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Request: Doubt Clarification

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I have a humble request if you can clarify some of my doubts.


Date of Birth: <st1:date year="1982" day="30" month="5">30-05-1982</st1:date>

Time of Birth: <st1:time minute="55" hour="15">3.55 pm</st1:time>

Place of Birth: <st1:city><st1:place>Indore</st1:place></st1:city> , <st1:place><st1:city>Madhyapradesh</st1:city> , <st1:country-region>India</st1:country-region></st1:place>



I wear red coral in ring finger as mars mahadasha is going. I would also like to know about other measures such as nishkama karma and spiritual measures apart from Puja & Gemstones.


1. I am also a beginner in Astrology. I would like to clarify that Retrograde Saturn in 12th house destroys my 2nd, 6th and 9th house – so no finances and no luck? Retrograde Jupiter has beneficial aspects on 5th 7th and 9th house. Rahu in 9th house. Ketu in 3rd house. So, I think Jupiter & Saturn's aspects on 9th house one positive and one negative cancel each other making 9th house neutral. Jupiter has a full aspect on Rahu while Saturn will also have a full aspect on Rahu. Is my understanding right? How should I interpret Retrograde planets and what effect they will have as I know that retrograde planets become more strong but again there is a confusion.


2. Retrograde Saturn & Mars are in my 12th house of losses, moksha, enlightenment, etc so will I have some Finances like to take care of my basic needs of food, clothing and shelter & if married that of wife and kids. Also, what is materially bad will be good spiritually. Since, material and spiritual aspects are two sides of the same coin can I interpret materially weak planets in my chart would indicate benefic spiritual side. I am confused and scared due to doubts as it is very difficult to live in this world if you experience scarcity and are materially poor; if chart shows this.




3. Mars in 12<sup>th</sup> makes me Manglik detrimental for marriage? How will I live my life by being stressed due to planets as they were there at my birth and I have not committed any crime. Mars income lord is badly placed in 12<sup>th</sup> & Sun planet of gains in 8<sup>th</sup>, too & Mercury – fortune lord in 8<sup>th</sup> is combust so there is no luck again. I have only Karmas in my hand to better my life? Currently, I am stuck in mental rut and unable to think clearly.




Does Sun 11<sup>th</sup> lord in 8<sup>th</sup> house good is bad materially but is it good spiritually? Mercury lord of 9<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> is placed in 8<sup>th</sup> house is combust again does it signifies weak materialistically and good spiritualy?




Is there something in my hand that I can change them or there is no purpose to live, no excitement, etc. I am unemployed, bachelor, have severe scarcity of financial resources & my parents support me & it is not good. What is the point in trying if chart will not allow me to get wealthy, have my business, get married, etc? I have stopped making efforts due to chart.


How can I rectify my bad chart? What should I do? Does Bill Gates became Billionaire by work or was it all written in his stars? My peace of mind is getting disturbed & time is passing.


4. Previously also I used to read vedic predictions on websites but I don't read them as the correct way is to have a personalized reading. Also through ephemeris I came to know about Sade Sati - Saturn in my 1st house. I am undergoing Sade Sati though good spiritually but difficult materially as I have to survive in this world.



5. If I want to achieve something and chart shows weak prospects in a particular area and if try with my utmost energy can I achieve that goal. Does an individual 's chart is set in stone or it can be transcended with good Karma and enlightenment. Should a person not do anything if it is not in his 'fate'. On the other hand if a person is diligent the probability of achieving the goal increases. I want to be a citizen in US but some astrologers have discouraged me by saying that the prospects are less strong so should I try double harder or leave my life on fate. Should I leave my all goals? I am getting depressed. If I want to be an Entrepreneur and but chart indicates something else so if I put all my efforts in becoming entrepreneur can I become an entrepreneur or my life will only progress according to chart. One has the power to make choices, freedom to think and will power so that he can take charge of his life.



Am I contradictory: 2 different schools of thought; fatalistic / deterministic?



6. What is the right approach? What things should be kept in mind? As astrology doesn't control you; no matter what, you control your destiny. We are all born with certain traits to overcome and traits to magnify. Which you emphasize is up to you. You and only you are in control. The final goal is Moksha / Spiritual enlightenment attained by Buddha and others. I want to get rid of my fears of astrology and dispel my doubts.



Please throw some light on this. Thanks.





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Dear Amar,


Please do not jump to conclusions to fast, you are just a beginner in the vast field of astrology. this field like any other field keeps getting updated and modified all the time although a bit slowly but steadily. do not be so depressed. i have also studied this divine science on my own and still doing so. i have seen some really negative looking charts but they have achieved a great deal in their chose field of employment. you are just 26 yrs of age and a long way to go. please be patient and wait for some time for others on this forum to reply to your queries. meantime keep reading some books that can give you the right kind of direction. keep looking for articles on the net. also go to a website called journalofastrology.com i think. this is one of the best to learn from. good luck and god bless, regards,



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one more thing that i would like to add is, if i am correct you have libra as your ascendant and if i am correct then saturn is the most important planet for a libra ascendant native. it is a benefic being the lord of the 4th and 5th despite being a natural malefic as per a great book of astrology called the 'laghu parasari' by the great sage shri parasar. you must read it first before you go too deep into any thing else. it is one of the starting points of astrology. in short it tells you about various ascendants and their benefic and malefic planets. saturn, sun and mars are known to be natural benfics but they work and influence the 12 ascendants in a varying degree. they are not always bad or negative.

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Dear Ravi,


Thank you for your reply. I have always appreciated your reply. In the past you suggested me to go for only personalized predictions and not go for general predictions as they will induce stress. I have followed that advise.



I have one more post & I wanted reply from you on that other one, too.


http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/451099-explanation-meaning.html


Thank you.

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Dear Amar,


You have just begin the study of astrology and its only a drop in the ocean. You have a lot to sail through. I can understand you anxiety and curiosity at the same time, i was the same to begin with when i was in class 12 and started reading books on the subjects as a time pass activity but after reading various books i have come to appreciate the finer points of the subject as mentioned by a variety of authors. good luck and keep asking us....



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Dear Ravi,


Thanks for mentioning the links; I have gone through them but it will take lot of practice to make them clear.


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Libra: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.

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Libra: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

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