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i am suffring from artiritis problem since 6 years, No medicin and yoga is working on my body.My condition is getting worse day by day,Now it is spread on my whole body. Few days back it has effected on my right eyes (Iritis), i ma taking medication from one of the best hospital in mumbai but do not getting any relief.Doctors even wonders that why my body does not respond with any medicin.

I come to know from one person that it can be the effect of black magic on me.Can it be possible that due to it no medicin is working on my body.

Kindly let us know that how i can get rid from all these problems.

I am giving my personal detail as below:---

Name- Atul Kumar Gupta

DOB- 19/10/1969

Time-10.10 AM

Birth Place- Jaunpur ( U.P.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

the fact may lie deep in your previous births of the deeds done till now, nobody in this world gets more or less than he/she earns via his/her karmas... dont give up on yog - kapalbhati and anlom vilom are the best , try extending the time period over a span of time .. you maybe getting a lot of little results but its part of body to nourish itself from damage it has suffered till now... mantra is 'bam' and 'hari om tat sat jai guru datt'...


Exercise 1: Face the back of a chair, hands resting lightly on the top of its back, standing with awareness of skeletal alignment. Establish a steady breath rhythm. Taking most of your body weight into your left leg whilst keeping your pelvis aligned, move your right leg backwards, initiating at your hip, feeling how the direction of movement is established by that hip’s ball and socket joint. With your right toes resting lightly on the floor, direct your right heel towards the floor without actually bringing it to the floor. After breathing steadily for 30 seconds or so reverse the movement. Repeat a few times before changing legs.


Exercise 2: Have a chair to your left, so that your left hand can rest on it for balance. Take your body weight into your left leg, whilst keeping your pelvis aligned. Establish a steady breath rhythm. Raise your right leg so that it forms a right angle, thigh parallel to the floor. Let your foot hang down from your ankle. Alternately extend and flex your lower leg a few times, initiating at the hinge joint of your knee, then allow the lower leg to dangle without tension. Be aware of your body weight passing down into the ground through your left leg. Work on the opposite side.



May this video be of help



Video Transcript

"Now I am going to transformational Mantra Chanting. This Mantra Chanting, generate the purest consciousness, you have inside store the purest consciousness. So through this Mantra you generate very comfortably the higher energy and your frequency of the inside very positive waves you produce through this Mantra and you heal your problems. This is, both hands is position in this way. And back is at state and neck is at state and eyes is close and visualize blue sky and relax and open your heart and mine. Feel the divine peace inside the mind, inhale and uhmmm. Again inhale. Inhale. And relax. This transformation you get mantra, umm, namob, magwati generating the pure energy you have inside. Pure energy centers. This pure energy centers is sleeping not active. Through this mantra help your energy centers activate and this energy spread the part of allure system and heal all your arthritis problem."

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