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Webyogiji Plssssssss Help

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pls answer my query !!!!!my DOB is 8th november, 1981 TIME- 10:10 PM PLACE- Amritsar, Punjab.. Will i have chirdren..if yes ,when ???? its been two years but no results !!!and what about my career and especially Health ?


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The lord of children is Mars with Kark lagna (margin, how accurate is time of birth, if it is few min before this, every thing will change). It aspects its own house so it is good sign although Mars indicates abortions etc. The problem is saturn as a lord of 8th (death) aspects this house too and thus causing the problem. The dasa of Budh with anterdasa of Sani is from Jan 2009 to Oct 2011 and is not helping. In my opinion it is still possible and do not give the hope. Remedies that involve for Mars and Sani dev may be helful. Some of these are:


Giving on saturdays clothes, umbrella, food, shoes (no leather) to needy people.

Fasting on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Be vegetarian if are not already so.

reciting Hanuman Chalisa.



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pls answer my query !!!!!my DOB is 8th november, 1981 TIME- 10:10 PM PLACE- Amritsar, Punjab.. Will i have chirdren..if yes ,when ???? its been two years but no results !!!and what about my career and especially Health ?


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dear member

mercury and jupiter are the only 2 planets in the nakshtra of mars the 5th lord, the lord of children in your chart. i think that you will have child and that will probably in the AD/PD of mercury or jupiter in the MD of mercury or ketu. the earliest could be the PD of jupiter in the MD of mercury and that is between june 2011 and oct 2011. good luck and god bless. regards,



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