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Manual dasha calculations

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Dear All,


I know vimshottari dasha cycle and I can (all of us can) do it manually, but is there a table with the exact days and months for the sub dashas such as antar-dasha (AD) and pratyantar-dasha (PD) any where on the internet? I have been looking for it with little or no success. Please help me out, thanks



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Dear Ravi,


Vimshottari is a proportional dasa - Each planet has a specific proportion in this - and may differ from other planets. This proportioning applies to Mahadasa and also to antardasa etc.,


Now say Venus has a proportion of 20. This is 20 Mahadasa years out of total 120. Now for Venus / Venus antardasa it is the same proportion.


( 20 / 120 ) * 20 = 3.33 years 3 yrs 4 months.


For Sun the proportion is 6.

Continuing the same example

Venus / Sun is ( 20 / 120 ) * 6 = 1 yr.


We keep going on in this way into all levels.


There is a small trick in calculating the Antardasas that I'll share here.

Multiple the Mahadasa years by Antardasa years and divide by 10.

The quotient is time in months and the remainder multiplied by 3 is the number of days of the Mahadasa / Antardasa period.


For Say Venus / Ketu period = 20 * 7 = 140; Divide by 10 we get

quotient as 14 (months) and 0 x 3 = 0 days


For say Ketu / Ketu = 7 * 7 = 49; Divide by 10 we get quotient 4

( 4 months) and 9 x 3 = 27 days.


Hope this helps.



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Dear Classic72ji,


Thanks a lot, I remeber the year very well but the antradasha and pratynar-dasha is a problem, the solution (trick) is really wonderful and easy to practise, but could you suggest anything similar for pratynar-dasha as well? That will be just icing on the cake, thanks a lot sir




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Classic72ji,

Yes, I found it at last, here it is, thanks a lot





Sub period of a planet = (period of major planet x period of sub planet/120 years.)

Sub period = (period of major planet x period of sub planet/10) in months.



Sub-sub period


= (Period of major (Pratyantar Dasha) planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet) /(120x120) years


= (Period of major planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet) / 1200 months


Sub-sub-sub period =

(Period of major (Sookshma Dasha) planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet x period of sub-sub-sub planet)/(120x120x120) years.


= (Period of major planet x period of sub planet x period of sub-sub planet x period of sub-sub-sub planet)/ (1200x120) months.

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