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Hindu Beliefs and ritulas.

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hi all

a question regarding our hindu beliefs & rituals has been arising in my mind for last few years. we Hidus believe in Indra dev , surya dev , pawan dev etc. and these gods are reponsible for Rain , sunlight , air etc. so why these gods are not recognized all over the world? does anybody else is responsible for Rain in britain, rome, egypt, europe etc. and why these gods gave birth to their children only in India. like Arjun was the son of Indra, Karan was the son of Lord sun etc. do these god have some hosility with other countries?

I am giving one example:- Planet Mars, is recognized all over the world as 'Lord of war' Romans used to pray Mars before starting War. other culture also consider it as Lord of war, even we hindus worship Lord hanuman as a symbol of Mars , think that what color we offer to lord hanuman i.e red(sindoori) and that is the color of Mars. so indirectly we pray the planet mars.in the same way jupiter is considered all over the world as a teacher and same thing is there with other planets .


so I am in dilemma that if Planet signifies same thing and have recognition in all cultures than why god of natural power like Indra, pawan dev, etc do not have recognition all over the world?


I request all of you to kindly think over it and give the solution

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Over the time in kali yuga mlech dharma has increased.Their followers such as christians and muslims are told to beleive only in one god.This discloses the fact that people use to worship other deities also, but not necessarily vedik.In kali yuga it is predicted that mlech dharma will be prominent.

if you want to compare with roman religion i dont know much but i have read somewhere that zeus can be related to be indras father.


Lord hanuman is not the direct deity of mars.He is more powerful that is why people pray to remove the effects of planetary dosh.



go have a read at bhavishya puraan you can find answers there.


do not have recognition all over the world

Be more clear ,people from other countries are teaching and telling and practicing sanatan dharma.You can find them on this site.

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Sant ji I am very very thankful to you for giving the answer of my queries. Please dont think that I am Atheist , these queries are arising in my mind because I am getting more inclined towards spirituality.


one more thing sant ji The Great war Mahabharata took place somewaht 3000 B.C or 5000 years back. i want to know that what other countries in the world were doing at that time. we dont get any recital of other countries in Mahabharat and also they did not participate in that war. many countries like Afganistan etc were the part of india but what about China, Egypt? I heard that the younger brother of Dhirtrastra i.e maharaj Pandu won almost the whole earth so why other countries are not mentioned in that great poetry.


I have read that people of MAYA civilization have mentioned about the storm that last for seven days and destroyed DWARKA in their manuscripts. I took the Example of China and Egypt because they are very old civilizations and they must have been present at that time.


thanking you.

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Kali himself ruled in the form Mlechchh. Later Kali, along with his wife, prayed Naraayan. Pleased with his prayer, Naaraayan appeared before him. Kali said - "Hey Naath, Vedvaan's father Pradyot has destroyed my dwelling place and killed my dear Mlechchh." Bhagavaan said - "Kali, Because of several reasons, you are better than other Yug. I will fulfill your desire by assuming several forms. Adam named man and Havyavatee named woman will produce many children who will increase the Mlechchh people." After saying this Hari got disappeared and Kali Yug got very happy. He stayed on Neelaachal Parvat for some time.

Vedvaan's Sunand named son died without a child. After this Aaryaavart Desh started deteriorating and Mlechchh got stronger. Eighty-eight thousand Muni who lived in Naimish Aranya went to Himaalaya and got busy in talking about Vishnu in Badaree Kshetra."

Soot Jee further said - "Hey Muni, There were still 16,000 years remaining in Dwaapar Yug. Several kings were there during that period. Somewhere there were Shoodra, somewhere there were Varnsankar kings also. When 8,202 years remained in Dwaapar Yug, this land was started controlled by Mlechchh. Their first man was Aadam and first woman was Havyavatee (Havvaa). Both lived controlling their Indriyaan.

Hari arranged a beautiful large garden for them in the east side of Pradaan city. It was 4 Kos long. There was a Paap tree there. Kali Yug assumed the form of snake and came to Hauvvaa and fed her the bad fruit wrapped in Goolar leaves. Thus Hauvvaa disobeyed Vishnu. This caused her to produce many sons who were called Mlechchh. Adam went to Swarg with his wife. His eldest son was Shwet whose age has been told as 112 years. His son was Anuh who ruled for a little less than that of his father (Shwet).

