chart and what her future holds for her? Is she going to be successful in her life? what carrier best suites for her chart?


Date of Birth: Feb 27th 1992

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

Time of Birth: 12:45:57 AM


Hope to hear back from you soon!



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Dear vedic astrologers,


My daughter is not very much interested in studies and I am worried about her future. Could you please analyze her chart and what her future holds for her? Is she going to be successful in her life? what carrier best suites for her chart?


Date of Birth: Feb 27th 1992

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

Time of Birth: 12:45:57 AM


Hope to hear back from you soon!



unfortunately, the chart does indicate problems in educational matters. Fine arts and media (subjects related to imagination) are likely to be more suitable for educational and professional aspects.

She may also go in medical line as nurse or attendant or some clerical job.

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Dear Shashikini,


I reviewed your daughters chart. Some pieces of my brief analysis.

Lagna has Ketu in it indicating the native have some introvertedness, calmness or shyness - may be mild eccentric/odd behaviour at time - nothing serious. May show shades of religious behaviour - ability to stick to some regimen very easily.


Moon - Rahu combination - these two planets are quite close to each - causing the mind to be in confusion and rashness in thought - This is in stark contrast to what Ketu is suggesting being in lagna - so there may be wild swings from one to other.


Jup is retrograde in the 3rd house - Jup as a karaka for the fourth house of learning being in his Marana Karaka sthana of 3rd and also being in the 12th from 4th cause strong opposition to the significations of the 4th house matters of learning.


Lagna lord Mercury is with Sun (3L) in the 9th - indicating the person is desirous of independent thinking and taking matters into her own hands thru courage, drive and initiative - Jupiter as a benefic in the 3rd house is throwing cold water here.


Venus as the lord of the 5th house of knowledge and intelligence is conjoined the 6th lord Mars (bitter enemy) in the 8th house of struggles and obstacles with the 8th lord Sat. This is adding to the strain on the intelligence.


Venus being with Mars and Saturn additionally hemmed between Sun and Rahu is causing deep affliction of Venus. Venus needs to be rescued from this curse. With Saturn being the dispositor and also the karaka of the 8th house where the affliction is occurring - Prayers and sincere worship to Vishnu will definitely help in alleviating this problem.


The native is currently running Venus dasa/Merc antardasa causing strains on the 4th and 5th houses in the chart.


The situation in the Navamsa is also not very helpful with multiple planets in the 6th from the Navamsa lagna - Mars in the 5th and Ketu in the lagna can be tapped into by encouraging the child to take Mathematics and technical subjects.


With Best Wishes


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Dear vedic astrologers,


My daughter is not very much interested in studies and I am worried about her future. Could you please analyze her chart and what her future holds for her? Is she going to be successful in her life? what carrier best suites for her chart?


Date of Birth: Feb 27th 1992

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

Time of Birth: 12:45:57 AM


Hope to hear back from you soon!




Your daughter needs an adventurous life, actress, traveler, performing artist, even the military. Anything too tame will bore her to tears. She should pick a career that will address her need for adventure.


Also because moon is with Rahu she can get confused. She should wear Pearls.


All the best,



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