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Need Urgent Help.......

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This is for the first time I am posting a thread in this website as I am a new member registered on the site.


I am going through a very tough phase of my life and is looking for help urgently.


I do not have any idea about how to choose a good astrologer...I have heard about so many but do not know about the authenticity of their knowledge.


Everything was fine till 2 months back but suddenly 1 day I lost my job..It was a real shock to me as I never apprehended anything related to this happening in my office.. Infact I was one of the star performers of the company and was about to be promoted.


When I consulted some astrologers from India someone said it was not in my chirt and it is due to effect of some black magic.....


But I do not know how to get it cured. I do not know how true it is and whether to believe him or not.. but problem is ..how do I found out whether it is true or not..


I am not sure what to do and how to do?


Can somebody help me to guide here...


Please tell me about a gyani astrologer who can find out the real cause behind it.......


Also, if the black magic thing is right than how do I get it cured..where to go and whom should I contact to get it rectified...........

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This is for the first time I am posting a thread in this website as I am a new member registered on the site.


I am going through a very tough phase of my life and is looking for help urgently.


I do not have any idea about how to choose a good astrologer...I have heard about so many but do not know about the authenticity of their knowledge.


Everything was fine till 2 months back but suddenly 1 day I lost my job..It was a real shock to me as I never apprehended anything related to this happening in my office.. Infact I was one of the star performers of the company and was about to be promoted.


When I consulted some astrologers from India someone said it was not in my chirt and it is due to effect of some black magic.....


But I do not know how to get it cured. I do not know how true it is and whether to believe him or not.. but problem is ..how do I found out whether it is true or not..


I am not sure what to do and how to do?


Can somebody help me to guide here...


Please tell me about a gyani astrologer who can find out the real cause behind it.......


Also, if the black magic thing is right than how do I get it cured..where to go and whom should I contact to get it rectified...........




Please provide birth time and place of birth information to help you out if possible. Regarding black magic, it is not question of the belief but experiences of thousands of people can tell that it really do exist. But also note that every thing has a reason and it is a combination of karma of several life times that one can even hardly guess. Involving in good karma always help and take care of sevral negative effects, be vegetarian if you are not so will be a good start in addition to faith in God whichever you believe in.



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I do have faith in astrology and I am a devotee of shiva and hanuman..


I do know and understand that black magic exists and is casted on people.


My only question is : How do I verify if I am under the influence of black magic or not or if there is anything wrong done in my house by somebody...


Regarding my details:


My place of birth is: kaithal (haryana)

time of birth is : 11:44 AM and date of birth is: 29 may 1980

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I do have faith in astrology and I am a devotee of shiva and hanuman..


I do know and understand that black magic exists and is casted on people.


My only question is : How do I verify if I am under the influence of black magic or not or if there is anything wrong done in my house by somebody...


Regarding my details:


My place of birth is: kaithal (haryana)

time of birth is : 11:44 AM and date of birth is: 29 may 1980




If you are in India, may be some one might be able to help you out but you have to know the reality of the person who can tell this more. Astrologically, planetary combinations do indiacte for abhichar yoga (involvement of magic). And also it indicates spiritual help. One may get spiritual help when time is also right in such a case and previous karma with the person who are involved in are over. Worshiping Vishnu Bhagwan with Laxmi ji may be helpful due to the position of Jupiter in your chart.



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Dear Sir,


I can come to India......if required..


Please help me out in this situation...do suggest me if u know somebody who can help me in this situation....


I'll be more than thankful to you.........











If you are in India, may be some one might be able to help you out but you have to know the reality of the person who can tell this more. Astrologically, planetary combinations do indiacte for abhichar yoga (involvement of magic). And also it indicates spiritual help. One may get spiritual help when time is also right in such a case and previous karma with the person who are involved in are over. Worshiping Vishnu Bhagwan with Laxmi ji may be helpful due to the position of Jupiter in your chart.



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Dear Sir,


I can come to India......if required..


Please help me out in this situation...do suggest me if u know somebody who can help me in this situation....


I'll be more than thankful to you.........








I do not know any one who may be able to help in this respect. May be some one who is expert in this field may be helpful. I personally would not like to involve much in it as it is a matter of struggle between two powers in case you find some one to help you. If the person has less power than who has harmed you (if there is any), in that case you might end up in more problems, otherwise, your problems may be solved if it is due to this. I suggest to have faith in God and when time is right it may be over. Also, increase your own energy by meditation, fasting etc to help your self.



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Some experiments were conducted on people who can move things with their sight. These people were able to change the path of free falling balls, or move pen or pencil on the table and many other things.


Similarly, someone with ill thoughts can say cast a spell on you, and you may fall prey on it. It happens because you are a free falling ball with no intentions of self. It can be Telepathy, where negative thoughts gets transferred from one individual to another.


Analyzing both your Navamsha and Rahi chart, Mandi and Gulika show black magic. However, I'm not that good to evaluate it properly. You should take professional help. I'll try to give you information about some eminent astrologer.



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