Anuh's son was Mahallal

Mahallal's son was Maanagar

Maanagar's son was Virad - he inhabited a city on his name

Virad's son was Hanook - who was a devotee of Vishnu

He did Havan of fruits and acquired Brahm Gyaan and he went to Swarg with

his physical body. Although he followed all conduct of Dwij and worhipped Devtaa,

still learned people called him Mlechchh. Muni tell that, Vishnu Bhakti, Agni worship,

Ahinsaa, Tapasyaa and controlling of Indriyaan are Dharm of Mlechchh.

Hanook's son was Matochchhil

Matochchhil's son was Lomak - he attained Swarg in the end.

Lomak's son was Nyooh -

Nyooh was a devotee of Vishnu. Once he had Darshan of Vishnu in dream. He said to him - "Vats, Listen, On the 7th day from today will be Pralaya. You board a boat with all your people and protect yourself. Then you will be a famous man. Hearing Bhagavaan he got built a strong boat which was 300 Haath (from tip pf the middle finger to elbow) long and 50 Haath wide and 30 Haath Nyooh had three sons - Seem, Sham, and Bhaavhigh and all the living beings were there. Meditating on Vishnu aboarded on that boat along with all of his descendents.

In the meantime, Indra rained for 40 days continuously. The whole Bhaarat was filled with water. All four seas became one. Prithvi sank in that water except Himaalaya's Badaree Van area remained above he water. Those 88,000 Rishi and Muni stayed there only protected from this calamity. Nyooh also arrived there and got saved. All other beings of the world got destroyed. At that time Muni prayed Vsihnu's Maayaa. Devee got pleased and he stopped the increase of water. Himaalaya's Shishinaa named land got appeared after one year when the water got decreased. Nyooh came back to that land an started living there."


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what do you two mean??


The quality of english is terrible, and who is Adam? Adam is an anglicised hebrew name from the old testament, it isn't sanskrit.


As far as I'm aware, there is no sampradaya that follows all puranas, since there are different ones that say different things, and not everyone thinks that every purana has come from a proper source. Ie there's one of them that mentions Queen Victoria and Mohammed.

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.In the meantime, Indra rained for 40 days continuously. The whole Bhaarat was filled with water. All four seas became one. Prithvi sank in that water except Himaalaya's Badaree Van area remained above he water. Those 88,000 Rishi and Muni stayed there only protected from this calamity. Nyooh also arrived there and got saved. All other beings of the world got destroyed.


Old Testament much?

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of course it isnt a sanskrit name.

Dont you know that.


What you have to understand is, this adam and eve purana was written in 19th century probably with some british missionary inputs.This story is a bad concoction of adam and eve story mixed with the much later flood story.Look before you leap.


No scholar worth his name has commented on this so called purana.If you start quoting the innumerable puranas of doubtful authors you will be lost.

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What you have to understand is, this adam and eve purana was written in 19th century probably with some british missionary inputs.This story is a bad concoction of adam and eve story mixed with the much later flood story.Look before you leap.


No scholar worth his name has commented on this so called purana.If you start quoting the innumerable puranas of doubtful authors you will be lost.


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maybe but do you have proof

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hi all

a question regarding our hindu beliefs & rituals has been arising in my mind for last few years. we Hidus believe in Indra dev , surya dev , pawan dev etc. and these gods are reponsible for Rain , sunlight , air etc. so why these gods are not recognized all over the world? does anybody else is responsible for Rain in britain, rome, egypt, europe etc. and why these gods gave birth to their children only in India. like Arjun was the son of Indra, Karan was the son of Lord sun etc. do these god have some hosility with other countries?

I am giving one example:- Planet Mars, is recognized all over the world as 'Lord of war' Romans used to pray Mars before starting War. other culture also consider it as Lord of war, even we hindus worship Lord hanuman as a symbol of Mars , think that what color we offer to lord hanuman i.e red(sindoori) and that is the color of Mars. so indirectly we pray the planet mars.in the same way jupiter is considered all over the world as a teacher and same thing is there with other planets .


so I am in dilemma that if Planet signifies same thing and have recognition in all cultures than why god of natural power like Indra, pawan dev, etc do not have recognition all over the world?


