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Inner Voice

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Does Inner voice is some spiritual voice or its just our conscious that speaks or can say alertness that speaks...

Like in my case...I have started smoking since 5 years back...but since last 3 years.. every time i smoke some voice comes from inside.."don't it will harm you and your future".

Its been more than 2 years now..when i last got success in my life..that time also when i used to get inner voice for quitting this habit...but i dint ...now m not getting success...i feel that's spiritual voice asking me to quit smoking then only i will get success..

does it happen to every one or its me only feeling in this way?

but i feel some good creatures in this world stopping me for smoking...

One more thing i want to discuss..is thr two parts in mind...unconcious and concious mind...

n sometime ur unconcious mind starts dominating you while you are not awake (Sleeping)...n u start doing what you have never thought of..even after getting up in morning also you are not aware of it...but you come to know from other people...

can that happen...if yes then how can some 1 have control on that??

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Does Inner voice is some spiritual voice or its just our conscious that speaks or can say alertness that speaks...

Like in my case...I have started smoking since 5 years back...but since last 3 years.. every time i smoke some voice comes from inside.."don't it will harm you and your future".

Its been more than 2 years now..when i last got success in my life..that time also when i used to get inner voice for quitting this habit...but i dint ...now m not getting success...i feel that's spiritual voice asking me to quit smoking then only i will get success..

does it happen to every one or its me only feeling in this way?

but i feel some good creatures in this world stopping me for smoking...

One more thing i want to discuss..is thr two parts in mind...unconcious and concious mind...

n sometime ur unconcious mind starts dominating you while you are not awake (Sleeping)...n u start doing what you have never thought of..even after getting up in morning also you are not aware of it...but you come to know from other people...

can that happen...if yes then how can some 1 have control on that??


Respected Dots_dashes,


Welcome to the forum. I cannot comment on spirituality. Being in health-care field, I do feel you should stop smoking. It does harm zillion times than hardly any good. I know it might sound cliche. Why depend on inner-voices to quit smoking, the transformation should come by YOU and backed by strong will power. There are many therapies that you could follow. Please consult your GP or doctors near you I am sure, they would willingly help you get over this habit.



I have studied cases similar to your experience pertaining conscious and unconscious mind and some erratic behaviours. I think again you should consult a doctor, relate your experiences well. He might refer you to the proper channels. The treatments are many, one of them is behavioural therapy.



Sometimes we are confused what we are actually going through. Seek medical help first. Nothing to be scared. It is a quite common problem. I would like to apologize if I offend you anyway by my suggestions and for me offering cliched comments. Thank you.

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Respected Dots_dashes,


Welcome to the forum. I cannot comment on spirituality. Being in health-care field, I do feel you should stop smoking. It does harm zillion times than hardly any good. I know it might sound cliche. Why depend on inner-voices to quit smoking, the transformation should come by YOU and backed by strong will power. There are many therapies that you could follow. Please consult your GP or doctors near you I am sure, they would willingly help you get over this habit.



I have studied cases similar to your experience pertaining conscious and unconscious mind and some erratic behaviours. I think again you should consult a doctor, relate your experiences well. He might refer you to the proper channels. The treatments are many, one of them is behavioural therapy.



Sometimes we are confused what we are actually going through. Seek medical help first. Nothing to be scared. It is a quite common problem. I would like to apologize if I offend you anyway by my suggestions and for me offering cliched comments. Thank you.


Thanks a lot!

My qs is y its happening to me...is it karmas?

or something else...or some devil force is dominating on me


I have already quit somking 2 weeks back...my q is what kindaa inner voice is that?

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Thanks a lot!

My qs is y its happening to me...is it karmas?

or something else...or some devil force is dominating on me


I have already quit somking 2 weeks back...my q is what kindaa inner voice is that?


Respected dots_dashes,


Congrats. You have taken a good step towards healthy living by quitting smoking. Make sure you stick by your decision.


