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white patches on my face

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don worry!

take Isabgol and triphala (Ayurveda medicine)1 tsp each in the night, and see the result aft 20 days and avoid constipation.this is the main reason of white patch. If it is not working then go to dermatologist ( skin specialist Dr.) because if it is vitiligo then the process will be different.

Hope it is constipation and nothing else

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Dear Rathnaru ji

Ayurveda Amritonam ..

I had already mentioned 2-3 months before about the treatment of white patches in skin and again let me tell you breif and complete treatment about white patches..

in ayurveda main causes for white patches in skin.. -- virodh ahara, kamoicha, ait maithuin.. shok, pap.. etc..


treatment for your disorder.. :-

before starting treatment first you can take 5-6 tea spoon of castor oil in cup and add luke warm sweet milk mix that oil and swet luke milk drink it and drink one more cup of additional normal milk before sleeping..

that process in Ayurveda call virechan and all toxic and heatness in ur body comes out in next day and u can have 2-3 motion or either u wont have much motion .. depends upon ur body constitution

next day take liquid diet..

and begains the treatment


ur medicienes are


preparation 1




shila sindoor

gandhak rasayan

Amirta satva

tamra sindoor

akeek pisti

pwarl pisti


make and mix those medicines make seperate dose called puria and take 1-1 puria morning and evening with HOney .. mix with honey ..


preparation number :-2


bakuchi churna

nimbadi churna

sankha bhasma

amirta satva

panchtickta guglu


mix all those churna and formed second compound need to take twice a day after lunch and dinner with luke warm water..


course number 3 ..


after taking preparation number 2 after lunch and dinner..

take .

sarivadhwas -- 3 tea spoon

mahamajistarista- 3 tea spoon


6 tea spoon water after 10mins of compuond number 2


that is complete medication for your white patches in face


oil for external use..

process to make oil


take coconut oil

take sankhiya tail

add juice of haridra..


gentle mesage on infected area and use that prepared oil in infected patches..


please strictly folow the food and diet.. check ur food.. too..

strictly spicy , oily, food not to take totally stop.. and also do meditation

give water in early morning to sun

if possible do surya chalisa


any doubt you can mail me..


adwait tripathi

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