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Lakshmi Puja for wealth

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Does anyone know the procedure of how to perform a Lakshmi puja at home to obtain wealth? My wife and I are in need of money, so I want to do a Lakshmi puja at home to get wealth. We have a small picture of Lakshmi on the altar.


What is the procedure involved? A pujari did tell me, but I've forgotten and I'm not sure he understood the question properly, as his English wasn't too good.

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There is a procedure but i have avoided doing it as I am meant to ask Krishna. :)


This worked for me in the past and I am desperate to do it again in future if my Job and Money prospects don't improve. The Vrat is called 'Vaibhava Laksmi Puja' involving 11 Weeks or 21 or 100. I would go for 11 weeks. Please be warned that once you do it (and you get money etc) if you stop half way through i.e


You do 4 weeks get money and think okay I will stop Puja, then don't. As you would just displease, finish it all properly (i cannot stress that enough).


All you need is Vaibhava Laksmi Book, and some paraphnelia (red power, tumeric power, small brass pot, some rice) VERY simple things you need. If somebody asks you they can do it for you, they can't. Also you need to do it properly, don't make things up as you go along. Its very simple.


Buy the Book Here £2 or $3


This is the book I have at home, in ENGLISH, i also have a Tape, which tells the story and has arati. (i recommend this), just sit and listen to do Puja. If if you can't get the Tape or Cd (hard to find), the book will suffice.


Personally speaking this is what you do off top of my head:

Fast for the day, (eat after puja is done).


Get all you stuff together, brass pot, rice, red/yellow power, some gold or money.


Put some water in the pot, get a red cloth put picture of lakmi, put some rice in round circle put pot over it. Get small dish, put money, red/yellow power.


This is very important: Pray to the pictures in the book (learn the appropriate mantra), after that is done, easy part comes. Light candel incence and do puja which is inside the book.


It seems very complicated, but its not at all. When i did this before I got a Job (not a crap job) a very good job within 4 weeks of doing this Puja. It always seems to work

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There is a procedure but i have avoided doing it as I am meant to ask Krishna. :)


This worked for me in the past and I am desperate to do it again in future if my Job and Money prospects don't improve. The Vrat is called 'Vaibhava Laksmi Puja' involving 11 Weeks or 21 or 100. I would go for 11 weeks. Please be warned that once you do it (and you get money etc) if you stop half way through i.e


You do 4 weeks get money and think okay I will stop Puja, then don't. As you would just displease, finish it all properly (i cannot stress that enough).


All you need is Vaibhava Laksmi Book, and some paraphnelia (red power, tumeric power, small brass pot, some rice) VERY simple things you need. If somebody asks you they can do it for you, they can't. Also you need to do it properly, don't make things up as you go along. Its very simple.


Buy the Book Here £2 or $3


This is the book I have at home, in ENGLISH, i also have a Tape, which tells the story and has arati. (i recommend this), just sit and listen to do Puja. If if you can't get the Tape or Cd (hard to find), the book will suffice.


Personally speaking this is what you do off top of my head:

Fast for the day, (eat after puja is done).


Get all you stuff together, brass pot, rice, red/yellow power, some gold or money.


Put some water in the pot, get a red cloth put picture of lakmi, put some rice in round circle put pot over it. Get small dish, put money, red/yellow power.


This is very important: Pray to the pictures in the book (learn the appropriate mantra), after that is done, easy part comes. Light candel incence and do puja which is inside the book.


It seems very complicated, but its not at all. When i did this before I got a Job (not a crap job) a very good job within 4 weeks of doing this Puja. It always seems to work



Thanks LotusFlower,


Unfortunately I have problems with my credit card so I cannot order online. I will write down the name of the book and I'll ask at the various Hindu bookshops in Kuala Lumpur if they have a copy of it. It sounds like the way to go, if I could just get hold of the book.


Thank you very much and may Lord Krishna bless you.



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Srila Narayana Maharaja:


There are two Laksmis. One is very near and dear to Narayana, and Her carrier is Garuda. She rides on Garuda with Narayana. The shadow of that Laksmi is the diety of wealth, and she rides on an owl carrier. Why? Owls cannot see during the day. That Laksmi, on that carrier, goes to any bad person, any unqualified person, lusty person, or wicked person. She may go anywhere. And, if she will go to any qualified person, she will make him blind. He will not be able to see anything that is paramartha, that which is transcendental. Those who are very wealthy will always be blind, and that Shadow of Laksmi will take him here and there. The fact that you are worshipping wealth shows that you are fond of that owl. However, if that wealth comes to you, you will become blind. We should always be careful about these things.
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Srila Narayana Maharaja:



That is true, years ago I prayed to Lakmi, and I got a job. But now I don't have any money. So yeah, its true what Maharaja says. Lakmgoes away very quickly. I feel this is true. I feel Maharaja is talking about temporary benefits. The thing is, I need a Job (to pay bills, help my parents), and if Lakmi gives me this temporary benefit then I still think there is nothing wrong with it. (i am not a pure devotee neither do I have a lot of time, I KNOW Krishna can give me a Job and Money, but He doesn't for some reason. If I prayed to Lakmi and did the vrat I would get a job within few weeks. Is that a temp benefit on MY PART (HELL YES), is it bad? (YES). Will I still do it despite what Narayana Maharaja says (who I went to see before in Delhi), YES. Thats life...


Ps Can you give me the direct link to the above quotation please.

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