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I cannot see any contradiction betN Dvaita and Advaita

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This is a reply to 'Kali Upasak'.


Also, did you not learn the philosophies after you were a bhakta already ? I would like to ask what made you go for the philosophies ?


Jai Sri Krshna

Yes. In fact I took time off and attended an academic institution to learn about Hinduism and other religions. Studied the Vedas. But I did not find the six Dharshanas or Philosophies of Hinduism interesting. I was more interested in the history of Hinduism.


The fact is that though the Bhakthi, Karma and Jnana margas are treated separately in the scriptures, in a person's life it is a combination of all the three. The Jnani has to perform Karmas and he may be a Bhaktha at heart.


But one of the Margas predominate. In my case it is Bhakthi. Following the Philosophies is Jnana Marga. Even in Bhakthi the Naradha Bhakthi Sutras define and classify Bhakthi. This again could lead to confusion.


Almost at the end of my life I have reached a conclusion that you do think about it at all. Just practice. Surrender and sing his praises. The practices could be Yogic, Mantrik, Vaidic or Tantrik or a combination.


I wrote all this because I feel that many of us spend way too much time in thinking about Bhakthi. Of course I may be wrong.

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  • 2 years later...


You can`t see any contradiction between Advaita and Dvaita maybe because LOVE is always present in your heart as your guide. Love rejoices in the truth not evil. Since these teachings are good because they are truthful not bad then you see them as one. Again there`s no contradiction here since you know they are simultaneously different( One is good while the other is better).


All glories to Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu!

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  • 1 year later...



You can`t see any contradiction between Advaita and Dvaita maybe because LOVE is always present in your heart as your guide. Love rejoices in the truth not evil. Since these teachings are good because they are truthful not bad then you see them as one. Again there`s no contradiction here since you know they are simultaneously different( One is good while the other is better).

Thank You Melvin, for your thoughtful kind and guiding words. They are certainly helpful, 4 years later as well :) 


om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ~

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Guest srikanthdk71

hey all, 


Happy to be back on this forum after a gap of 4 long years. I stumped upon the my most interesting topic being discussed here. The contradiction between Dvaita and Advaita. I see Melvin write some lines about love. Melvin also praises both the teachings of both the Acharyas saying that they did it for good. Truth must be one and cannot have parellels. If it has, then it is not the truth. Madhvacharya says 'Advaita is false'. No one is liberated. Even Lakshmi who is the wife of Lord Vishnu doesnt have liberation. Then what about us mortals? This indeed is a way of creating fear psychosis about the almighty and then pressing your point. Madhvacharya is known for his khandana vaada which is know as condemnation rule. Condemn everything so you can prove yourself right. It gave the impression that "All are wrong, I am only right". He upholds the Varna culture. He says that a shudra is not qualified for the Paramapada or the highest alter with god. How can you call him as a great Acharya. He was a great scholar with great power of confrontation. That doesnt mean he is true. If Adi Shankara told One, he told Two, if Adi Shankara founded 4 Amnaya Peethas, he founded 8. This seems to just match Sri Shankara in Competition. Sri Shankara is revered all over India. Madhvacharya is only revered in parts of Karnataka especially in the Northern part of Karnataka where the level of education is bouncy and has found some devotees in the Canara region as he hails himself from that region.


Advaita in uncomparable. Advaita is ultimate truth. To understand Advaita you need special Gnana. But Dvaita exists from the day we are born. Agnaana is Dvaita. If anybody has heard about Sri Mahavatar Babaji, you will also know what Advaita means and how the concept of Maya works.

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