Well, I do not have adequate amount of knowledge about spirituality or issues pertaining karma, so it is unjust for me to give you half-boiled opinions of mine.


There are many members here that are advanced in their spiritual side and are of profound knowledge of the matters that you seek clarifications. Maybe they know what is it.


Health-wise, whatever IT is, it made you make a good decision, thank god for that and may god bless you always.

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Respected dots_dashes,


Congrats. You have taken a good step towards healthy living by quitting smoking. Make sure you stick by your decision.


Well, I do not have adequate amount of knowledge about spirituality or issues pertaining karma, so it is unjust for me to give you half-boiled opinions of mine.


There are many members here that are advanced in their spiritual side and are of profound knowledge of the matters that you seek clarifications. Maybe they know what is it.


Health-wise, whatever IT is, it made you make a good decision, thank god for that and may god bless you always.



Thanks a lot...m hoping i would stick to my decesion...i tried it lot of times...but not this long...sometime due to mental stress i started it again..this time i would stick to my decesion...



PLease forum members throw some light on this matter

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There is only your voice --there are none other.


There is a process called "Positive Self-Talk".


You simply don't listen to reason [even when it comes from yourself --you turn a cold shoulder to your better judgement].


We are not the body--"we are spiritsoul" --so intimately and thoroughly knowing this maxim is the goal of a Spiritual life . . . in the meantime:


The material Body is made of 8 combined elements:


earth + water + fire + air + either


and then {drum-roll},


mind + intelligence + False-ego. {gong}.


The mind does two things: accepts things as attractive //or// rejects things as un-attractive.


The intelligence does the following:


Considers the logistics/rationale/probabilities etc., of an outcome.



Professional artists and sportsmen must pre-visualise the outcome of the up-coming engagement before the start of the contest [a student does the same by preparing for an exam].


Inorder to rid a bad habit --you must replace it with a better habit, that would be fully engaging of your time and energies.


Discipline means that setting a goal that involves an incentive that has greater value than the 'smoking a cigerette'.


The mind is talking to you . . . inorder to overcome a dependency to an inert material product (tobacco) . . . that's encouraging. No?


The mind and the Intelligence ideally must be inaccord with eachother.


It is lust only for the oral fixation that allows you down time.


It is necessary to inflate the nature of the importance of 'why to quit' --and then keep re-inforcing the logic and the degree of importance of why you must quit.

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There is only your voice --there are none other.


There is a process called "Positive Self-Talk".


You simply don't listen to reason [even when it comes from yourself --you turn a cold shoulder to your better judgement].


We are not the body--"we are spiritsoul" --so intimately and thoroughly knowing this maxim is the goal of a Spiritual life . . . in the meantime:


The material Body is made of 8 combined elements:


earth + water + fire + air + either


and then {drum-roll},


mind + intelligence + False-ego. {gong}.


The mind does two things: accepts things as attractive //or// rejects things as un-attractive.


The intelligence does the following:


Considers the logistics/rationale/probabilities etc., of an outcome.



Professional artists and sportsmen must pre-visualise the outcome of the up-coming engagement before the start of the contest [a student does the same by preparing for an exam].


Inorder to rid a bad habit --you must replace it with a better habit, that would be fully engaging of your time and energies.


Discipline means that setting a goal that involves an incentive that has greater value than the 'smoking a cigerette'.


The mind is talking to you . . . inorder to overcome a dependency to an inert material product (tobacco) . . . that's encouraging. No?


The mind and the Intelligence ideally must be inaccord with eachother.


It is lust only for the oral fixation that allows you down time.


It is necessary to inflate the nature of the importance of 'why to quit' --and then keep re-inforcing the logic and the degree of importance of why you must quit.


Great post.

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There is only your voice --there are none other.


There is a process called "Positive Self-Talk".


You simply don't listen to reason [even when it comes from yourself --you turn a cold shoulder to your better judgement].


