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Had 2 accidents in 2 yrs & no job

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My details are


DOB - 12 May,1981

Place - Faridabad, Haryana

Time - 5.26 am


Had job on contractual basis which last in March,2007.Since then i am searching for the job and 2 accidents happened till date.


Had first accident on


Date - 21 May,2007

Time - in between 9.30 am-10.30 am


Was recovering from that and had a major surgery of my left leg but once again met an accident on


Date - 27 April,2008

Time - 5.00-6.00 pm


And second time surgery happened of same leg.


Please predict for me and let me know if I am a manglik?

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DOB - 12 May,1981

Place - Faridabad, Haryana

Time - 5.26 am



Here is your birth chart:

<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">24:25:18</td> <td class="contentMailer">Bharani-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">27:35:04</td> <td class="contentMailer">Krutika-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">10:04:08</td> <td class="contentMailer">Magha-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">18:49:06</td> <td class="contentMailer">Bharani-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">13:19:55</td> <td class="contentMailer">Rohini-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">07:13:15</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarafalguni-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">06:37:01</td> <td class="contentMailer">Krutika-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">09:53:15</td> <td class="contentMailer">Uttarafalguni-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Cancer</td> <td class="contentMailer">11:59:15</td> <td class="contentMailer">Pushya-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Capricorn</td> <td class="contentMailer">11:59:14</td> <td class="contentMailer">Shravan-1</td></tr></tbody></table>

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This is your Vimshottari dasha cycle

<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">Start Date</td> <td class="contentboldMailer">End Date</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">29 Jan, 1976</td> <td class="contentMailer">31 Jan, 1983</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">31 Jan, 1983</td> <td class="contentMailer">31 Jan, 2003</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">31 Jan, 2003</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Feb, 2009</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">03 Feb, 2009</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Feb, 2019</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">05 Feb, 2019</td> <td class="contentMailer">07 Feb, 2026</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">07 Feb, 2026</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Feb, 2044</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Feb, 2044</td> <td class="contentMailer">10 Feb, 2060</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">10 Feb, 2060</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Feb, 2079</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">09 Feb, 2079</td> <td class="contentMailer">10 Feb, 2096</td></tr></tbody></table>

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Right now as you can see from the table above - running Moon mahadasha or MD, which will end in Feb, 2019 and started this Feb only. On the day of the first accident (21st May, 2007)you were running Sun MD and Mercury AD ie antar-dasha. On the day of 2nd accident (27th Apr, 2008) you were running Sun MD and Venus AD ie antar-dasha. In your birth chart (kundli) there is Aries lagna and thus both Merucry (being the lord of 3rd and 6th house) and Venus (being the lord of the 2nd and 7th house) and functional malefics and thus have the destructive power attached to them. Now from Feb this year only you have started the Moon MD and right now Ketu is transiting over your 4th house indicating a sale of house, property, land and pain to mother. Also foreign travel for some purpose may be study. You should stop worrying about anything else and just focus your entire energy on life building process first by taking the necessary rest+medicine to step up your recovery and then trying to implement your career plans ie job search or further studies etc. Good luck with your plans, thanks



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The placment of Sun and Mars both being malefic planets for Aries lagna is quite good but fiery in nature as Mars is a fiery planet and in Aries sign it gets the perfect enviornment to show its fiery nature. Thus accidents. But this combination should also help you when the right dashas come into play in future. The Mars MD between 2019 and 2026 should give you +ve results.



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The Mars MD between 2019 and 2026 should give you +ve results.




Does that mean that nothing +ve would happen before 2019.

And at the time of 2nd accident i was with my aquintances ( a known family) , so does their planets had affect on my planets conditions ( e.g MD or AD)

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Does that mean that nothing +ve would happen before 2019.

And at the time of 2nd accident i was with my aquintances ( a known family) , so does their planets had affect on my planets conditions ( e.g MD or AD)


No I did not say that, there will be good times in between, let me tell you that during each MD there are sub dashas also known as antar-dashas or simply ADs which have their own fruits, depending upon their individual positions in the chart, so there is no need for you to become completely hopeless. Ups and downs are always there.

Accidents do happen and it is simply due to bad luck sometimes and there is absoultely no need to think that you will inherit all the evils in your fellow-travellers charts, this has no bearing on you at all, simply stay focus and you will win. Good luck



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