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the story of brother madhusudan

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" a small child used to live in a viilage in india. his paatshala or school was pretty far away from his home and he had to walk through a forest.as his school used to get over at evening he used to feel frightened to walk back though the jungle. one day he spoke of his difficulties to his mother. his mother said '" dont worry my child there's your elder brother in the woods. if you feel frightened just call out his name--- madhusudan. then he will take care of everything." the mother said this just to eradicate the fear from his mind. the child felt satisfied and proceeded towards school the next day. on the way back feeling frightened he started loudly calling out " oh brother madhusudan !! where are you. mother has said that you are hiding out somewhere here. dont do this to me come out and show yourself...im scared " . nothing happend, no one came. the child gave out his shouts a couple of more times and then as darkness crept in the jungle , he started to cry with terror. at the same time he begged to his brother madhusudan. then a young lad appeared and helped him out of the jungle.



thus as days rolled by madhusudan and he became friends. they would meet every day at the forest.


one day the master or pundit of the school asked for gurudakshina.the boy landed in a trouble. they could hardly eat two meals a day. he was the poorest of all in his school .what gift can he give to his master ?? his mother was in no position to buy him a gift. he went to his brother madhusudan to ask his help. madhusuadan on hearing his problem gave him a earthen container full of yoghurt and told him to gift it to his master.


the next day evryone brought lavish gifts for the pundit while the boy only had a earhten container of yoghurt. the pundit went furious seeing this ordinary gift. but strangely to his suprise the yoghurt of the pot never ended. he became dumbfounded. he ordred the child to lead him to the place where he got this pot. the boy replied " my brother madhusudan gave it to me in the woods". on reaching the spot in the wood the master asked "now lets see where is your madhusudan " . the boy began to calll as he has always done . no one came . the boy then started to cry," o brother madhusudan , you always came when i called ,then why are you not coming now ?" still no one came. the pundit labelled the child as liar and was about to go when the entire area was filled with divine light and a voice spoke up .........." o pundit in order to see me you must develope that similar faith of this child.you must have a similar pure mind and same clean thoughts.having attained this kind of deep faith and belief you shall become eligible to see me . "






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I read this completely and I enjoyed the story.


Sambya, I was thinking of you yesterday and I thought, 'Is this chap an impersonalist? Maybe I shall ask him to relate his experiences from his youth? Did Sambya have the desirable early experiences of Dharshan of Murtis, or Sadhus or passing Rishis?'


Of course, Sambya, you agree that the story of the personal faith that would bring Madhusudana before your eyes

[and those of your extended sphere of influence]

refers to Vishnu

[and/or secondarily,

other Devatas or other maintainers of persons' fate

ie: the police et al.

---versus fearsome consequences of

the karmic-fruits of selfish whims]?

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i believe in advaita as being just another equally valid explanation of the phenomenon called god. but by practice im inclined towrds bhakti marg.my god is both impersonal , personal and much beyond that at any time. maybe my inclination towards bhakti cames from the fact that im born in a goswami family and that it is the easiest path.samskars do play a crucial role ,you know !!

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