I request all of you to kindly think over it and give the solution


The solution is simple. These Gods and stories were created by authors who lived in India. Just like Middle eastern Gods had stories revolving around the middle eastern locale and culture, Native American Gods containing native American themes, Chinese Gods set in Chinese backgrounds. Gods created by Indian authors lived in the Indian region, looked Indian, wore silk, chewed paan, ate curds rice and were mostly vegetarian as is the culture of the region.


You can only work with what you have. Obviously we will not find stories of worshipping an Indian God with strawberries or salmon, as these are not native to the country and our authors from those times never knew of strawberries. They created modes of worship using tropical items like coconuts, betel leaves, bananas...things they knew about.


What was the rest of the world doing during the Mahabharata?


The Mahabharata was developed over a long period - 1500 BC - 500 AD and is set in North India. Egyptians had built the Great Pyramid around 3000 BC and the Phoenicians had already developed the science of seafare, much before that.



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What you have to understand is, this adam and eve purana was written in 19th century probably with some british missionary inputs.This story is a bad concoction of adam and eve story mixed with the much later flood story.
yes i agree with this, as i came to know about same story of flood by some christian propagator during my childhood. Also we have the historical record of all major activities after mahabharat war. we have Name of all Kings from Yudhister to Vikramaditya .In that record disaster like this flood is not mentioned anywhere. so when did it happen.?
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The solution is simple. These Gods and stories were created by authors who lived in India. Just like Middle eastern Gods had stories revolving around the middle eastern locale and culture, Native American Gods containing native American themes, Chinese Gods set in Chinese backgrounds. Gods created by Indian authors lived in the Indian region, looked Indian, wore silk, chewed paan, ate curds rice and were mostly vegetarian as is the culture of the region.


You can only work with what you have. Obviously we will not find stories of worshipping an Indian God with strawberries or salmon, as these are not native to the country and our authors from those times never knew of strawberries. They created modes of worship using tropical items like coconuts, betel leaves, bananas...things they knew about.



thanks for your reply sir

if different gods are true for different different cultures then who is the Supreme Power . Because these gods(Jesus,Ram, etc) were born on earth but who is that power which has created the Earth.




Mahabharata was developed over a long period - 1500 BC - 500 AD and is set in North India. Egyptians had built the Great Pyramid around 3000 BC and the Phoenicians had already developed the science of seafare, much before that.




so it means they were there at that time and these countries and there people, rulers were present at that time. So why we dont get their recital (even little) in Mahabharta ? at that time if we had relation with with Gandhaar(now Kandhaar, afganistaan) then why didn't with Egyptian and Chinese.

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thanks for your reply sir

if different gods are true for different different cultures then who is the Supreme Power . Because these gods(Jesus,Ram, etc) were born on earth but who is that power which has created the Earth.


No one can answer that question. It is obvious that the stories handed down to us are man made and are therefore of no value. You will have to be careful not get drawn into fiction when you have questions - hard as it may be.



so it means they were there at that time and these countries and there people, rulers were present at that time. So why we dont get their recital (even little) in Mahabharta ? at that time if we had relation with with Gandhaar(now Kandhaar, afganistaan) then why didn't with Egyptian and Chinese.


It is not necessary to find references to foreign civilizations in the Mahabharata. It has already been established that the Indus valley civilization, which predates the Mahabharata was trading with the mesopotaminan civilization. Herodotus (500 BC) knew India.


Anyway, the Mahbharata does talk about "Chinas" along with Kiratas who were mostly of mongoloid races and it is possible that some of them may have been from the Himalayan Indo-China border regions. China and India have been trading and interacting for thousands of years and that should not come as a surprise. Greeks (Yavanas) are also mentioned in the Mahabharata. Ashoka (3rd century BC) knew the Egyptian ruler of his time by name (the correct name).



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hi all

a question regarding our hindu beliefs & rituals has been arising in my mind for last few years. we Hidus believe in Indra dev , surya dev , pawan dev etc. and these gods are reponsible for Rain , sunlight , air etc. so why these gods are not recognized all over the world? does anybody else is responsible for Rain in britain, rome, egypt, europe etc. and why these gods gave birth to their children only in India. like Arjun was the son of Indra, Karan was the son of Lord sun etc. do these god have some hosility with other countries?




I am guessing you are looking for an answer from a Hindu perspective instead of a dry secular one. After all, you are posting the question here in a forum of practitioners instead of asking a bunch of non-practitioner academics.


