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please help - marriage problem

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hi, i got married on 14th april 2000 at 12:38 pm.

my birthdate is 26th july 1976 9:40 am

husband's is 6th june 8:45am.

it was an arranged marriage.

we both work.

since we got married, i havent had a single good day.

everyday my husband has fought with me.

all the time he only thinks about his brothers and their familes and thinks because of me he couldnt help his family financially when i helped my family saving money which is not the case.

i am tired of telling him and explaining but he literally hates me now and my family too and thats from day one.

he has never spoken to anyone in my family and hates them a lot and curses them all the time.

i had a baby boy on 5th april 2008. after that things are worse for me.

he thinks my son looks like my famly and has nothing from him..and he fights with me on small small things.

always thinks abt the same same things..i have lost my job and not working since last 10 months now.

when he fights, he doesnt look at our son..other times he is very nice with my son and me.

now i am really sick of everything and want a break. sometimes i think of divorce.

i want to find a job away from him and be separate at least for 6 months and call my mom to take care of my kid.

do u think it will improve him? i dont want his anger and fights to affect my kid.

is there divorce/remarriage in our kundali?

is there chance he will have no doubts and everything will be good with me and him?

will he ever be good with my family?

when will i get job now in such economy?

my son is my world and he is my topmost priority. please please help me and advise looking at our kundali.

i am really depressed now as i am so much away from my family.

thanks a lot in advance.

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hi there,


I am a learner and tried having a look at your horoscope. frankly, I could not see anything drastically or exceptionally wrong. please send in your husband's year of birth. I shall have a look at his horoscope and would try to help within the realms of my limited knowledge.infact that might make more sense since all the problems seem to be in his mind only.

Kind regards and best

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