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Request for Amateur (Atulji)-Please help

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Dear Atulji,


Please suggest something ..m still on the same phase...seems like stucked...my life is not moving at all...no changes ..not getting success..seems success runs away from me...wether its a case of job or marriage..

Feeling like m cursed...

Feel This place doesn't suit me at all..M loosing health also..lost hairs ,complexion

Currently m in Hyderabad,India

Please help..i wanna know how long i need to tollerate this bad phase of my life...if some solution is there..please suggest...

nothing is working out..not getting my marriage fixed nor satisfactory job m working on..everything starts in my life ...before it get accomplished succesfully..some obstacle comes and it ends w/o the desired output..plz help..if some stone i need to wear or any pooja or any Matra to chant please suggest...some1 asked me to go 4 kalsarpa pooja at nasik...please suggest

M wearing pukhraz since last 5years..

My Birth Details are


04:50 AM, Kanpur ,UP, India

Please Please let me know ..when everything would start working correctly in my life...or i need to tollerate the same all my life


Please let me know any remedies if possible..


How my fututre would be...will it be same as its now?


Any suggestion or things to be taken care of

Please Please Reply....

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Respected sachin ji,


respected Mylilangel had given you a wonderful predictions to you and I was not able to find something in addition to those.


regaqrding your additional queries asked there I will like to advice you to stay in your homecountry, you will always have a strong tendency to stay away from your home, but i will advice you to stay within home country. I hope respected mylilangel can correct me if I am wrong.


For your marriage, love affair is indicated that may or maynot translate into a love marriage. Although you need to adjust your behaviour to have a successful married life whether arranged or love.


You do not have Kaal Sarpa yoga.


Although I will like to advice you a few things. Try to keep your mind calm, practice meditation, don't take loan which you can not repay I mean avoid taking loans and take only if there is minimum risks, Invest your money with extreme care, do not lend money to the person you doubt slightest that you may not get back the money from, take care of your health I doubt some chest infections in coming time.


Improve your thinking, positive thoughts attaract positive energy and negative thoughts attaract negative energy. Coming time will be better for you, I am sure. Do not loose hope. This is all I can say from your chart.


Please do the remedies as told by respected mylilangel, these remedies take time to show results but they help for sure. Do teh remedies, keep faith in God and do hard work with a balanced mind and prudence.


No night lasts forever

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