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The Hidden Story of Jesus

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Sonic Yogi

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I find the following in bible(Nt) to support what jeffster said in post 14


Matthew 15:24: "But he [Jesus] answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.


The House of Israel was not lost, it never was. Judaism was a well-managed and organised religion, first of its kind in the Middle-East. But it has one flaw - outsiders (gentiles as they are called) were not allowed to follow Judaism. One can convert into Judaism but he have to circumstate and observe his life as a Jew.


Romans at that time were worshipping Zeus as primary god of Rom, but many have started to turn toward Judaism which offered a better explaination and laws than Roman gods. Rom feared that if this kept going, the Jews could have taken over the Roman empire without a single bloodshed. It was a new type of war for them, one that they never anticipate or fought before.


What did they do? Simple ... they "created" their own religion by borrowing Judaism but still able to bind the Romans to their gods. They created Jesus asa son of a god (Zeus), killed him off in name of sacrificing the son for the sins of Mankind and hook the Romans into it.


And that is how Christianity have come to exist. Probably World's first Man-Made Religion.

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Sonic Yogi,


What is your opinion on Prabhupada teaching western Hare Krishnas about a Christ-Loka, classifying Jesus as an avatar and some of your colleagues here strongly advocating the Jesus = Vaishnava identity?




I already made all those points in my articles on Sampradaya Sun.

Maybe you should just read them so that I don't have to get into long winded dissertations here on the forum.













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Haribol Ksamabuddhi... I kind of suspected it was you... :)

You have grown and you think more and more for yourself.

Sincere pranams...


Considering that I officially left ISKCON in 1980 to go to SCSM, I would like to think that I have been thinking for myself for quite some time.

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Well, no Vaishnava can believe in Jesus without having to reject his own faith.

Because all we know of Jesus is what is in the gospels and there it says that Jesus is the only way to God and that deity worship is idol worship.


If I believed in Jesus, I would have to reject Krishna and Sri Caitanya according to what they claim Jesus taught.


So, in order to believe in Krishna I must reject Jesus as factual because the teachings of Jesus in the gospels claims that nobody gets to God but through Jesus.


I pass urine on such a concept.

A Vaishnava doesn`t deride a good one like Christ. What kind of Vaishnava are you, Sonic Yogi. You are creating an abyss between Christians and Vaishnavas for telling us that Christ is a non-entity. Christ in the person of Jesus is a representative of Krsna. And nobody gets to God but through Jesus who is Christ`s ( Krsna) saktyavesa avatar.

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Even Lord Caitanya admitted that Sankaracarya who taught Mayavadism was an incarnation of Lord Siva, and it is known that Lord Siva is one of the greatest devotees ( a mahajana) of the Bhagavata school. But did Lord Caitanya reject Sankaracarya? In the Padma Purana Lord Siva personally tells Bhagavatidevi: " My dear Devi, sometimes I teach Mayavadi philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance. But if a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down, for when teaching Mayavadi philosophy, I say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same." I see this familiar refrain in the Teachings of Jesus. But did I reject Christ Jesus? Nope. It`s simply because I saw Lord Siva in Jesus.

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Even Lord Caitanya admitted that Sankaracarya who taught Mayavadism was an incarnation of Lord Siva, and it is known that Lord Siva is one of the greatest devotees ( a mahajana) of the Bhagavata school. But did Lord Caitanya reject Sankaracarya? In the Padma Purana Lord Siva personally tells Bhagavatidevi: " My dear Devi, sometimes I teach Mayavadi philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance. But if a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down, for when teaching Mayavadi philosophy, I say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same." I see this familiar refrain in the Teachings of Jesus. But did I reject Christ Jesus? Nope. It`s simply because I saw Lord Siva in Jesus.


Jesus is a Jewish fable.

He was not a real person.

He is a myth created by persecuted Jews in Rome who got blamed for burning down half of Rome.


Maybe they did start the great fire of Rome?

Maybe they deserved to be persecuted.


I don't buy into anything Jewish - either Judaism or Jesus.

It is all a bunch of hooey as far as I am concerned.

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Jesus is a Jewish fable.

He was not a real person.

He is a myth created by persecuted Jews in Rome who got blamed for burning down half of Rome.


Maybe they did start the great fire of Rome?

Maybe they deserved to be persecuted.


I don't buy into anything Jewish - either Judaism or Jesus.

It is all a bunch of hooey as far as I am concerned.


Okay. You`re entitled to your own opinion. I respect that. Like you I did that, too, a long time ago when I told everyone that Jesus was an ET( from the book " Chariot of the Gods" written by Charles Von Daniken ). But later I felt sorry for myself for making that immature statement. Someday, you will come to realize this also.

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Okay. You`re entitled to your own opinion. I respect that. Like you I did that, too, a long time ago when I told everyone that Jesus was an ET( from the book " Chariot of the Gods" written by Charles Von Daniken ). But later I felt sorry for myself for making that immature statement. Someday, you will come to realize this also.

Melvin, you need to actually study the real facts about the history of Christianity instead of buying into the hogwash political religion that was adopted to try and salvage Rome from disintegration.


You don't know anything about the real history of Christianity.

All you know is the propaganda that Christian missionaries brought to the Phils. when Spain conquered the Phils.


You should really do some research before you accept the dogma and politics of religion that started in Rome about 2000 years ago.


Lord Parasurama was a shaktyavesha avatara, Buddha was a shaktyavesha avatar, Dhanvantari was a shaktyvesha avatar.


Being a shaktyavesha avatar does not make one a Vaishnava or worthy of being followed.


Some devotees claim that Srila Prabhupada said Hitler was a shaktyavesha avatar, but does that mean we follow Hitler because he represented a certain power of God to kill so many people?


