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Hi. I am a girl who is going through lots of problems in life at the moment with regards to completing my medical degree, I keep repeatedly failing my clinical exams despit working hard and putting lots of effort in. Sombody told me that I am going through a ketu mahadasha which is causing hinderances. What can I do to recify that and become more succuessful in my exams? What does the future hold for me? Is there any possibility of me acjieveing success in my chosen career? My details are as follows


DOB: 15th march 1983

Birth time: 16:32

Birth Place: Birmingham, UK

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Hi. I am a girl who is going through lots of problems in life at the moment with regards to completing my medical degree, I keep repeatedly failing my clinical exams despit working hard and putting lots of effort in. Sombody told me that I am going through a ketu mahadasha which is causing hinderances. What can I do to recify that and become more succuessful in my exams? What does the future hold for me? Is there any possibility of me acjieveing success in my chosen career? My details are as follows


DOB: 15th march 1983

Birth time: 16:32

Birth Place: Birmingham, UK


Namaskar dyvas Ji,


Yes, you are currently going through Ketu Mahadasa, and Ketu is sitting in the 5th house (intelligence) in uccha (exaltation). Additionally, Saturn (lord of disease and enemies) is aspecting Ketu/5th house. Saturn can also cause delay and hard labours expecially when he is malefic, as is you case.


You can help remedy this by reciting this- Om shram shreem shroum sah Ketave namah. Repeat this 108 times/day. Mahamrityunjaya Jaap can also be effective. Fast on Saturdays, if possible.


Next, you lagnesh Sun is ill placed in 8th house causing him to be weak. Mars, your luck lord and higher education lord is ill placed in 8th house as well. Both are with not so good 12th (losses) lord, Moon. But your benefic Jupiter who is the 5th lord is well placed in 4th house (education) and aspects your Mars and Sun. Have you tried yellow topaz? Wear it in gold setting with prayer to Saraswati Ji, Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi Ji.


What field in medicine have you chosen? Cardiology? Emergency? Neurology/Pyschiatry? Endocrinology? Surgery? Dermatology? Others? Success is relatively dependent on this as each field is governed by a different planet (with overlap of course).


This is just a brief overview.



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Dear Webyogiji


I would like a career in psychiatry. What are that chances that I will have a successful career in the future? What is my earning potential?


Many Thanks



For psychiatry, a strong Ketu/Saturn/Mercury are needed. You have all 3. 10 lord (profession), Venus, is sitting in 9th (fortune, luck, dharma). This is usually good for career. Saturn, being exalted who aspects 10th lord, can help with earnings and profession but may cause hinderances and difficulties via enemies and maternal uncles. Earning potential depends on your Mercury for one. He is nicely placed.



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For psychiatry, a strong Ketu/Saturn/Mercury are needed. You have all 3. 10 lord (profession), Venus, is sitting in 9th (fortune, luck, dharma). This is usually good for career. Saturn, being exalted who aspects 10th lord, can help with earnings and profession but may cause hinderances and difficulties via enemies and maternal uncles. Earning potential depends on your Mercury for one. He is nicely placed.




Thank you Webyogiji, your assistance is greatly appreciated.



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Dear webyogiji


Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my query.


DOB: 15/03/83

Time of birth: 16:32

Place of birth: Birmingham, UK


Do I have manglik dosha? I have mars in my 8th house but I read somwhere that if Mars aspecs jupiter then the malefic effects of manglik dosha are reduced, and as you said to me in a previous post, my jupiter aspects mars. Does this mean that my manglik dosha is reduced? Are there other factors in my horescope which may reduce manglik dosha?


many thanks


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Dear webyogiji


Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my query.


DOB: 15/03/83

Time of birth: 16:32

Place of birth: Birmingham, UK


Do I have manglik dosha? I have mars in my 8th house but I read somwhere that if Mars aspecs jupiter then the malefic effects of manglik dosha are reduced, and as you said to me in a previous post, my jupiter aspects mars. Does this mean that my manglik dosha is reduced? Are there other factors in my horescope which may reduce manglik dosha?


many thanks



Yes, you do have the dosha. It is in the 8th house (a strong one by placement). Yes, usually when Jupiter aspects Mars in this dosha, the dosha is usually tempered by Guru's wisdom and thus reduced. Reciting of Hanuman chalisa, fasting on Tuesdays, and most importantly becoming vegetarian (if not already) are usually good tools to curb the dosha further. Is this regarding marriage?



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Yes, you do have the dosha. It is in the 8th house (a strong one by placement). Yes, usually when Jupiter aspects Mars in this dosha, the dosha is usually tempered by Guru's wisdom and thus reduced. Reciting of Hanuman chalisa, fasting on Tuesdays, and most importantly becoming vegetarian (if not already) are usually good tools to curb the dosha further. Is this regarding marriage?



Dear Webyogiji


Is my manglik dosha reduced due to my jupiter? Yes this is regarding marriage. will it affect me adversly?


