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Can you suggest a home remedy for itching ears

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I have problem with my ears. They start itching when I expose them open while sleeping. Checked with ENT and found no problem.

I remember my uncle used to pour sesame oil in his ears regularly.

So I tried with sesame oil at home and it worked well. Can I pour sesame oil regularly to keep my ears healthy.

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Dear friend

yes there is home remedies for itching ear.

take mustard oil .

put 1-2 peices of Lahsun in that oil and also put some ajwain along with it litle heenga make it warm in low flame and when those substance completely freid in that mustard oil. filter that oil and put in ur ear in luke warm 3-4 drop in both ear.. and save that oil .. and can use furter.

i m sure u will get relief from this home made remedies..


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Thank you for your reply. I have few more doubts.

Instead of mustard oil can I use sesame oil. and can i put this regularly to keep the ears healthy.

I have the problem of ringing in my ears. Some times suddenly the ears get blocked and after some time they unblock again. But if I keep them open to cold weather during nights they get blocked badly. Can you suggest any home remedy for this. I consulted a ENT and he said there is no problem and so no remedy. Please do help me.

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During cold if you use Mustard oil that is more effective specially when your using with Heeng , lahsun and filter that oil and put in ears.. the sound in ears comes only when there sanipatt of tridosh like ( when all dosh in get imbalance then this situation arise.. ) so please try this home made remedies and i m sure u get relief..

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