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WebYogiJI... Pls help me out

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Namaskar Jyotishi ji,


Many thanks for your answer.


Do please confirm the protocal of wearing emerald (what weight, how to wear it, karm-kand etc)


I was asked to wear Pukhraj as well... can either be worn in lieu of the other?


Finally, I have re-started the academic pursuit (have written the standardisation test and have started applying to colleges) ... pray for me.








Education lord is Budh and Budh aspects ths house who is with 6th lord (disease). Dasa of Venus who aspects the house of learning is at present running as a subperod lord in major period of Budh. Jupiter is with Mars indicating higher education but is associated with 6th house (enemies, disease). These factors indicates that combinations for higher education are present but it may not be fruitful as te end result. Wearing good quality emerald may be helpful to you. Budh period is from 2004 to 2021 for 17 yrs and good for education.



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Namaskar Jyotishi ji,


Many thanks for your answer.


Do please confirm the protocal of wearing emerald (what weight, how to wear it, karm-kand etc)


I was asked to wear Pukhraj as well... can either be worn in lieu of the other?


Finally, I have re-started the academic pursuit (have written the standardisation test and have started applying to colleges) ... pray for me.






The weight of Emerald may be three ct or more. Wear on Wed after praying lord Budh. The time of wearing of ring is also important and at that time you may find out from local astrologer.


You may wear Pukhraj as well it might be helpful to you in your profession and with your personality.



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Namaskar Jyotishi ji,


Many thanks for your answer.


Is there a protocal for where the emerald should be worn ? Right hand or left? Which finger? And can the ring be set in any metal - gold / silver?


Also, which part of the world are you based in? I am in Delhi India.








The weight of Emerald may be three ct or more. Wear on Wed after praying lord Budh. The time of wearing of ring is also important and at that time you may find out from local astrologer.


You may wear Pukhraj as well it might be helpful to you in your profession and with your personality.



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Namaskar Jyotishi ji,


Many thanks for your answer.


Is there a protocal for where the emerald should be worn ? Right hand or left? Which finger? And can the ring be set in any metal - gold / silver?


Also, which part of the world are you based in? I am in Delhi India.






In general, you can give bath (wash) the ring in cows milk (leave in there for few minutes) then wash with water few times. Do the jap for lord Budh (om braham briham brhoham sah budhaya namah). Please remember that I might not be correct to write in English this mantra but you may use any BIJ MANTRA for lord Budha, recite this mantra with 9000 times if possible. The hand which you use the most may be used to wear the ring. The little finger signifies for Budh Dev. Ring can be set in silver in your case. In Delhi, I am sure you can find some one to cast a good ring. If possible, if it is cast and worn during sun rise may give you the good results.



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I want to ask you a question regarding Mangal Dosha. Since i've 4th house Mangal Dosha in Lagna Chart and 7th house in Venus Chart. And I've no Mangal Dosha in Moon and Navamsha Charts. Moreover, I think Jupiter and Venus placements are good. In this case, can I marry a non-manglik person?


Also initially you said that appeasing Moon will help me out (which I'm doing). So if I make moon strong, will it help me both in my personal and professional lives? Is it also related to career growth?





As long as Mangal dsha is in lagna chart you are going to get the results. it may be slightly modified due to Moon chart or other factors, but it is your marriage, if you would like to take a chance it is your choice. Yes, you can marry to non manglik person but results will not be good. Mangal dosha is Mangal dosha as I indicated before. In addition to this, matching points over 24 out of 36 are essential for good marriage.


Pearl may be helpful in many aspects of your life including personal and professional. When you start thinking straight naturally many things/ problems may be solved because you are able to think and take right decisions. I am surprised that you have yet not decided to get a pearl and wear it. Thus it indicates what we have discussed for past several weeks.



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I'm sorry Webyogi Ji if you felt bad. I think you took me wrong. I'm following all the remedies suggested by you. The thing is i've been wearing a Pearl since long but i haven't seen any change in my life. Since venus is placed in the 10th house of profession, I wonder if Diamond can help me out in professional life. Also since venus represents wife, would it help in strengthening the 7th house as well. Some say that its Yellow Sapphire which will help me in my professional and personal lives as its the lord of 7th and 10th house. I'm just confused about the my gemstone. Rest i'm reading hanuman chalisa as suggested by you. I'm really grateful for your help and support. Thank you.

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I'm sorry Webyogi Ji if you felt bad. I think you took me wrong. I'm following all the remedies suggested by you. The thing is i've been wearing a Pearl since long but i haven't seen any change in my life. Since venus is placed in the 10th house of profession, I wonder if Diamond can help me out in professional life. Also since venus represents wife, would it help in strengthening the 7th house as well. Some say that its Yellow Sapphire which will help me in my professional and personal lives as its the lord of 7th and 10th house. I'm just confused about the my gemstone. Rest i'm reading hanuman chalisa as suggested by you. I'm really grateful for your help and support. Thank you.



