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got divorced

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My DOB is 29-May-1974 00:30 Hrs Place of birth Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


I got married on 22-May-2005. Bride was not interested in marriage (Came to know only after marriage). Within 2 months we had lot of issues and applied for divorce.


Can I know the reason for Divorce. Whomsever I enquire they claim that as per astrology I dont have divorce. Still I got divorce.


Can anyone tell me the reason.

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Dear shri.jaigan


Unless one dwells deeply into the chart, the prediction about future is always elusive. Normal astrologers go by the minimum basics coupled with panchangas. A little advanced people with some bookish knowledge coupled with commercialism still depend on the basics but with the so called computerised horoscopes. A still more advanced people with many contacts in public adopt various schools of thoughts and stick to the theory they have understood and developed on their own with few rigid planetary combos to support or break marriages.

In essence, no one has ever understood that the basics themselves are yet to be digested fully. This is one of the reason that i do not indulge in what is called as ' matching '. I feel my knowledge is incomplete and hence better to avoid blowing whistle to start dare devil games with some ones's future.


People would have placed strong faith on the aspect of jupiter on the seventh house and the marriage during venus dasa, thought to be yoga karaka and exalted in your chart.


Alas ! Jupiter is in vamsa-kshaya and venus is in sarpa shastiamsa. Both are in bad shasti amsas. Shasti amsa shows your past and what you inherit from the past deeds. Venus is in vrichika along with ketu and aspected by mars. Enough to show, what you have inflicted upon your partner in the previous janma.


One should not fail to note the presence of atma karaka moon with this venus in rasi. It was during moon's pratyantra you got married. Moon is cursing in the chart because of the aspect of rahu and saturn. saturn is your 64th navamsa lord. venus is placed in fourth in navamsa in the house of saturn. Venus's placement in makara shows strain in relationships.


are the following associated with your wife's chart ?


1. kumba 2. dwadasi 3. friday, 4 aslesha


and did you get divorce after june 7, 2008 ?


may mother bless all





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  • 1 month later...

Born on 23-11-1979 at 05:30 AM (not sure about time). Place of birth Pudukottai - Tamilnadu - SouthIndia





Dear shri.jaigan


thanks for the info. dont you have the birth time and place of birth of your

wife ?


out of the four possibilities i gave earlier, friday alone seems to be the

day of birth. i would expect one more of the four to match.


may mother bless all






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Dear shri.jaigan


thanks for the info. dont you have the birth time and place of birth of your

wife ?


out of the four possibilities i gave earlier, friday alone seems to be the

day of birth. i would expect one more of the four to match.


may mother bless all






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