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Why GOD needs us?

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Greetings to all!


I am the youngest (just registered) member of the group. I am a worshipper of science but I believe that it is far from being able to explain all the questions of the nature. There comes the significance of Philosophers and Religious beliefs. I have few humble questions which I hope learned people in this forum can answer for me.


1. If all jivatmas take incarnation and they can only become humans if they did a good work in their previous material life, how can the number of human on this planet is growing where I have reasons to believe that the number of honest and good people in this world is decreasing, at least, not increasing in the same proportion to the growth of general population (Human).


2. Why is the GOD so interested about making all human faithful to him/her, where we do not represent the highest number in terms of different species of living beings on this earth?


3. If GOD is the sole creator of the WHOLE universe, why he c/she choose to allow so many religions to exist on this single small planet? Imagine if there was too many other planets with intelligent being, with too many other religion!


4. What is the purpose of all this creation?



I am just a beginner, so like to ask questions as a young child.


Best wishes and heartiest regards.\



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1. If all jivatmas take incarnation and they can only become humans if they did a good work in their previous material life, how can the number of human on this planet is growing where I have reasons to believe that the number of honest and good people in this world is decreasing, at least, not increasing in the same proportion to the growth of general population (Human).

I don't know.


Maybe all the bad people were trees before (now we have less trees;)).. But seriously, I don't know. Maybe the interconnection of energies is beyond the grasp of all schools of thought (scientific and metaphysical). Maybe one day the methodologies we have, will discover common ground, based on verifiable experience that can be expressed in words. There are so many profound synchronicities in this world.


Understanding of those things may appear in the heart in due course..that may happen to each of us if it is inbuilt. Enough realization at least, to be peaceful sentient beings and healthy organisms for the whole.



2. Why is the GOD so interested about making all human faithful to him/her, where we do not represent the highest number in terms of different species of living beings on this earth?

Is he? Or is he fully everything anyway. Maybe the question really is, why are tiny sparks of consciousness like us drawn to or attracted to something.



3. If GOD is the sole creator of the WHOLE universe, why he c/she choose to allow so many religions to exist on this single small planet? Imagine if there was too many other planets with intelligent being, with too many other religion!

Maybe its nature is extreme diversity...and it can't deny itself.



4. What is the purpose of all this creation?

I will stick my neck out here, and leave behind all rational process...and say it is LOVE.


And by the way...Happy Christmas Subhasish (child)...Santa comes to all good children (like you and me). This year I have decided to believe in Santa (there is more to the story than meets the eye). There is diverse presents under that tree (this christmas morning)....

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hi Subhasish

better understand that there is no creation.........there is mind, to realize this go in the past memories and see when you realized that you are in creation? you will realise that when you started thinking .......thats all .

To find the truth you have no to wonder anywhere, just start meditate

like an innocent child and start loving all things around...............

and satsang must becoz that keeps you in the track....the right

and the questions you are putting ,have to discover yourself.

If others will tell you, then that means they are locating the "Kassi" holyplace of hindus on the map ,so you have to go to "kassi" not to watch khashi on the map........

you will find every answer when you will came to know yourself

jai shiri krishna

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Greetings to all!


I am the youngest (just registered) member of the group. I am a worshipper of science but I believe that it is far from being able to explain all the questions of the nature. There comes the significance of Philosophers and Religious beliefs. I have few humble questions which I hope learned people in this forum can answer for me.


1. If all jivatmas take incarnation and they can only become humans if they did a good work in their previous material life, how can the number of human on this planet is growing where I have reasons to believe that the number of honest and good people in this world is decreasing, at least, not increasing in the same proportion to the growth of general population (Human).


2. Why is the GOD so interested about making all human faithful to him/her, where we do not represent the highest number in terms of different species of living beings on this earth?


3. If GOD is the sole creator of the WHOLE universe, why he c/she choose to allow so many religions to exist on this single small planet? Imagine if there was too many other planets with intelligent being, with too many other religion!


4. What is the purpose of all this creation?



I am just a beginner, so like to ask questions as a young child.


Best wishes and heartiest regards.\




Good questions.


But what are the answers that you are expecting? And on basis will you accept or reject an answer to any of these questions?


This may not be very clear initially, but if you think about it for a few minutes, you may understand what I am getting at.


If the basis for acceptance or rejection of an answer is purely sentiment (as it is for most people), then it is of little use from an objective perspective.



