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I've never been there, but I intend to go there sometime in my life. The closest major city to Mayapur is Kolkata (Calcutta). It is possible to fly from Heathrow Airport to New Dehli or Mumbai and then connect to Kolkata.


Steven J. Rosen (Satyaraja Dasa) provides the following travel information in his book, The Hidden Glory of India.


In Mayapur one can find sacred places connected to the pastimes of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. Many ruins from Shri Chaitanya's time are prominent tourist attractions, and some have been refurbished by the Archeological Society of India.

Kolkata to Navadvip/Mayapur

Mayapur is 73 miles north of Calcutta. Although a taxi is probably the best way to get there, many pilgrims take trains from Shealdah and Howrah stations to Krishnanagar of Navadvip. From Navadvip one takes a short rickshaw ride to the Mayapur boat crossing. A low boat awaits pilgrims on the shore. After crossing the Ganges, one arrives on the outskirts of Mayapur. Another short rickshaw ride leaves one in Mayapur proper. An alternative route is the Kamrup Express, which involves a similar journey. There is also an early-morning bus that leaves for Mayapur from the Esplanade bus stand in downtown Kolkata, but this is a somewhat longer ride, because the bus makes many local stops. One can also take "The Mayapur Bus," run by members of ISKCON; it goes to and from Kolkata daily.

Places to Stay

The Jambhitirtha Hotel is located in the centre of Mayapur. The best accomodation in Mayapur, however, is ISKCON-owned: The Chakra building is economical, while the Lotus building is more costly but offers nicer accomodation.

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Thankyou, found following info

You can fly from Uk to Calcutta (Direct!):

London, United Kingdom to Netaji Subhas Chandra (CCU), Kolkata, India



If you go from Uk to Delhi, then probably have to get Train to Calcutta (12-24 Hour Jouney), also Planes may not have connecting flights, or you may want to goto Vraj first (which is 400km from Delhi), then you need to get flight from Delhi to Calcutta, or as I said go by train. So many places so little money :)

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