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  1. I am very sorry if i hurt you in any way. I do not want to disrespect your suggestions. Infact , i have already started the prayers and poojas you told me to do. I was concerned about the gemstones only. Just a brief about me and accident. I am a software engg in MNC. Had a major road accident last yr. in april . Our taxi was crushed by a truck . I lost my mother in it and I and my father were badly injured. My father had head injury in which he lost his memory. It is recovered now but his medication is going on for it. He had right hip fracture and had 3 major hip replacement surgeries till date but all are in vain. He is still on bed and could not walk on his own. He is already a heart patient before accident and had his bypass done earlier. And had an attack at the time of accident also. My both legs and both arms had multiple fractures. Major surgeries were done and now i have rods and plates both in my legs and arms. Were bedridden for almost 5 months. And resume office after 8 months. Now i am able to walk but dependant for some of the work to do like i cannot sit on the floor with both my legs fold, cannot climb stairs with my right leg-it pains a lot, cannot hold any heavy thing with my arms - not even a kid who is a yr. old. My elder sister who has been taking care of both of us since 1 yr. also had a right foot fracture in march. She still not able to walk properly. I do not know when things would be fine and do not know if God has written any good time in our lives or not.
  2. everyone is giving his advice...whom should i believe?
  3. thanx for al ur sugestions . One more thing i wanted to ask ...is it like..if i wear Ruby of more than 2 carats...it will positively effect me more and quickly? You didnt give any specification for Moti...2 carats or more than that?
  4. on which day i should wear Ruby and Moti ? any puja before wearing those? on which fingers? Thanx Sheetal
  5. thanx Riaz , one more thing , its about Ruby gemstones u adviced ... any idea about its price for 2 carat and what are the basis of its originality.
  6. So , can i do this once for the all 4 weeks...there is no running water nearby my place....
  7. I am sorry Riaz but i am not able to understand how would all this help me and in whcih way
  8. I have explained my current situation in my other reply . Please let me know when my situation would change for good.
  9. Thanx for ur advice on gemstone beneficial for me. Yes, i have 2 elder sister. The 2nd sister is adopted by my father's uncle (chachaji) .Both are married and have 2 kids each. In the accident which i mentioned earlier happened last year and i lost my mother in that accident , my father is bed riden and i am still under recovery. Just wanted to know the best possible ways (poojas, gemstones, fast etc..) through which me and my father can overcome this tough time.
  10. Hi Had a major road accident last year in april and still under recovery. My details are:- DOB - 22 march 1980 Time - 9.26 am Place - Karnal,Haryana Please let me know which gemstone i should wear for my good health and for my professional growth, i am a software engineer working in MNC.
  11. TIME OF BIRTH 9.26 am DATE OF BIRTH 22 march 1980 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. Karnal/Haryana/India SEX FEMALE Your current status : Software Professional in an MNC Educational background : MCA Work Industry.: IT Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember: Had a major road accident last year in april.Lost my mother , father is bed ridden and i am still under recovery. Time of acident: in between 5.30pm-6.00pm Date: 27 April,2008 Family background Father : Retired Bank Officer Mother : house wife Brothers : No Sisters : Elder and happily married Please predict for me when will my Father be fine and am i manglik? And when will my marriage happen?
  12. Thanx a lot Ravi, for all these details. Its painful to know that i lost my mother coz of me. We were going to see a matrimonial match for me on the day of accident. Anyways,i'l surely take all ur sugestions seriously. Thanx What is the right time for me to settle?
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