We are not the body--"we are spiritsoul" --so intimately and thoroughly knowing this maxim is the goal of a Spiritual life . . . in the meantime:


The material Body is made of 8 combined elements:


earth + water + fire + air + either


and then {drum-roll},


mind + intelligence + False-ego. {gong}.


The mind does two things: accepts things as attractive //or// rejects things as un-attractive.


The intelligence does the following:


Considers the logistics/rationale/probabilities etc., of an outcome.



Professional artists and sportsmen must pre-visualise the outcome of the up-coming engagement before the start of the contest [a student does the same by preparing for an exam].


Inorder to rid a bad habit --you must replace it with a better habit, that would be fully engaging of your time and energies.


Discipline means that setting a goal that involves an incentive that has greater value than the 'smoking a cigerette'.


The mind is talking to you . . . inorder to overcome a dependency to an inert material product (tobacco) . . . that's encouraging. No?


The mind and the Intelligence ideally must be inaccord with eachother.


It is lust only for the oral fixation that allows you down time.


It is necessary to inflate the nature of the importance of 'why to quit' --and then keep re-inforcing the logic and the degree of importance of why you must quit.



Thanks Bhakatjan ji,


"t is lust only for the oral fixation that allows you down time."


Sorry i dint get this line..could u plase elaborate it ?

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Cool! thank you. You have called my attention to my quick effort at "wit & profundity" . . . and now I'm answering for it:



My sentence:

It is lust only for the oral fixation that allows you down time.


was referencing four seperate items.


"It is lust only" --Krishna's pronouncement: "It is lust only . . . the source of all sin".


"the oral fixation" --the classic Western Clinical term of Freudian Psychology [ . . . from childhood conditioning . . . ].


"that allows" --your own personal rationale ["Self-Talk"] that allows you to assert your individuality,"You're not the boss of me syndrome".


or also,


in an 'in-side-out' reversal, it's the same as described but expressed,

"I do not need to do anything I don't want to do!"


"down time." --this valuable priceless time is a reminder of time-management skills --this time is yours -- to capitalise on . . . tbd.



So, bhayya, I was simply trying to tactfully scould you in flowery words --that as you can see, in my mind had several references.

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Respected Dots_dashes,


Welcome to the forum. I cannot comment on spirituality. Being in health-care field, I do feel you should stop smoking. It does harm zillion times than hardly any good. I know it might sound cliche. Why depend on inner-voices to quit smoking, the transformation should come by YOU and backed by strong will power. There are many therapies that you could follow. Please consult your GP or doctors near you I am sure, they would willingly help you get over this habit.



I have studied cases similar to your experience pertaining conscious and unconscious mind and some erratic behaviours. I think again you should consult a doctor, relate your experiences well. He might refer you to the proper channels. The treatments are many, one of them is behavioural therapy.



Sometimes we are confused what we are actually going through. Seek medical help first. Nothing to be scared. It is a quite common problem. I would like to apologize if I offend you anyway by my suggestions and for me offering cliched comments. Thank you.


there`s a pulmonary doctor i know who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. 2 years ago they admitted me in the icu due to a heart attack. i was smoking right before the attack came.


so, tell me. how can you cure a way of life? :)

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there`s a pulmonary doctor i know who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. 2 years ago they admitted me in the icu due to a heart attack. i was smoking right before the attack came.


so, tell me. how can you cure a way of life? :)


Respected Melvin Ji,


A doctor should be a role model in promoting a healthy lifestyle. I am not dictating how a doctor should be. I connot fathom, why he does not practice what he preaches. The loss is his side. That is why awareness should come from within, ignorance is so great in this life, we are only aware (not in spiritual context) until when it is too late. The choice of making healthy life style is ours. I cannot make judgements on the example you gave above, it isn't fair for me and to him, furthermore, I am not an iota of being knowledgable like you guys doctors. I am sorry if I offended anyone reading this. Namaste.