Hitler was empowered by God.

Alexander the Great was empowered by God.

They were both "shaktyavesha" entities empowered by God.


Being empowered by God for a particular purpose does not make anyone worthy of being followed by the devotees of Lord Chaitanya.

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Melvin, you need to actually study the real facts about the history of Christianity instead of buying into the hogwash political religion that was adopted to try and salvage Rome from disintegration.


You don't know anything about the real history of Christianity.

All you know is the propaganda that Christian missionaries brought to the Phils. when Spain conquered the Phils.


You should really do some research before you accept the dogma and politics of religion that started in Rome about 2000 years ago.


Lord Parasurama was a shaktyavesha avatara, Buddha was a shaktyavesha avatar, Dhanvantari was a shaktyvesha avatar.


Being a shaktyavesha avatar does not make one a Vaishnava or worthy of being followed.


Some devotees claim that Srila Prabhupada said Hitler was a shaktyavesha avatar, but does that mean we follow Hitler because he represented a certain power of God to kill so many people?


Hitler was empowered by God.

Alexander the Great was empowered by God.

They were both "shaktyavesha" entities empowered by God.


Being empowered by God for a particular purpose does not make anyone worthy of being followed by the devotees of Lord Chaitanya.


Yes I agree with you, Sonic Yogi, on some of these points. Let the Christbusters bust their butts on discrediting Jesus Christ not you. It`s not your calling to do such things. It has taken a lot of your energies in defending these Christbusters instead of channeling them on matters that would eventually benefit Lord Caitanya`s sankirtan movement. What your doing is not serving Krsna but a disservice. I`m telling you this at this point as a friend not an adversary.

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Yes I agree with you, Sonic Yogi, on some of these points. Let the Christbusters bust their butts on discrediting Jesus Christ not you. It`s not your calling to do such things. It has taken a lot of your energies in defending these Christbusters instead of channeling them on matters that would eventually benefit Lord Caitanya`s sankirtan movement. What your doing is not serving Krsna but a disservice. I`m telling you this at this point as a friend not an adversary.


I am on a mission to save the world from their savior.

Christ is a myth and nobody gets any benefit for buying into this Christian propaganda.

These Christians are just becoming hogs and dogs in their next life.

These people need to be saved from this Jesus nonsense so that maybe they will be free to understand the transcendental nature of God.


Christianity does no good for anybody.

It is simply a parasite on the good and decent tendencies of so many nice human beings.


This Christian nonsense needs to be exposed so that the world is freed to accept the true dharma of the living entity which is to serve Krishna.


This is my calling.

My job is to expose this Christian hogwash and correct the mistaken notion that Christ was a real person and the savior of mankind.


Christ is a myth and nobody gets any benefit for buying into this Christian hogwash.


Srila Prabhupada was very diplomatic because he was an acarya coming from India.

I am an American and I am not going to placate these Christian bigots.


I am going to attack the bogus Christian myth and try to free some souls from the grip of such a pathetic excuse for religion.


If I can save one soul from the Jesus myth, I will consider all my work very much worth the effort.

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I am on a mission to save the world from their savior.

Christ is a myth and nobody gets any benefit for buying into this Christian propaganda.

These Christians are just becoming hogs and dogs in their next life.

These people need to be saved from this Jesus nonsense so that maybe they will be free to understand the transcendental nature of God.


Christianity does no good for anybody.

It is simply a parasite on the good and decent tendencies of so many nice human beings.


This Christian nonsense needs to be exposed so that the world is freed to accept the true dharma of the living entity which is to serve Krishna.


This is my calling.

My job is to expose this Christian hogwash and correct the mistaken notion that Christ was a real person and the savior of mankind.


Christ is a myth and nobody gets any benefit for buying into this Christian hogwash.


Srila Prabhupada was very diplomatic because he was an acarya coming from India.

I am an American and I am not going to placate these Christian bigots.


I am going to attack the bogus Christian myth and try to free some souls from the grip of such a pathetic excuse for religion.


If I can save one soul from the Jesus myth, I will consider all my work very much worth the effort.


You are under the mode of passion, Sonic Yogi. Your tune is angry. The melody is hard rock. This song reminds me of Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to Heaven. May I request that you play George Benson`s The Greatest Love of All, please.

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Just finished reading them all. Interesting perspective...and refreshing!



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These people need to be saved from this Jesus nonsense so that maybe they will be free to understand the transcendental nature of God.


Just concentrate in India. In Europe and US, Christianity is dying. In another 100 years, it is possible that Christianity could be wiped out of existence in Europe and US.


That is why Romans (Vaticans) are so eager to sell this nonsense to India and China (which has majority of non-believers in Asia). They need a new foothold to ensure that the Christianity doesn't die away.

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Just concentrate in India. In Europe and US, Christianity is dying. In another 100 years, it is possible that Christianity could be wiped out of existence in Europe and US.


That is why Romans (Vaticans) are so eager to sell this nonsense to India and China (which has majority of non-believers in Asia). They need a new foothold to ensure that the Christianity doesn't die away.


Christianity is so much alive in the Philippines especially here in Cebu, the place where Christianity in Asia began. It`s all because of the Child God, the Santo Nino of Cebu. (www.sinulog.ph)

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You are under the mode of passion, Sonic Yogi. Your tune is angry. The melody is hard rock. This song reminds me of Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to Heaven. May I request that you play George Benson`s The Greatest Love of All, please.



Christianity is a pseudo-spirituality that is leading millions of people to Hell in the name of God.

There is no salvation in Jesus.

There is nothing in Jesus.

Jesus is a myth.


The myth has to be exposed so that people's mind can be unchained from this pathetic excuse for spirituality and opened for understanding the actual truth.

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