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Mantra to get a Job

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I am also in the same boat, lost my job on 11/15/2011, running Shani dasha. Birth date: 11/29/1964 time : 00:10, India, Bharuch, Gujarat. Started working on getting a job, but too much nervous. When do you think I will be able to get a job?




Respected Guruji,


Can you please check my horoscope and reply me. Getting too nervous as no call from recuriter or any company.

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Please visit YEGANOOR TEMPLE once located in Raichur, Karanataka. Every second saturday Homa, Nagamandala Pooja will be done for the publics at free of cost.

Yeganooru temple is a saligrama ksetra blessed by Sri Sri Sri Prahallada Guruji.


If you need more details please let me know.


Jai Gurudev

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Pranam Guruji,

I am a software professional. My name is Dalveer Singh. For last couple of years I have been in emense tension because of no growth in professional career. I wish to get promition to higher role but it is not happening. Due to which career is not growing and at the same time I that people around me are not happy with me as I am not growing. All this is making me very depress and feels unneeded.


Please help me in finding a solution to this riddle.





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Dear guruji,


Please guide me what needs to be done to get a good job....


On reciting one round of mantra "Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat " after placing kaarya siddhi yantra on a copper plate and offering coral rosary (Monga mala) will this help me get a good job or i there is some specific mantra according to my DOB.


Please guide




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Dear Dhruvbhurajee,


I lost my job and its been 7 months since I have lost it...

My Birth details are as under


Thanks for the Mantra


Please clarify...after the completion of the 8 days of puja....i should go to the temple and leave the Coral Rosary in the roots of peepal tree...the same day (Wednesday) or on the next day(Thursday) the 9th day....


one more thing....the coral rosary mala...shld have 108 beads..



Please let me know...

Best Regards,



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respected dhruvbhura ji,

i have lost my job from october 2011, and struggling....all interview and every round i will clear...but atlat they say NO....i am lost ...i feel i should die....i have studies M.Sc biotech........ my details are

date of birth- 22 october 1986

time- 6.25 pm (evening)



what are remedies....what puja....what mantra....and what stones i should wear..... please reply me on my mail Please i am in need.....i am feeling very depressed..... hope i get some help from this forum...please reply me on my mail in ...this is my request....please.....others can also help me.....but please write to me in my mail....PLEASE


Deepak Kumar

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Hello Sir,



please also help in telling me when my husband will get a job he left his job in 11/11/2011



pls pls pls help









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Since 2008, I have been in and out of jobs, struggling to get a permanent job. I am worried for my future. Please help and advise. I have been going to Ganesha temple regularly but these 2 years I have been out of job for months that makes it financially frustrating. Can I light up at my home daily.



Your advice is highly sought and appreciated in my urgent time of need.


Thank-you for your help.



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Respected Guruji's,


I have already appeared for the interview and now am pending for the manager to revert me if i am in or out ? So far things went fine and have been told to wait for a week. Can someone please predict if my stars will favor me for this week ?


Waiting for your prompt reply.



Waiting for your prompt reply.




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I have read these posts and I am completely sure that I will find a solution to my problem here.


Panditji I have been looking for a job for very long but no success I went for government job interview and everybody who went with me got selected but not me. I just want to ask if there is any yog for my government job and when is it. And if until them there is any other private job for me or not because everywhere I try I dont find any success

Thank you

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Dear Guruji,


For the last 1.5 years, I have been trying to get a suitable job. However, even after trying hard I have had no luck. Financially my family is going through difficult times. I stay in Bangalore and following are my details.




Please tell me when I can get a job at the earliest? Also, is there any mantra I need to recite? I am wearing a pukhraj, moonga and a pearl.



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Respected Guruji,


I am also looking out for a good job since last 2 years. I have attended no. of interviews which is countless and ie. also with good companies. In some of the places, the interview was so good that the interviewer actually said we will discuss on package in next round. But after I dont get any reply. I am frustrated with this. Pl. help.

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Dear Guruji,


Would like to know the above as its a botheration to me. Please find my details.


Ive been asked to wear a yellow sapphire on my right index finger to increase my prospects of the above. Is it true and please advice on what I shd do to increase my prospects of a well paid n positioned job.


Thanks n Regards


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Dear Guruji,

Please,please,please help



No Job and sadness all around me.



I had a job in a software company,but I left the job 6 months back and struggling for one now.I am very much frustrated,irritated,sad and have no interest or happiness in life . Please help me .




Swati Parmar

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Dear Guruji,


My Details...


I was having trouble with my job since Aug 2010 so I moved to Singapore for a change in Oct 2010 but still had diffculties with job so I resigned in June 2011 and went back to India, I couldnt find a job there, I went back to London on July 27th 2011 to Nov 30th 2011 I still couldnt find a job, all the interviews were very good but for some reason the final offer wasnt given. So i went back to India and came back to London on 9th March 2012. I also performed a dosha-nivarana homam in Hyderabad in Feb but No positive result so far.


What you do you suggest I should do to get a job immediately. Please advise at your earliest convenience, I havent been working for the last 9 months. PLEASE HELP !!!




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