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Hi All,


This is Amar Kumar Raut .My Date of Birth is 09 Sep 1977 in Madhubani(Bihar)and time is 08:30 AM(Morning).


1. I was working in software company till Dec 2008 but due to recession i am not working job right now and am

looking for new job. When i can get good job in my carrier? What about my future?

2. Can i move in computer faculty profession or work as like software engineer earlier?

3. Can i success in government job?Please suggest the same.

4. who is my istha devta?

5. I am suffering leg pain for last one year.

6. I am wearing perl ,ruby and lapiz ring.Please suggest?

Thanks in advance



Amar Raut:mad:

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Hi there,


I am a learner of the divine subject. I went through your horoscope.


About your career, I would advice you to particularly try something related to teaching. I am not sure of govt job but teaching is definately clearly indicated.


Though I don't have much knowledge on gems but still want to say something here. Firstly, can you please tell if you are wearing all these stones on some expert's advice or not?


You are wearing ruby for sun and lapiz for saturn. Now both are enemies and sitting in the same house. I do understand that both are benefics for you- Sun as lord of house of income in own house and saturn as benefic yogakaraka.


But as far as my knowledge goes, one must only wear stones of planets who are in sync/ friends. However Sun and Saturn are bitter enemies and I would think that wearing both stones may be causing you more harm than benefit. Can you please tell when did you wear each of these stones and again if they were adviced by an "expert". Somehow my intuition says that your leg pain may have occured after wearing these stones :idea:


I personally would advice you to read Hanuman chalisa on tuesdays and saturdays. Pray Maa Durga on fridays- read durga chalisa. pray lord Shiva on mondays. Though moon and venus are benefics sitting well in 10th house of job and career, but Venus doesn't like Moon's company. and hence offering prayers on mondays and fridays can help you on the job front.


wish it helps. I hope the senior members here will correct me wherever necessary.


Best and regards

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Thanks for the great help!!!


As per astrologer, I am not using perl ring right now but the Lapiz and Ruby rings are using. I am also confused how can wear both the ring at same time.That's why i had placed my problem to expert forum.Please advice me which ring can be better for my carrer/job prospect???????????


Can i continuee perl ring together with Lapiz?


last 1 yrs I am suffering leg pain before using the Lapiz and Ruby rings.Please advice me when i can feel better?


Thanks in advance !!!!!


Amar Raut

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Dear Rautamar,


As I mentioned earlier I am no expert in stones. But still from what I understand, only Pearl should be fine. Wearing ruby or lapiz can give undesirable results. I wish the experts will bless us with their guidance here.


Moreover, I personally don't believ in stones cause if stones alone had the power to change our destiny and the results of our past karmas, first of all the astrologers should have been the HAPPIEST people on this earth :rolleyes: .


I would again insist that you concentrate on good karmas, consistent hard work and sincere prayers. Sadly, I could not work out from your reply if you were convinced to follow my other advices regarding prayers to different Gods. I wish you give it a serious thought. rest as they say is our karma by choice


Kind regards

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Hello Sir,


Thanks in advance!!!!


I feel that my time is not favorable currently in terms of money and job.Currently i am not working job.Last 12th December i was working as a software engineer in TOP MNC company but not yet due to cost cutting in my company. Now i am attending/preparing GOVT Bank's post like IT MANAGER.So please advice me the i am going good way or not? If ok then tell me the right time comes again in my life.



DOB: 9-9-1977

Time : 08:30:00 AM Morning

Place: Madhubani -Darbhanga(Bihar)


Please advice me for my carriers in more details.......


Amar Raut

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Dear Amar,


I think the latter half of october should definately bring some good news. Worship Lord Shiva daily if possible.It would help a lot. Though October may seem far but don't give up on your efforts in any way cause results can also come only after we have done our karma.


Best and regards

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