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Itchy Scalp!

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I have the following problems with my scalp:

1. It is highly itchy, different areas of scalp becomes red and irritates me like anything.

2. Horrible dandruff and does not go away.

3. SERIOUS Hair fall.


I want to get rid of red itchy scalp. I tried all natural treatments (Apple cider vinegar, lemon. curd&methi, applying oils) and all shampoos (Head&Shoulders, Nizoral, Himalaya Anti dandruff shampoo).


NOTHING IS WORKING. Infact shampooing my hair is making it worse. My scalp is getting more irritated while I take head bath with these shampoos. I guess the chemicals/ingredients are doing it.


Could anyone suggest me something for my scalp? My scalp is horribly irritated if I go in sun, or if I sweat. Please suggest me something and I am patient enough to wait for the results. Thanks for your time.

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Dear Bhargav these are indications of "Agrrevated vata-aggreveated Kapha" combination.

To continue your problem - added to all above symptoms u must also be noticing that hair is turning DRY and BRITTLE,U can also feel roughness near the roots of the hair.


Avoid dry fruits,(especially cashew nutsand pea nuts) gassy type of foods, red meat,sea foods, lime/lemon related foods,cold water and ice creams.


To make it simple-Aviod all foods which are increasing Heat in ur body and which are heavy in nature.This will bring about a noticable change in your problem


Apart from diet do this for 15 days to see change:


1.Buy "Neem leaf powder" and "Bilva leaf powder" - u can get them in any herbla store, mix them in equal quantities and apply it generously on your head leave it atleast for half an hour and wash it with any light shampoo. = do this continously for a 15 days to see the result.


Gu dluk

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I was going through the similar problem like you in the past. I have tried 100's of treatments and didn't work including neem powder etc. Here is a easy solution and will work as a charm if you do it religiously. you are allergic to both chemical based shampoo and the water in ur area seems very hard.


1. wash ur hair once a week.

2. either use head n shoulders shampoo//nirzol shampoo and later wash ur head with johnson baby shampoo

3. towel dry your hair ..don't use a blow dryer.


This will look simple but will work for you very effectively.

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I was going through the similar problem like you in the past. I have tried 100's of treatments and didn't work including neem powder etc. Here is a easy solution and will work as a charm if you do it religiously. you are allergic to both chemical based shampoo and the water in ur area seems very hard.


1. wash ur hair once a week.

2. either use head n shoulders shampoo/nirzol shampoo and later wash ur head with johnson baby shampoo

3. towel dry your hair ..don't use a blow dryer.


This will look simple but will work for you very effectively.

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