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Diamond Recommendation - Riaz jee

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Hi Riaz


I had once talked to you and you recommended me to wear Diamond. I have one query before I go for wearing of Diamond


Since I am currently going through Mercury-Saturn Dasha is it a good time to wear DIAMOND or should I test first for few months to see its results


Could you also throw some light on the results of its effects and how much ratti diamond should be used to test for its effects and the procedure to test it




DOB : 4th August 1976

TOB: 08 :55 AM

POB: New Delhi


Currently working in USA



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Dear friend,


there is no bad time to do good things.


you may please wear diamond immediately this friday, in US diamonds are not so expensive.


If you are wearing Moonga (red coral) please remove it because this wont give you so good results. and yes it is the most benefic planet as lord of 9th and 4th..

Red coral - there is no much positive results.

for your chart venus will give excellent result. you will see by yourself after wearing Diamond.

But sometimes diamond will have negative effects. thats is what the diamond stones are like.

But will make you Wealthy, give you lot of property and Fame.

venus here is with the 2 benefics. in this house it will help you in foreign land and surely make you a wealthy person.

You will live in Style.


You are in US, you can easily efford more than 70 cents.

Try to buy as bigger as possible in CENTS.

It should be original.




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Please do not use redcoral along with diamond.

This will create problems..

Only use diamond in your right hand middle finger.


In regards to US, Diamond will surely support your Foreign travel and Wealth.


And also:

You will get lot of opportunity in the matters of opposite sex. there wont be any problems but you should avoide if married.




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Dear Bro,


Who asked you to wear Ruby? Sun is Lagna Lord but placed in the 12th house. this will create more problems. it must have damaged you a lot bro.

This will DAMAGE everything.

Also Sun is aspecting the 6th house which is a bad house.


There is NO positive effects after wearing RUBY

Problems in finance, opposition with your father and desputes. ILL Health loss of profession

Career wise you may never Grow, problems with govt and authority and may even imprisonment


Remove Ruby immediately.


Panna is good for you.


Wear diamond and Panna.




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Hi Riaz


AS compared to health I haven;t seen issues in past 15 yrs ya but I do had loss in oppurtunities but later got some other to fullfill it


You are right that Lagna Lord in 12th House should cause damage but when I wore the Ruby my SAT Mahadasha was ending and Mercury wasa going to start and hence all my delay work got started and it seems that Ruby worked a lot for me but from Astrological point of view I do agree with you. No Idea what supported this as Panna I started wearing from 2009 that is almost at the end of Mercury Mahadasha. But now I am will be moving towrds Diamond and Panna as per your recomendation and I have removed the Ruby from now on.


Do you see some thing promissing in the cuming 2 Mahadasha ( Ketu and Venus ) in terms of wealth, career, growth, anger etc.



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You should avoide Ruby, your delayed work got started thats can happen due to the dasha, however i dont see Ruby doing so good in any matters.


There will always positive and negative effects of planets, but we need to see whether the positive effects are more.

Ruby effects will be more on the negative side. (Please avoide)


Mercury (emerald) will do wonders.


There is still more time for Ketu and Venus dasha.


Let us deal with the saturn first :)




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Hi Riaz


thanks for the quick reply and I think with ur adivce I will face Satrun turnings easily.


But Can I wear Mercury stone that is Panna even after the Dasha is completed and it will not be harmful. Diamond I will get this week and get it done. Let me know if there is some special procedure in wearning it



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Riaz ji and all the Gurus Pranam - Please help


Gem Stone & Suggestion

Pranam to all,


DOB - March, 9th, 1972

Time - 6.05 AM

Place - Hyderabad, AP India


Please suggest Gem stone(s).

Please suggest if Job or Business

If business, which business



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