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Retrograde Saturn or Jupiter-Rahu Transit

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Hi All

During last 4 -5 months I have been struggling and could not figure out what is the reason for such a Big Delay. I am going to present before all the details so that everyone can see why Astrological predictions are a TOUGH task and needs a lots of Concentrations and analysis

Problem: I visited <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> after a stay of nearly 1.5 yrs in US for a personal work and lost my Visa/passport at the last day of visit. Till date I am in the process of getting the Visa and it is getting delayed without any reason even tough I had a valid visa till 2011 and I should have got the duplicate Visa in a day or so.


Chart Details

DOB: 4th August 1976

TOB: 08:55 AM

POB: New Delhi



Dasha operating at the Time of Lost ---- Mercury/Saturn/Mercury

Dasha operating at the current time ----- Mercury/Saturn/Ketu

  • IT could be predicted that such an event will occur because in Jan 2009 i.e. at the visit of native to <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region>, Mercury was RETROGRADE and a retrograde mercury indicates Losses during a TRAVEL

  • It could also be predicted that during the same time Jupiter – Rahu were transiting the 6<sup>th</sup> house of the native i.e. Capricorn and due to this there may be a negative effect and hence a possible solution for the Visa should come out when Jupiter moves Kumbha Rasi in the month of ?May 2009. ( The native have always received a negative result in his life during each of the Jupiter- Rahu transit )

  • IT could also be predicted that due to RETROGRADE SATURN from Dec 2008 the native may see delay in the work as Saturn is placed in the 12<sup>th</sup> house of the native’s chart.

Since there are 3 possibilities and many others to happen too it becomes so difficult for the Astrologer to say the right answer because Mercury Retrograde finishes in Feb 2009, Jupiter Rahu Transit finishes on <st1:date year="2009" day="1" month="5">1<sup>st</sup> May 2009</st1:date> and Saturn Retrograde finishes on <st1:date year="2009" day="16" month="5">16<sup>th</sup> May 2009</st1:date>.

Hope Gurus of this forum could throw some light on this and help everyone understand the complexity of the Astrological Predictions.


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Dear Vipvats,

There are two things which influence the events and their effects.

First thing is Grahachara (Planetary position in natal chart and dasas) which are of permanent nature .

Second is Gochara (Transiting of planets) over the houses at different points of time. This is temporary and partially modifies the assumed predictions.

Predictions based on one may get modified in reality and unless second is taken into consideration , the predictions may fail.

Here the remedies play their part in reducing the malefic effects.Some remedies are to be done through out their life and some are during the dasa or transit period.

You know astrology,so apply the first and second and know the reason.

with best wishes,


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Thanks a lot USR ji


Do you still feel that I have missed any points in the Analysis or we have to keep in mind other things too


Does for the case of Foreign Travel like mine do we only need to chaeck the Gochara of OUTER planets ( Mars, Jupiter and Saturn ) or we have to look at inner planets also


Your comments will be appreciated



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