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i like obama

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He is a pro-abortionist so what is the quality of his vision of reality. That said I thought he was just a smooth talker but now I see he is very sincere and I am in agreement with 99% of what he says, especially concerrning healthcare for all.


He is disengaging the US from Iraq in a responsible way and is showing wisdom in Afghanistan. I worried he would be too soft on terrorists but so good so far. After one Taliban freak from Pakistan said he was going to blow up the white house his base in nothwest pakistan was hit by a missle from a US drone. I love it. He has refocused the war effort.


He is also leading an attack on unbridled non-regulated capitalism which has run rampant over the common working folk lately and would have only gotten worse with another Republican Administration.


There is at least now some realistic hope on environmental issues also if it's not already too late.


Yeah he has earned my cautious and qualified support. But I will still never vote for a materialist and baby killer.


It's all just karma playing out anyway. Devotees must keep their consciousness above such murky waters even while interacting within the world of names.

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good points, theist. I, too, was afraid he would be too liberal, but he seems to follow in the footsteps of two ol heroes of mine, MLK and malcolm X. Folks who study these two figures of american history will know, but the kookoos will claim that they are theirs (as if MLK would have any solidarity with the pervs).


He has ticked me off many times, but Im cuttin him great slack, because the job is unreal, yet he seems quite suited for the unfathomable challenge.


I was speaking to one most would consider ultra right, who also likes him so far, so conservatives should not be worried about lending at least "hopeful" support. He ran on the concept of rebuilding hope in america, and it seems that hopefullness has replaced utter fear that was mongered by the last group of thieves.


I hear AMs concerns of conspiracy and world order, and I share them. But if he does not pull the trigger on my ownership of a 1980 cutlass supreme or my '74 nova, Ill stay with him. $5,000 for these old rigs will buy me a 2004 KIA, but where will I be in five years with another car corpse in my yard. I KNOW that the cutlass and nova will be just fine even when they are forty years old, yet the ten year old fords, chevys and dodges are all in junkyards. Why dya think theres so many of these fine classic cars that are true pleasures to not only drive, but to fix as needed as well. Both outlasted my 1999 Altima that died because of some timing belt disaster. Hell, I have cars with 300,000 miles on them and never had belt problems.


GO-BAMA, just leave my ride alone.



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Gotta admit mahak that I would go after all those gas gozzlers big time. I hate cars anyway. The smaller and fewer the better. I would have a few autobahns coast to coast though for those that have real a need for speed.


Anyway I am such a pessimest that I think it's too late to turn this ship around before it hits the iceberg that is fast approaching.

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good points, theist. I, too, was afraid he would be too liberal, but he seems to follow in the footsteps of two ol heroes of mine, MLK and malcolm X. Folks who study these two figures of american history will know, but the kookoos will claim that they are theirs (as if MLK would have any solidarity with the pervs).


He has ticked me off many times, but Im cuttin him great slack, because the job is unreal, yet he seems quite suited for the unfathomable challenge.


I was speaking to one most would consider ultra right, who also likes him so far, so conservatives should not be worried about lending at least "hopeful" support. He ran on the concept of rebuilding hope in america, and it seems that hopefullness has replaced utter fear that was mongered by the last group of thieves.


I hear AMs concerns of conspiracy and world order, and I share them. But if he does not pull the trigger on my ownership of a 1980 cutlass supreme or my '74 nova, Ill stay with him. $5,000 for these old rigs will buy me a 2004 KIA, but where will I be in five years with another car corpse in my yard. I KNOW that the cutlass and nova will be just fine even when they are forty years old, yet the ten year old fords, chevys and dodges are all in junkyards. Why dya think theres so many of these fine classic cars that are true pleasures to not only drive, but to fix as needed as well. Both outlasted my 1999 Altima that died because of some timing belt disaster. Hell, I have cars with 300,000 miles on them and never had belt problems.


GO-BAMA, just leave my ride alone.