Some early scholars have tried to argue that the ancient Vedic deities were imported from Greece just as the Roman deities were. However, there is no reason why it could not be the other way around - their deities being imported from India and renamed.


Now as far as knowledge of these deities is concerned - these are atindriya entities and so they can not be known from sources that are limited to the perceptions of their authors. As per Vedantic tradition, the Vedas are apaurusheya and can give information about things that are beyond the realm of the human senses, including information about the devas who administer over this universe. To the extent that Vedas are studied and propagated within any given culture, people will have information about these devas. If there is no Vedic culture, there will be no information about the devas, unless knowledge about them is imported by a civilization. Otherwise, people will make up and worship their own "gods."


Regarding the point about India being the focus - certainly that appears to be true. However, there are numerous references in the Puranas/Itihasas to far away lands, so I would not say that it is only in India where Puranic stories have taken place. As far as why children of devas are usually born in India, consider the point - if you were a celestial being who was worshipped by brahmins and glorified in Vedic hymns, would you want your child to be born in a culture that believes in the same or elsewhere? :-)

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yes i agree with this, as i came to know about same story of flood by some christian propagator during my childhood. Also we have the historical record of all major activities after mahabharat war. we have Name of all Kings from Yudhister to Vikramaditya .In that record disaster like this flood is not mentioned anywhere. so when did it happen.?


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of course it is mentioned it happened in the kaliyuga.

You should understand the whole earth was bhaarat at one time.




if different gods are true for different different cultures then who is the Supreme Power . Because these gods(Jesus,Ram, etc) were born on earth but who is that power which has created the Earth.




Why the earth why not the universe.This il not answer because i have not seen god.So it isnt fair ,besides you are faithless.God is not our servant to come and tell everybody in front of video cameras i am god.Our scriptures say that god is beyond our minds to understand.So no point in just telling you he is god or he is god.That is why there are yogis-To find god.

No point in talking to you.Go and read some scriptures and come.Develop faith.This is the kaliyuga.

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Why the earth why not the universe.This il not answer because i have not seen god.So it isnt fair ,besides you are faithless.God is not our servant to come and tell everybody in front of video cameras i am god.Our scriptures say that god is beyond our minds to understand.So no point in just telling you he is god or he is god.That is why there are yogis-To find god.

No point in talking to you.Go and read some scriptures and come.Develop faith.This is the kaliyuga.


I think that you have got annoyed by the other's comment on your posting. There is nothing in my query which may annoy you. I am not faithless i have faith that's why I am getting involved in such Holy discuusion to enhance my knowledge level. No body has seen the god not Ram krishna but we worship them because we came to know about them through great Sages . i was looking for the answer of Supreme power from Any great sage and there is nothing wrong in that if I am searchin the supreme power.

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I said it with you agreeing on archaelogical works completely.



If you say you are faithful then why are you asking who is the supreme power.When youve already mentioned him.

If i tell that to you who is supreme power ,

Then you would ask questions such as why, how,etc.


Then i would qoute the scriptures .


Then these people will come again with their archaeoligical theories on scriptures.




And its hard to watch people calling vedik scriptures as just archaelogical finds or something .

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ha ha ha..............just cool down sant ji there is nothing to get angry. but I have not mentioned any supreme power, I believe that their is some power which is governing the life on earth so I just wanted to know about that supreme power. Actually If you are clear about your views and beliefs then dont pay attention on what others are saying.

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of course it isnt a sanskrit name.

Dont you know that.


Don't I know that? I just told you that you strange person.


This Purana is a concoction, anyone can see that. You need to give up your internet reading, because you come up with crap like this. Get soem consistency.


Not only is it a concoction, but the english is terrible, no wonder it only lives on the internet.

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I said it with you agreeing on archaelogical works completely.



If you say you are faithful then why are you asking who is the supreme power.When youve already mentioned him.

If i tell that to you who is supreme power ,

Then you would ask questions such as why, how,etc.


Then i would qoute the scriptures .


Then these people will come again with their archaeoligical theories on scriptures.




And its hard to watch people calling vedik scriptures as just archaelogical finds or something .


Bhavishya purana is not Vedic. Find me anyone of note who accepts it. Not just Vaisnavas, anyone respectable, you wont find them.

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