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Gaj Kesari, Vipreet Raj and Akhanda Samrajya YOGA - A Nice Chart

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Hi All budding Astrologers


Can any one help in analyzing this chart for the following YOGA and what benefits or negative effect they will leave on person


1. Vipreet Raj Yoga


2. Gaj Kesari Yoga


3. Akhanda Samrajya Yoga





DOB - 04 August 1976

POB - New Delhi

TOB - 08:55 AM


Thanks to all in advance

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Dear Vipvats,


As per the details provided by you, this is the chart formed:

Lagna: Leo

Rashi: Scorpio

Current Dasha: Mercury + Saturn - 24th Feb 2011


Vipreet Harsha Raj Yoga

This yoga is formed when lord of 6th house is in 6th,8th or 12th house. Here 6th lord is Saturn, and is placed in 12th house. Saturn is placed with Sun which is inauspicious. Moreover Saturn is ill placed in Cancer. Saturn is a weak planet in this chart and I don't see the native enjoying any benefit from this yoga.


Gaja Kesarai Yoga

This yoga is formed when Jupiter is placed in kendra from Moon. Here Jupiter is in kendra both in Rashi and Navamsha from Moon. Placement of Jupiter is fine, however, moon is deliberant. Effects look average.


Akhanda Samrajya Yoga

This yoga is also formed because of Jupiter. Here the effects would be good. Native will do well in his professional life and may attain a place where he has his own kingdom or something in relation to that.



How has been the relationship of the native with his siblings? Are the siblings far from him/her?




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You should always remember, there are innumerous yogas which can be predicted in a natal chart. Having these yogas doesn't make anyone rich or poor. I've seen you posting threads asking about these yogas, so I've decided to write in a few words.


If a begger has Raj Yoga in his chart then during the phase where one enjoys the yoga, he would earn a bit more than what he was earning earlier. The Raj Yoga won't give him billions unless he does his karma. And if a girl, all peach and born in the richest family on the planet, has the dreadful Daridra Yoga, what will happen to her money, instead of inheriting she may live being dependent on others, she will spend as she used to spend, and would never see the misery of the begger.


You have various yogas in your chart. There are some prominent ones, however their impact would only be felt when the associated planet's dasha will start.


So, don't start spending time analyzing how good or bad your chart is. Planets can only guide you, like you have Venus and Jupiter associated with 10th house which is the house of profession. This shows a profession related to education, or expensive items, or a field of indepth analysis and research. Considering this you should make your career in the associated field to get the maximum benefit from the planets. Similarly, while in bad times you should play safe, like in current MD of Mercury and AD of Saturn, you should always think before you do anything. Next Ketu will start in 2011, Ketu is in 9th house, the house of luck, religion and father. Your Ketu is neutral, you will see luck on your side and your father/paternal side/relatives helping you every now and then, inclination towards religion is also indicated and would be good for you.


Don't get overwhelmed. Mars + Mercury + Venus will make you rich but will also make you talk unnecessary. You have some yogas which indicate taking bad decisions without thinking properly or just doing things without general considerations, usually it is seen when Moon and Mercury is not well placed.


Hope it helps. Again, don't get much bothered, do your job right. Things will be great.




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Hi Ayush


Thanks a lot for advice and analysis .... I was worried abt it becuase currently I am facing a back pull in my career and profession... I agree with you on the point that Mars Mercury and Venus will help me but due to this setback in past 2 months i got a bit negative in my thoughts....


I will be highly thankful to you if you could bestow some knowledge on my chart and let me know what all YOGA can really be beneficila to me so that I could do the rightful in the right time...


The biggest Question you asked was Me being far away from my Sibbling ...Then you are right, Currently my daughter is in US and I am stuck due to delay in Visa in India ...... When will this work out and I will be able to join my daughter....

Kindly Let me know

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I am currently on H1B and working in US for past 2 yrs ....I was in US with my Wife and daughter and my rest family in India including sibllings...I am currently with them but away from my Family in US


Kindly let me know abt the issues and YOGA which could be benficial

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Hi Ayush


As yuo mentioned that Vipreet Raj yoga cannot be felt in my chart due to weakness of SAT, But as per this article which says that a weak planet in the Dusthana ...can some one clear my Confusion....The part of article is pasted below


The important condition for the fructification of this Rajyoga is that the planets involved should either (a) be weak by placement in a Dusthana (evil houses 3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th ) or in debility in Rasi/Navamsa OR (b) be very strong in Kendra/Trikona and simultaneously transfer the power to the Lord of Lagna (or Atmakaraka) by conjunction or aspect. Unless this transfer of the power of the VRY occurs, the native himself may not rise but will benefit due to the rise of another person. The results of the situations of VRY in the two cases is grossly different. In the first case, the native rises due to the death/ downfall of an enemy whereas in the latter situation the native rises after the death/downfall of an ally or friend. The significations of the planets conjoining the VRY maybe destroyed in this process

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