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Cloned meat?

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I'm just curious? Check out this link...what do you think?


What would you say if someone handed you a juicy steak, and then told you that no animal had been killed in the making of it? In fact, that this meat was grown in a laboratory?

Before you spit the meat out, bear with me a moment. That delicious steak is the real deal. It isn’t soy, or seaweed, or some new-fangled polyester. It’s the actual flesh of a cow, but not from a cow that has ever actually lived, breathed, or died.

Never happen? Well it's already happened, and now we're just trying to figure out how to mass produce it.

Welcome to meat without feet. This scenario is not a pipe-dream compromise between meat-lovers and vegans, but rather a petri-dish reality that, like it or not, is coming soon.

The <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Washington</st1:city> <st1:state w:st="on">D.C.</st1:state></st1:place> research firm New Harvest is just one group developing the technology to actually clone meat cells without the need, expense, or health concerns of raising entire legions of beasts to slaughter.



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I am also a vegan and would be glad if the meat industry were able to produce meat without the torture and killing of animals, however, I don't believe I could ever enjoy the flavor of dead flesh again. It sounds a little bit "Frankensteinish" to me...but technology never ceases to amaze!

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Just how far will it go? How long will it take before we have a 'Soylent Green' type scenario?

from this link





"Bacteria are used to produce human protein, such as insulin, through the insertion of the human gene into their genome. Additionally, goats have been engineered to produce valuable human protein in their milk and pigs to produce hemoglobin in large quantities in their blood."

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I am with Gina in being vegan and never desiring the taste of flesh again. Cloned meat is along way off as it is far from being economical. I personally don't care so much what people eat including animals as long as there is no suffering involved. meat eaters can eat road kill as far as I am concerned.


I am more intune with the Genisis 1 diet; "The fruits of the trees and the green herbs shall be your meat," IOW a vegan diet.

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I'm just curious? Check out this link...what do you think?


What would you say if someone handed you a juicy steak, and then told you that no animal had been killed in the making of it? In fact, that this meat was grown in a laboratory?

Before you spit the meat out, bear with me a moment. That delicious steak is the real deal. It isn’t soy, or seaweed, or some new-fangled polyester. It’s the actual flesh of a cow, but not from a cow that has ever actually lived, breathed, or died.

Never happen? Well it's already happened, and now we're just trying to figure out how to mass produce it.

Welcome to meat without feet. This scenario is not a pipe-dream compromise between meat-lovers and vegans, but rather a petri-dish reality that, like it or not, is coming soon.

The <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Washington</st1:city> <st1:state w:st="on">D.C.</st1:state></st1:place> research firm New Harvest is just one group developing the technology to actually clone meat cells without the need, expense, or health concerns of raising entire legions of beasts to slaughter.



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Problem is that the food industry is run by meat eaters and they don't want to lose control over the food market. They sell already all kind of replacements for meat but it is all produced by meat eaters who just want to make money. So this should be stopped, meat eaters shouldnt be allowed to produce food for vegetarians because they don't care if this is actually healthy food. For example there are so many delicious kofta recipes, why vegetarians need artificial meat? This is just insane. But because the food industry is run by ferocious meat eaters they want to teach us what we should eat, because they want to make the money?

All this madness only developed to this extent because the Vaishnava institutions have lost credibility and became useless to properly preach even about the most basic - eating.

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Problem is that the food industry is run by meat eaters and they don't want to lose control over the food market. They sell already all kind of replacements for meat but it is all produced by meat eaters who just want to make money. So this should be stopped, meat eaters shouldnt be allowed to produce food for vegetarians because they don't care if this is actually healthy food. For example there are so many delicious kofta recipes, why vegetarians need artificial meat? This is just insane. But because the food industry is run by ferocious meat eaters they want to teach us what we should eat, because they want to make the money?

All this madness only developed to this extent because the Vaishnava institutions have lost credibility and became useless to properly preach even about the most basic - eating.


I agree. It is said in my tradition that the love of money is the root of all evil. Not money itself, but the love of money.

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