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shivering after electric shock

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Dear Sheetal ji

As per as you mentioned about the Problem of one Old guy who is suffering from last two years after getting electric shock about shivering the problem in Ayurveda is Called Kampavatta.. and you know once he got that schocke his nerves got weak and there is not complete circulation of blood and there is treatment in Ayurveda the details of treatment are :-


compound number 1 --

swarn Kampa vaat ras

Mahavatvidwanswak ras

Akangveer ras

Malla sindoor..

swarn vatakuntak ras

prawal pisti



Mix all those herbs and Ayurvedic rasayan to form one compound in form of Puria and take 1-1 puria twice a day mix with Honey ..


After taking those puria (compound number -1 )


Maharasnadi quat

4-tea spoon maharsnadi quat + 4 tea spoon water twice a day after lunch and dinner ..





4 tea spoon ashwagandha risha and 4 tea spoon Water before sleeping only night..


please take medicines atleast one months and i m sure about the miracle effects..

but please be should be aware about the quality of Ayurvedic Medicines.


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