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Respected Melvin Ji,


A doctor should be a role model in promoting a healthy lifestyle. I am not dictating how a doctor should be. I connot fathom, why he does not practice what he preaches. The loss is his side. That is why awareness should come from within, ignorance is so great in this life, we are only aware (not in spiritual context) when it is too late. The choice of making healthy life style is ours. I cannot make judgements on the example you gave above, it isn't fair for me to him and myself, furthermore, I am not an iota knowledgable like you guys doctors. I am sorry if I offended anyone reading this. Namaste.


My dear Kshama,


My great grandfathers both on my parent`s side smoked. my grandfathers( deceased) both on my parent`s side smoked. My father who is a doctor stopped smoking 10 years ago( he`s now 80 years old). This way of life (not a habit) I do believe

is in my genes. Might as well be a corpse if don`t smoke. Shame on me if I chose medicine as my profession when I couldn`t even say no to smoking.

There`s a saying, " You practice what priests preached, but don`t follow what they do in private."

But there are way of lives worst than smoking. These are eating and sex.:)

And that`s another story. Haribol!

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My dear Kshama,


My great grandfathers both on my parent`s side smoked. my grandfathers( deceased) both on my parent`s side smoked. My father who is a doctor stopped smoking 10 years ago( he`s now 80 years old). This way of life (not a habit) I do believe

is in my genes. Might as well be a corpse if don`t smoke. Shame on me if I chose medicine as my profession when I couldn`t even say no to smoking.

There`s a saying, " You practice what priests preached, but don`t follow what they do in private."

But there are way of lives worst than smoking. These are eating and sex.:)

Well, that`s another story. Haribol!



Respected Melvin Ji,


We have the capacity to change what we are in this life. Well I agree there are many things in life are far worst than smoking. I believe changes be it, small or big, in making a healthy lifestyle, it a sign of a good progress. It is up to the person. Melvin Ji, I hope I don't sound rude, but let us end this conversation here, dots_dashes Ji started this thread to find help for her condition and seek some methods to tune in better with her inner voices, let this be her platform seeking those. Namaste.

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Respected Melvin Ji,


We have the capacity to change what we are in this life. Well I agree there are many things in life are far worst than smoking. I believe changes be it, small or big, in making a healthy lifestyle, it a sign of a good progress. It is up to the person. Melvin Ji, I hope I don't sound rude, but let us end this conversation here, dots_dashes Ji started this thread to find help for her condition and seek some methods to tune in better with her inner voices, let this be her platform seeking those. Namaste.


Parting shot: That pulmonary doctor who smoked a pack of cigaretts told me if I stopped smoking now, there`ll be changes in my lung cells later, from metaplastic to anaplastic( cancerous). He advised a status quo on smoking if one is a smoker all his life. There`ll be a grave consequence if one stopped his horse riding(smoking) mid-way stream. It`s far much better than crossing the bridge when one gets there.

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Parting shot: That pulmonary doctor who smoked a pack of cigaretts told me if I stopped smoking now, there`ll be changes in my lung cells later, from metaplastic to anaplastic( cancerous). He advised a status quo on smoking if one is a smoker all his life. There`ll be a grave consequence if one stopped his horse riding(smoking) mid-way stream. It`s far much better than crossing the bridge when one gets there.


Respected Melvin Ji,


I am well aware of the consequences of what happens to heavy smokers who stop smoking drastically and the cytological changes that ensues soon after. Thank you for the information, in a way, let it be a reminder to anyone out there, that a bad thing has lot's of bad consequences and we have limited healthy choices to make, once any sort of deterioration of health happens. To all people out there, smoking is not a fashion statement, hip and happening habit, a symbol of glamour nor a reputed lifestyle. Excuses can be given anytime to support the habit. Think before you leap, the choice is yours. I am sorry to if I sound too harsh. This will be the last post by me in this particular thread, in respect to maintain the objective of the thread started by the dots_dashes Ji. And again I am sorry to take so much space explaining things that are not relevant or substantial to the aim of the thread starter. Namaste.

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