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whats the point

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i always wonder that if our previous life karma brought us to this life and so on, then there must be a start as in first life where we did not do any karma.then why were we born in the first stage?

god is the supreme being-true.but when he is the supreme being why does he have to start a life form to gain experience?


i am not trying to contradict anything but these were the doubts i have been having since the age of 5.

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i feel ike whats the point to being born to this world............alot of people would say the point of being born of this world is to become god counsiese. but everything is just so repetative u wake up u go to work everyday u come home do it all over again, then u get married and have a bunch of kids then u die of old age. u work ur whole life so all u could do is retire and die. what the point of all this, its repetative boring abd not worth it at all. whatsd the point?



I think happiness is the point of our life. But some people say that the meaning of life is love and family while others might say it is an adventure.

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No, it is your karma alone that brought you to where you are.

You can't blame it on your parents.

They are just vehicles for YOUR karma to be played out.


Today I read a chapter of Geeta. found a Quote "People even can't live without karma, Its essential for living" . It is called "KarmYog".

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  • 10 months later...

i feel ike whats the point to being born to this world............alot of people would say the point of being born of this world is to become god counsiese. but everything is just so repetative u wake up u go to work everyday u come home do it all over again, then u get married and have a bunch of kids then u die of old age. u work ur whole life so all u could do is retire and die. what the point of all this, its repetative boring abd not worth it at all. whatsd the point?

The right question would be WHY are we born into this world.


The answer is : to fulfill the vAsanA (desires), latent, dormant, active, that a transmigrating jIva holds.


To roll out the results of past karma. Unfortunately, in the process, living beings acrue more karma and develop new vAsanA. This cycle has to stop and this happens when one fortunately meets a saint (santa), satpurush, sadguru or svayam bhagvAn, or writings and words of either, with satsanga.


om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ~

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