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What to expect in Rahu + Mars dasha.

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Dear Astrologers,


Today I've entered Mars antardasha in Rahu's Mahadasha.


My Lagna is Virgo, for which the functional Malefic Mars is situated in 4th house Saggitarius.


Rahu is in 9th house Taurus with Moon.


What can I expect in this period?




Dob : 15th October 1984

Time : 04:07 AM

Place : Rourkela, India

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Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Rahu

- Many upheavals and movements may arise.

- Physical pain, lack of enthusiasm and loss of memory are possible.

- Position may be lost and fear of king, thieves, fire and weapons prevail.

- Public opinion, residing in one's native land, wife and son may be disturbed or harmed.

- Effects like the recovery of a lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government) and recovery of lost wealth, property at home, and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by the household deity ( Isht Dev) , happiness from children, enjoyment of good food, etc.

- There will be acquisition of red coloured garments, journeys, audience with the king (meeting with high governmental officials), well being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a commander of the army, enthusiasm, and gain of wealth through kinsmen.

- Distress of wife, children, and co-borns, loss of position, antagonistic relations with children, wife , and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in the body.










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yes your are running mars ad under rahu md. i have taken it as orrissa. so now,


rahu is in the 9th house in your chart means you can go abroad and be very religious at the same time. rahu is in the star of sun which is situated in the lagan as the 12th lord. not very good. may be money losses. mars in the 4th house in the star of ketu which is situated in the 4th house. it can give you a new house/vehicle or inspire you to go for further studies. let us see good luck and god bless. regards,



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I presume you use Parashara's Light..


Since Rahu is in MKS it has done more of bad to me than good. Its difficult to believe looking at Rahu in 9th that I'm still living next to the place where I was born.


Mars is also the lord of 8th house, does it signify Death?


Give me a check on this, Rahu + Moon has got me cauterized and extremely confused. Will Mars do any good, or it will make things more worse?


Thnx for your comments though.


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i use classic astrology and little bit of kp system ie krishnamurti paddhati. kp system takes into consideration that a planet gives the results of the lord of the nakhtra it is situated in. for example if jupiter is in the nakshtra/star called revati and revati's lord is mercury then during its md, ad or pd, jupiter will give mercury's results. keep sharing your thoughts, i am just a learner here. regards,



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