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an interesting and confusing chart

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<table class="forumline" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr><td class="row1" rowspan="1" valign="top" width="150" align="left">hey friends can some one interpret this chart

dob 21-12-1983

tob 01:01 am

pob tehri garhwal

78 E29

30 N23

no planet in 5th and 7th house

venus and saturn in 2nd jupiter and ketu in third sun n mercury in 4th house and rahu in 9th with mars in 1st house n moon in tenth house

every one has given different opinion every time :smash:

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I can't see whats so very interesting and confusing in this chart. I request you not to post such statements as topics.


If a chart has 9 planets in one house, or some benefic doing job of malefic, or some combination which is not easily interpreted, then its called an interesting chart.



Coming to this chart, its a simple chart with all the planets well placed. However, the placement not only makes the planets work as benefic. For example look at Mars, its in the Ascendent which is Virgo. Mars is neutral in Virgo, still it acts as a Malefic in this chart, thus making the native short tempered, quarrelsome, and gives him a physique which is like a warrior and also an intelligent brain as the lord of Virgo is Mercury and its well placed and acting benefic in Sagittarius.


The other planet to look at is Moon in Gemini being 10th house. Moon is functional malefic for Virgo Ascendant natives, but in this chart its well placed and acting benefic. So professionally if the native does something related to moon, he/she would excel high in profession.


Right now the native is under the MD of Saturn which is Exalted in 2nd house Libra and is also a Benefic. The native must be rolling in money. There ain't anything to worry about. Further the next MD of Mercury will also be beneficial, which would bring in Happiness, land, vehicles etc.


There maybe some delay in marriage, if not done before 2007. Although I keep my card folded on this, ain't that good.


I would like to know, has the native been to foreign land? Rahu is in 9th house, exalted. If I'm correct, the native is not at all religious. Even if the native tries to be, something or the other distracts him and makes him go away from religion.




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Dear Anuj,


This is the time astrologically when the native must have been making a lot of money. Consider this, with the same chart as of Bill Gates there must be many a people, is there any other Bill Gates? nay right? Why is that, coz its important to be doing the right job at the right time and also at the right place.


7th house is related to Marriage and Partnership. Jupiter rules the 7th house in this chart. Its not a strong planet. Also Mars is a concern. I think marriage maybe a sudden rush, marriage may take place with an educated female, or one who is sober and intelligent. Although there could be some problems. Just stay put and don't let ego come into play. There maybe some ups and downs, but most of it depends on the spouse's chart too.


Professionally, the native will do better in Oil, Dealing with people, or general trade. For example in today's context, if you become a Human Resource consultant, you are doing trade, and at the same time dealing with people, which is a great profession according to that chart. Trading in Oil, heavy fuel, or liquid with high viscosity will also be optimal.




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Dear Anuj,


This is the time astrologically when the native must have been making a lot of money. Consider this, with the same chart as of Bill Gates there must be many a people, is there any other Bill Gates? nay right? Why is that, coz its important to be doing the right job at the right time and also at the right place.


7th house is related to Marriage and Partnership. Jupiter rules the 7th house in this chart. Its not a strong planet. Also Mars is a concern. I think marriage maybe a sudden rush, marriage may take place with an educated female, or one who is sober and intelligent. Although there could be some problems. Just stay put and don't let ego come into play. There maybe some ups and downs, but most of it depends on the spouse's chart too.


Professionally, the native will do better in Oil, Dealing with people, or general trade. For example in today's context, if you become a Human Resource consultant, you are doing trade, and at the same time dealing with people, which is a great profession according to that chart. Trading in Oil, heavy fuel, or liquid with high viscosity will also be optimal.




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I would really appreciate it if you could analyze my situation as well and provide guidance. Here is my original query -


I have many queries regarding my future, but the biggest problem I am facing right now is regarding my career. I have been working hard ever since I completed my education, and recently started to receive the kind of recognition and appreciation I always wanted. However, due to the failing economy here in the US, I was laid off. I am extremely worried because of financial reasons as well as the fact that just when I started to make progress, I stumbled. My details are -


DOB - 21/11/1980

Time - 1.33 PM

Place of Birth - Dares-Salaam, Tanzania (6'51" S, 39'18" E)

Current place of Stay - Edison, NJ USA (40.54 N, 74.38 W)


I wear an emerald on my small finger, a diamond on my ring finger and an amethyst on my middle finger. I have read that wearing a red akeek stone is also good for me.


I request answers/ suggestions/ remedies for the following -


1. When will I get a job again? What are my long term career prospects because I feel I am working hard without getting success?

2. What are my financial prospects overall? I earn decently and belong to a good family, but due to many reasons, I am unable to enjoy my money.

3. I crave for mental peace and independence, but I think I have a weak Moon and the kemdrum yog. What does the future hold for me?

4. I have a step mother and a very dominating mother-in-law....are mother figures always going to give me problems?


I would really really appreciate your help and valuable suggestions. Please advise suitable remedies. My email is nimisha1806@


I would be extremely grateful, thank you.

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