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1. If all jivatmas take incarnation and they can only become humans if they did a good work in their previous material life, how can the number of human on this planet is growing where I have reasons to believe that the number of honest and good people in this world is decreasing, at least, not increasing in the same proportion to the growth of general population (Human).

everything is according to the need of the hour . god does whatever suits for the present cause . maybe earth is in greater need of human population right now than other animals . and this rapid population growth can be explained by saying that the lower animal forms are slowly coming up to the level of humans(human birth is a chance to realise god) , but not getting liberated due to adharmic lifestyles . this might be causing this population explosion . but at the same time there is a equal dissapearence and extinction of lower lifeforms also .


ultimately who can know his wish ?



2. Why is the GOD so interested about making all human faithful to him/her, where we do not represent the highest number in terms of different species of living beings on this earth?

actually its the followers of god who are so interested in making all faithfull towards him . thats because its in the inherent nature of man to share joys with others. so when a rishi(for example) get the highest imaginable joy(brahmananada or premaananda) he natuarally becomes eager to make other peole taste that same bliss.


although we do not represent the highest number in terms of species , there's no denying that it is we who are the most intelligent . as everything in this world is for a purpose why do you think this intelligence was given to us ? to make atom bombs ? green revolution or inventing birth control measures ? NO !!!! the purpose of this intelligence is to realise the unity (god)


also speaking from a monistic spiritual tradition( advaita vedanta ) god is not inclined towards us as such . there is nothing but perfect unity of wich we are also a part.but we cant realise this due to ignorance .its only when you talk in dualistic terms( bhakti marg) that god assumes a personal nature and demands love from us . in advaita it's we who want liberation from this reccuring distress and unhappiness and turn to self realization.



3. If GOD is the sole creator of the WHOLE universe, why he c/she choose to allow so many religions to exist on this single small planet? Imagine if there was too many other planets with intelligent being, with too many other religion!


theres something like " ruchinam vaichitra " . a man choses his path according to his nature . it is said that if animals would have had religion his god would also be a super animal . as we cnnot comprehend the infinite we tend to percieve him in a way similar to us . an emotional person would chose bhakti , an intellctual gyan marg etc etc . it all depends on the nature of the person . the truth doesnt change .each religion contains a specific part of the toatal truth , not the entire one. that is also why all such religions exists. they all have something to contribute to this earth.




4. What is the purpose of all this creation?



when we ask why he created the world we are rather interested to know why we exist ? well , its hard to answer . we are all parts and parcels of the supreme conciousness called god by some . remember we are not the physical body but the soul . its like the ocean and drops of water . in terms of quality both drops of water (ouselves) is identical with the ocean( god) but quantitively they are never same . thats why the ocean can cause tsunami( destroy ) but a drop cant. now the main target is to realise that we are all nothing but parts of the same supreme.


we are not realising this due to our ignorance or maya that keeps us believing that we are our body etc etc. and over all this the karmic law is constantly working according to our karma . at the time of death we get the next birth according to our karmaphal. this might be a human birth or animal birth . after traveeling through millions of bodies in this fashion we finally get a human birth which is a chance to realize our true nature , to see god . now most people waste this oppurtunity and some dont.


one might ask , since when were we conditioned with maya like this ? this is not possible to explain. as we are within maya we cannot state as yet when it all started.


what happens after we get moksh or liberation from this false illusion ? we realize the supreme and go back to our etenal kingdom of god.


and this world is creation of god as a lila. how can you know his wish ?this universe is also but a part of god . he himself projects a part of himself as the manifested cosmos. after a cetain time this manifested cosmos become unmanifested and then it is called pralaya. after pralaya all things exist into a dormant state of existence and resurface again at the time of the next creation.

this never ending process of creation and destruction is known as kaal chakra.



this was just one explanation. the advaita vedanta maintains that there is no creation in the first place . there is absolutely nothing except brahman or god. then how came we see and feel this world?


that is maya . when you step over a rope in the dark room you mistake it to be a snake but realize moments later that it was merely a rope. but for that few moments when you felt frightened it was a proper snake in all its respects. it was real for those few moments , isnt it ? similarly altough there is nothing called universe or earth we think and feel its existence beacuse of maya or illusion.


only thing is brhaman or conciousness. once you realize that through sadhana you realize the supreme.

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Why God needs us?


Day after day God must face the world of strangers

where he dont belong they`re not that strong

One look at us God knows he could learn to live

without the rest He`s found us best


When there`s no getting over the rainbow

When the smallest of dreams wont come true

God can take all the madness the world has to give

But He wont last a day without us


We touch God he ends up singing

Trouble seems to go and disappear

We touch God with the love we`re bringing

God can`t really lose if we care


Note: The Lyrics were taken then mangled from

the lyrics of the song, I WONT LAST A DAY

WITHOUT YOU, sang by the Carpenters.

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