I am not feeling bad or unhappy, I was thinking how to give the answers so that you have no confusion in mind. Your Moon is with kethu and that gives confusion and clarity of mind is reduced to take right decisions at right time.

Period of Sun was in effect for last 6 yrs and now Moon period has started recently. Till period of Sun, You were not expected to see miracles as it is aspected by 6th lord.

You mentioned that <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">Pearl</st1:place></st1:City> did not help you. There may be several reasons:

The pearl that you have is not good one.

The pearl ring was casted when the time was not favorable to you.

The timing of wearing the ring was also not good.

The pearl gave you the results but not enough to counter effect the period of Sun who is being aspected by 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord Mars.

Wearing one pearl may not be enough to give lot of energy.

Your Karma plays an important factor too. If wearing gems was good enough then on this earth we might have been free from all problems and diseases, then what is the role of karma? The gems may fix little bit or tune up the energy levels but may not completely nullify the effects.

I would suggest that get a good quality pearl if you have any doubt in the mind. Cast a ring on an auspicious day for pearl and so also wear it accordingly. Make sure that the pearl has no holes or it is not pierced.

In addition to ring, wear a necklace of good quality pearls at good or auspicious time.

You are born in Gemini Lagna, how did you come to the conclusion that 7<SUP>th</SUP> and 10 th lord is Venus? As answered previously in one of these posts, wearing a diamond is not a good choice for you. Although one can always try to clear the doubt whatever one may have and have his/her own experience.


Venus represents wife but 7th house lord is more important and one has to judge several factors and balance many others. Strengthening one may cause imbalcae to others.

As answered previously in one of these posts, wearing a yellow sapphire is also not a good choice for you. Although one can always try to clear the doubt whatever one may have and have his/her own experience.

I would suggest that to get rid off or reduced the confusion state of mind:

Start meditation.

Do fasting on Poornima and Amavasaya days. Do not go for swimming on these days atleast.

Worship Bhagvan Shiva on all days and specially on Mondays atleast.

Do not take important decisions on full Moon or Amavasaya days.

Hope it helps you and have no confusion which gem stone to wear and not to wear as posted previously as well as discussed previously.


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Actually what I meant in my previous post was - Since venus is placed in the 10th house of profession, I wonder if Diamond can help me out in professional life? Some say that its Jupiter (which is getting retro in Libra) will help me in my professional and personal lives as its the lord of 7th and 10th house. And some say Yellow Sapphire is not good for Gemini Ascendant born. Few say that wearing a Diamond will reduce the affliction of Mars on Venus and that would give strength to the 7th house of marriage. Could you please clarify these two points.

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Actually what I meant in my previous post was - Since venus is placed in the 10th house of profession, I wonder if Diamond can help me out in professional life? Some say that its Jupiter (which is getting retro in Libra) will help me in my professional and personal lives as its the lord of 7th and 10th house. And some say Yellow Sapphire is not good for Gemini Ascendant born. Few say that wearing a Diamond will reduce the affliction of Mars on Venus and that would give strength to the 7th house of marriage. Could you please clarify these two points.


Namaskar Surya Ji,


I'm not sure who told you to wear diamond or yellow sapphire. From my many experiences (simiar planetary combinations) which are similar to yours, wearing of diamond and/or yellow sapphire has caused loss, misery, mental anguish, and the likes. Then it is ultimately your decision to wear or not. But in my humble opinion I would not wear these.



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The reason why I spoke about Diamond is because Venus is exalted in Pisces and moreover is the most Yogakaraka planet in my horoscope. Probably thats why some one had suggested me to wear Diamond. Are you sure that wearing Diamond would lead to loss, misery and mental anguish etc?




I know that venus is exalted in Pisces but one has to take several factors relative to each others in consideration as I pointed out previously. I came to know some charts, where more than two planets were exalted but the person failed in high school exams several times. Why? In my openion, it was the placement and house significance in addtion to other factors. Regarding to your question how sure I am: even modern science whether it is physics or medicine or other is based on statstics and consider probabilities. My knowledge is very limited to give assurance as 100 percent. There are several factors that I have experienced and analyzed from hundreds of incidences that shape our decisions that are beyond my knowledge of astrology. That made me to combine and make best use of those possibilities and factors rather than only use "whatever is said in the Text books". Then as I pointed out in previous post, in my humble opinion, it is ultimately your decision to wear diamond or any other gem or not.





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Dear Surya,

I wish to add a little bit to this continuing posts.:)

Your horoscope indicates you settle in distant lands.You have more chances of a love marriage and adopt to western nature. You don't show your full talent due to Guru vakra in 5th in venusian house.Your parents get help from you, but become sick of your views and independant attitude.You are born in 14th part of Moola ,so take necessary care of your sister (if you have any).