It is gonna be interesting to see how things play out. It is entirely possible that I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist but I have many years of experience with trading stocks and to see how perfectly they have orchestrated this collapse and used it to try and consolidate power is what made me start believing in these conspiracies.


Alex Jones still thinks Obama is gonna betray us in a major way. I don't know if that is true or not but I have not seen any evidence that Obama is anything more than a puppet but I could be wrong. Alex Jones thinks the elite are using a black man to officially sell the American people into technocratic indentured servitude run by the banks like Goldman Sachs and they setup this crisis to position Obama to capitilize on the fear and vulnerability of the people. In essence we have been in indentured servitude to the banks for a long time anyway so ultimately all it would be is maintaining the status quo and then transitioning into a more refined highly micromanaged world technocracy, which could end up being good or bad, but they are trying to keep the same people in control that have been in control all along.


Gonna be interesting years ahead of us. One thing is clear to me that we are officially at a paradigm shift and this global technocracy is evolving at a fast pace and there is no going back. The question is will the elite really do what it takes to maintain the current population levels of the earth. I have heard some conspiracy theorists that think they will come through for us by releasing incredible new technologies that will help mankind and others who think they will institute eugenics programs and use mandatory socialized medicine to carry out eugenics.


I don't get the whole healthcare argument because at least where I live if you are low income you can get super cheap healthcare although I never go to doctors unless absolutely necessary, maybe it is not like that everywhere in the country. When I had horrible depression they put me on prozac and all that crap and that stuff was horrible but I got out of that system and refused their treatments and took some St. Johns Wort and that was all natural and worked really well so I try to go natural whenever possible. I do think technology, science and medicine has done some amazing things when it comes to real severe health problems requiring surgery etc but there are some real dark sides to some of the drugs they come up with in my opinion.

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He is a pro-abortionist so what is the quality of his vision of reality. That said I thought he was just a smooth talker but now I see he is very sincere and I am in agreement with 99% of what he says, especially concerrning healthcare for all.


He is disengaging the US from Iraq in a responsible way and is showing wisdom in Afghanistan. I worried he would be too soft on terrorists but so good so far. After one Taliban freak from Pakistan said he was going to blow up the white house his base in nothwest pakistan was hit by a missle from a US drone. I love it. He has refocused the war effort.


He is also leading an attack on unbridled non-regulated capitalism which has run rampant over the common working folk lately and would have only gotten worse with another Republican Administration.


There is at least now some realistic hope on environmental issues also if it's not already too late.


Yeah he has earned my cautious and qualified support. But I will still never vote for a materialist and baby killer.


It's all just karma playing out anyway. Devotees must keep their consciousness above such murky waters even while interacting within the world of names.




Call me crazy and I could be and I am fully aware how tricky the mind is and knowledge is but my view has completely changed on "The War on Terrorism". Originally I was all for Bush going after the terrorists even though I never did quite understand why they were going for Iraq. My view now is that "The War on Terrorism" is a government created construct to justify a military occupation of Iraq and to help bankrupt America and create the crisis we are currently in. There very well may be a group of radical Muslims that really hate us enough to do damage but the govenment has exploited that in my opinion. I was reading the other day that all the American economy consists of is consumption and the military and that is how they bankrupted us.



I have read that Obama's military budget is bigger than Bush's so I don't get how you say he is disengaging from Iraq in a responsible way. I also don't get how you think he is leading an attack on unbridled capitalism when he is for bailing out corporate America with these bank bailouts instead of being for putting the banks through bankruptcy and wiping out the derivatives created by the deregulation of the banking system, only then could America start fresh but these politicians will not allow that to happen because if honest people got into the banking industry they would uncover how far up the chain this whole crisis, manipulation and corruption goes. If he was really out for the working people that is what he would be doing and then create massive infrastructure stimulus plans and issue that money interest free from the government. I am sorry to say but your buddy Obama is just another corporate banking shill looking out for the status quo but he does talk a good game and does a good job reading from a teleprompter. Hope is a powerful drug. :)

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