Many thanks


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Dear Webyogiji


Is my manglik dosha reduced due to my jupiter? Yes this is regarding marriage. will it affect me adversly?


Many thanks



Namaskar Dvyas Ji,


Mangalik dosha will affect you adversely especially in married life. It is a quality in your personality. It is a good idea to marry someone who has Mars in the 8th and possibly 7th. Otherwise you may have problems (many I know who did not match this dosha have went onto divorce). As I posted above, Jupiter can help to temper the dosha. The above remedies are a good idea to do.



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Namaskar Dvyas Ji,


Mangalik dosha will affect you adversely especially in married life. It is a quality in your personality. It is a good idea to marry someone who has Mars in the 8th and possibly 7th. Otherwise you may have problems (many I know who did not match this dosha have went onto divorce). As I posted above, Jupiter can help to temper the dosha. The above remedies are a good idea to do.




Thank you Webyogiji. :-)

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Stop worrying start working. Its all about the effort you put in. Your good karma will ultimately save you. Be +ve. You are going to serve and help so many people in the next few years time. God is with you and he will always be. Cheer up, young lady. Gurus here will help you but you have to help yourself. you need an injection of inspiration and a mug of motivation. Columbus did not find India but he learned an important lesson that the world is not round as it looks. Many great presidnts of America were born in sheer poverty. But they became presidents.

Match your horo before marriage. God bless,



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I am a girl who has done engineering in computers in 2005 and MBA in finance and information technology in 2007. currently i am working but i am not at all satisfied with my current job. My current field is not into which i want to enter. I want to become a SAP consulatnt.


I am single.



DOB: 25th Dec.1983

Birth time: 7:30 P.M.

Birth Place : Panipat (Haryana) in India


webyogji kindly tell me when will i get my dream job. �

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I am a girl who has done engineering in computers in 2005 and MBA in finance and information technology in 2007. currently i am working but i am not at all satisfied with my current job. My current field is not into which i want to enter. I want to become a SAP consulatnt.


I am single.



DOB: 25th Dec.1983

Birth time: 7:30 P.M.

Birth Place : Panipat (Haryana) in India


webyogji kindly tell me when will i get my dream job. �




What do you work as now? Why do you wish to become a consultant? It seems you would rather want to do engineering as Mars (your 10th lord, profession) aspects the 10th. But your main problem, is Saturn is 8th lord and is uccha aspecting you profession. Try the following:


1) Wear a white, round, unblemished (> 8 mm) moti.

2) Wear an unblemished red coral

3) Fast on Saturdays


You are running Yogakaraka Mars' Mahadasa now. Try these remedies now and work hard for your dream job!



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Namaskar Dvyas Ji,


Mangalik dosha will affect you adversely especially in married life. It is a quality in your personality. It is a good idea to marry someone who has Mars in the 8th and possibly 7th. Otherwise you may have problems (many I know who did not match this dosha have went onto divorce). As I posted above, Jupiter can help to temper the dosha. The above remedies are a good idea to do.



Namaskar Webjogiji


My details are as follows;


DOB: 15/03/83

Time of birth: 16:32

Place of birth: Birmingham, UK


I understand that I am manglik and there may be delays in my marriage, but when is it likely that I will get married and what will my spouse be like? When is it a good time to get married for me? What will my marriage be like? I have been vegetarian all my life and I read the hanuman chalisa everyday. I will also try to fast on tuesdays. is there any need for me to wear any special stone or gem? I just feel that my life is stuck and not moving forwards in career or marriage, and my previous relationship was such a disaster. However I am very spiritual and do have faith in God.


I realise that you have many queries coming to you, its so kind of you to give us such promt responses and there are so many concerned people constantly demanding your attention on this forum so please take your time and reply only if and when its convenient for you. God Bless.


Many Thanks



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Namaskar Dvyas Ji,


Mangalik dosha will affect you adversely especially in married life. It is a quality in your personality. It is a good idea to marry someone who has Mars in the 8th and possibly 7th. Otherwise you may have problems (many I know who did not match this dosha have went onto divorce). As I posted above, Jupiter can help to temper the dosha. The above remedies are a good idea to do.




Namaskar Webjogiji


My details are as follows;


DOB: 15/03/83

Time of birth: 16:32

Place of birth: Birmingham, UK


I understand that I am manglik and there may be delays in my marriage, but when is it likely that I will get married and what will my spouse be like? When is it a good time to get married for me? What will my marriage be like? I have been vegetarian all my life and I read the hanuman chalisa everyday. I will also try to fast on tuesdays. is there any need for me to wear any special stone or gem? I just feel that my life is stuck and not moving forwards in career or marriage, and my previous relationship was such a disaster. However I am very spiritual and do have faith in God.


I realise that you have many queries coming to you, its so kind of you to give us such promt responses and there are so many concerned people constantly demanding your attention on this forum so please take your time and reply only if and when its convenient for you. God Bless.


Many Thanks



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