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Science and palmistry

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I have seen a topic where ppl arguing palmistry is science or not .

The topic poster said palmistry is not science because its not based on mathematical calculation.


Now i am self learner of palmistry , my all study is based on my own experiments and statistics that i have seen in more than thousand hands of ppl. To study palmistry we must know some basics of lines and planets .


Now question is palmistry is science or not , well palmistry is totally based on science, basically its take consideration of your veins that is spreaded all over your palms and these veins are connected through your mind and as usually you guys know that your head is source of information that is like electric current and its very quick. . . .

Now you ppl check out your own palm and check lines and try to find out the veins and see where the are gathered. . . .

Astrology or palmistry both are part of science but science needs practicals , experiments and observation same with palmistry too. So anyone whoever is against the knowledge of palmistry or against palmistry come here and put your own view. I am here to clear your doubt

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Dear Friend,


Everybody has an opinion and no matter how critical he/she is of some subject, the followers of the subject in question should continue with their reserach. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to perfection. In my humble opinion astrology is a divine science and not a scientific science, although people may disagree and I accept that.


My father once met a gentleman who cast the birth charts of all 4 of us in the family, that too by looking at my father's hand only. The charts were correct and I was mad as to is it that easy or was he a great soul.


Astrology and palmistry both need a lot of research and verification of people's lives with their charts, that is the only way they both can attain the status of science as it is generally considered, thanks and good luck



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