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Thoughts - processed by the mind or brain?

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Ananta Sesa

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If mind - what´s the function of brain, regarding thoughts?


If brain - what´s the function of mind, regarding thoughts?



It's a two way street. The brain allows the mind (subtle energy) to interact with the grosser world of water fire earth etc. Thoughts come into the brain from the mind. But sense perception flows through the brain to the mind and this effects the nature of future thoughts.


There is a dynamic flow between the two continuously to the point of death at which time memory which is stored in the subtle intelligence, stores that life's experiences in terms of the events themselves along with the impressions they have made.


Where we strongly disagree with the material scientists is they consider mind to be a product of the brain which ceases at physical death.

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I concur with Theist. Another way to look at it, by way of analogy, is that the brain is the seat or chair of the mind. No question about it, however, the mind is subtle matter, brain is physical. Mind is independent of brain and superior to it and it is the culmination of all the mind's thoughts that carries us to our next body. So we had better be careful with our thoughts, and control and purify our mind, by immersing it in the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

jeffster/AM das

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Mind is independent of brain and superior to it and it is the culmination of all the mind's thoughts that carries us to our next body. So we had better be careful with our thoughts, and control and purify our mind, by immersing it in the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.



jeffster brings up an important point about transmigration. We literally create our future by our thoughts and actions (which are the result of our thinking).


Think of Krishna and go to Krishna.

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If you have read the works of Madam Blavitsky or Aurobindo who has worked extensively on this subject, it is said that Mind never exist within your body. It is those wave forms outside your body that your Brain is receiving. Brain dies. Mind never dies. Even the Karmas are explained in similar way. Anyway, the Madam Blavitsky book is too huge. But if anybody really wants to know this, it is interesting subject too.

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The Secret Doctrine? Yes it a large book. But what has been stated here is basic knowledge to all yoga systems and metaphysical societies.


Madam Blavatsky was the mother of the Theosophical society.


Yes indeed. Infact, both the volumes (1 & 2) are of equal weight. Infact, when I first started reading it about 8 yrs back, it was all greek and latin for me. But indeed we do require either high philosophical knowledge or yogic experience to understand what is written. But it is the most scientifically appaling and appealing book in this mind/brain regard.


Also the book 'Thoughts and Aphorisms' by Sri Aurobindo is quite touching the subject.

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It's a two way street. The brain allows the mind (subtle energy) to interact with the grosser world of water fire earth etc. Thoughts come into the brain from the mind. But sense perception flows through the brain to the mind and this effects the nature of future thoughts.


There is a dynamic flow between the two continuously to the point of death at which time memory which is stored in the subtle intelligence, stores that life's experiences in terms of the events themselves along with the impressions they have made.


Where we strongly disagree with the material scientists is they consider mind to be a product of the brain which ceases at physical death.


Thank You!




Mind never exist within your body. It is those wave forms outside your body that your Brain is receiving. Brain dies. Mind never dies.



The mind do not exist within the body?


But the soul exists within the body? By the heart-chakra, or?


The mind do not die even when one goes back to the spiritual world?

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If the memories are stored in the subtle intelligence, how come then that the memories can be impoved by taking chemical substances, ie. medicines, against Alzheimer´s disease?


Isn´t that a proof that memories also are stored in the network of the neurones? :confused:

No, not at all. It just means the brain is losing it capability to capture and/or transmit the thoughts from the mind.


Something like you have two radios in the same room. One that works fine while the other transmits mostly static. The radio waves that is being picked by both is the same. One picks up and transmits the signal clearly but the that is not working well cannot. If you can repair that broken radio it will then be able to pick up and transmit the radio signal clearly again proving the problem was in the receiver and not the signal that was being sent from the station.


An impromptu allegory but you get the idea.


Material scientist have yet to come up with proof that the memory is in the brain. Since they don't accept the idea of a subtle mind they consider the brain has to hold memories somehow but they can't provide it.


Besides people can remember impressions and details from past lives so if you accept reincarnation you must accept also that the mind predates any particular brain you may come to use. Predates physical birth and death also.

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If mind - what´s the function of brain, regarding thoughts?


If brain - what´s the function of mind, regarding thoughts?



Thoughts are generated by the soul, but then...? :confused:


om shanti,

Mind is basically a faculty of the soul along with sanskar and intellect.

Brain is like the RAM in your computer but the current is the soul.

All the visuals... are stored in the soul it is not nirlep.

Search Ian stevenson to know more.

Hope this helps.

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No, not at all. It just means the brain is losing it capability to capture and/or transmit the thoughts from the mind.


Something like you have two radios in the same room. One that works fine while the other transmits mostly static. The radio waves that is being picked by both is the same. One picks up and transmits the signal clearly but the that is not working well cannot. If you can repair that broken radio it will then be able to pick up and transmit the radio signal clearly again proving the problem was in the receiver and not the signal that was being sent from the station.


An impromptu allegory but you get the idea.


That was beautifully explained. Its what the researchs by Madam Blavitsky meant to say.



Besides people can remember impressions and details from past lives so if you accept reincarnation you must accept also that the mind predates any particular brain you may come to use. Predates physical birth and death also.


Yeah, and its also said that these are thought globules in space where the particular individual can only access. They have also tried to explain re-incarnation where these thought globules are so strong that they follow the individual even after death. If the brain is trained to recieve these frequencies of the past, you can able to trace all your incarnations.


They have also tried to explain that when the attachment with mind is detached consciously, mind can be killed. To reach the next level, one must pierce this thought globule. But since we do not have an inbuilt tool, we get stuck in the mind waves. When in the case of people able to read other persons thoughts, the conscience of that person is brought in tune with that of the other and read his thought globule and mend his problems or go though his incarnations. Who knows what is real? But very interesting stuff unless you and I experience it.

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