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Confusion about planets jupitor and its effect in my chart.

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Saadar Namaste,


I am taking some time out to learn the science of Vedic Astrology and I am confused as the interpretations are not going in synch with my life, specifically on the spritual and material planes.


My Birth details are as follows


Date of Birth : 25 september 1974

Time of Birth : 19:45

Place of Birth : Srinagar , Jammu and kashmir


Can someone help me understand the spritual and material aspects and effects of my chart please ? you can also mail me eternalme@rediffmail.com


Many thanks for your time and sincere regards


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Dear eternalme,

Your atmakaraka is venus. Hence your desire of past life is physical and materialistic pleasure. You have to seek satisfaction from that only then you have undergo parivartan to spirituality.This may be marked by diversion or distraction in your spiritual endeavour (Japam/puja/homa) with thoughts of feminity, beauty, frustration, jealousy. You will find great difficulty in focusing on the mantra/deity मँत्र / देवता.

Shukra is controlled by Maa Parvati. You have to carry our honest / religious remedy based on mata parvati/gauri. I have few mantraa, but I cannot give you those mantra (it will be like a blindman guiding a blind man). You have to seek a Guru, who can give you dixa/ दीक्शा and then you can satisfy shukra kaarak, and get sad gat / सद गती

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