Pray Umamaheswar (Siva&parvathi) on Mondays.

You can wear KanakaPushyaragam on right index finger.

You need not wear any other gem.

wish you good luck.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Webyogi Ji... Could you please tell me when would my career settle? Will I have to face fluctuations in career throughout my life? I've Rahu in the 1st and Ketu in the 7th house. Though I don't have Kala Sarpa Yoga but still does this placement makes me suffer from RAHU-KETU Dosha? Is RAHU the reason why i'm facing setbacks in career? Which planet is the most malefic in my kundali?

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  • 1 month later...

Webyogi Ji... I got my visa today. Would be leaving for abroad in the coming few months. Thanks for your support and sorry for troubling you so much. I'm really sorry.


Can you do me a favour please. Could you please look into my horoscope and tell me about my life there. Am i going to get a good job in the near future? Is my career line good? How would be my future wife interms of appearence and nature? Do i have a good married life written? Here are my birth details again for your reference:


DOB: 12th May 1982

TOB: 08:12 AM (IST)

POB: Hyderabad, India

Gender: Male

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Webyogi Ji... I got my visa today. Would be leaving for abroad in the coming few months. Thanks for your support and sorry for troubling you so much. I'm really sorry.


Can you do me a favour please. Could you please look into my horoscope and tell me about my life there. Am i going to get a good job in the near future? Is my career line good? How would be my future wife interms of appearence and nature? Do i have a good married life written? Here are my birth details again for your reference:


DOB: 12th May 1982

TOB: 08:12 AM (IST)

POB: Hyderabad, India

Gender: Male




I have answers to these questions in these posts, I would suggest you to focus your energy as suggested before on positive aspects of life. However, I am posting some of the answers from above posts to clarify the points I made previously:

Could you please look into my horoscope and tell me about my life there.

Your question was:

“Are there chances of me flying in 2009? If yes, then is there any specific month? Please help me sir…”

I still have the same answer, as before

“As I mentioned earlier that it may happen once you started Moon dasa, this is going to start very soon or might have already started (this is for 10 yrs). It is likely to give long travel, naturally visa should not be the problem. Moon is in 7th house with Kethu (also indicates journey, in addition to marriage). Mars is with Saturn and is aspecting this Moon, it might dealy somewhat. Start worshiping lord Hanuman Ji and be vegetarian if are not already so to get quick effects.”.

And it is good that you followed some or all of these as you mentioned to me before. Moon dasa was started in last week of December.

I mentioned that “Moon dasa is suppose to bring your travel dream to happen but lot of efforts wiil be required and even plans may cancelled at last moment just due to the fact that Saturn lord of 8th (death) aspecting lagna.”

“As mentioned before, do the remedies as suggested before. Your 4h house lord (happiness) is Budh and is in 12th (travel, expenses). To my opinion, it indicates that person may reside outside of the birth place (abroad too) and usually unhappy (saturn in 4th being 8th lord). Looking all these factors, suggestions were given to you previously and try your best that what we all can do rest is matter of Karma to handle it. Also, start to practice dhyan (meditation) to get a good understanding of life that involves spiritulity (if you are alredy not doing so) and I think in coming years you will need this a lot to seek happiness and peace of mind.”

Thus, your answer is here and try to focus on it to make best out of the time period of Moon you have started.

Am i going to get a good job in the near future? Is my career line good?

Yes, I do expect but there will be hidden enemies that may cause you unhappiness.

How would be my future wife in terms of appearance and nature? Do i have a good married life written?

As mentioned before, “There may be issues in your married life in response to you being mangalik. Try to find someone who is also mangalik, as mentioned before. As recommended for you, I would suggest that she also be vegetarian (for her hot tempered nature). This is general until I see a specific horoscope for her. As Mars (with Saturn) aspect 7th, she will likely be on the taller and thin side.”

She may be of dominating nature. Thus, matching of chart is important factor before I say any thing.


Hope it helps.




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  • 1 month later...

I want a point from my horoscope chart to be clarified by the Guru Jis. I've always observed that my relations with others go haywire abruptly. And this has caused a lot of emotional setbacks to me. It usually takes me a lot of time to get out of such setbacks.


1) Is it because of Moon's conjunction with Ketu in the 7th house? Is this causing "Chandra Grahan Yog"? Is Rahu aspecting Moon in my case? I've got Rahu-Ketu pooja done at Shri Kahahasti temple last month, but still felt that i'm breaking out of relationships.

2) Is it because of Mars+Saturn's conjunction in the 4th house? Is this combo afflicting Moon adversely?


Which among the above two reasons is making Moon weak in my kundali? And please suggest me remedies as per that. Here are my birth details:


Date of Birth: 12th May 1982

Time of Birth: 08:12 AM (IST)

Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India

Gender: Male

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