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jesus death?

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Parabrahman wrote in 2004:


I've heard theory's of Jesus not dieing and moving to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place> and if he did i have one question. How old was Jesus when he really died? Try to search it on google and if people can give educated guesses that would be good. I actually dont doubt the fact at all that he died.


sumedh wrote in 2004:

Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam

Here are some more links







Paarsurrey says:


I infact sent an e-mail asking permission from salagram.net to allow me publish in my blog and also here on this site to copypaste the article already being displayed by them titled "Salivahana-an Indian ancient king meets Jesus the Messiah"http://www.salagram.net/Jesus-Went-To-India.htm2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, on the web at http://www.krishna.com., jtcd@xtra.co.nz Jesus was mentioned in the Vedic literatures more than 3000+ years before he appeared.

I have not yet received their reply/permission. I will copy/paste it here for the benefit of the public and members of this forum.

I understand that the site belongs to harey krishna group. Would somebody use his good offices in this connection?

The matter is already mentioned in "Jesus in <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region>" by Second Coming of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> 1835-1908





When I wrote a post on Jesus not dieing on Cross; Similar Threads showed the title of this thread; which was lying idle since 2004, not knowing this I commented on it. Now I have copy/pasted it here for attention of the members.

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I've heard theorys of Jesus not dying and moving

Yes, the great acaryas did not say worship of Jesus is wrong. Jesus stopped to exist, is dead and gone, the acaryas never spoke like this.


However, what we have today, so called followers of vedic culture teaching you need a living guru. In other words they live in constant aparadha against Jesus.


Since the Western hemisphere/civilization is based upon the teachings of Jesus is this a good idea, to say, worship of Jesus is humbug, feeblemindedness, idiocy, imbecility, moronism. You need instead a living guru?


At least the great acaryas never preached to live in permanent aparadha against Jesus but to always free yourself from aparadha.


And the genuine true followers of Jesus never indulging in presumptuousness, pretentiousness, insolence or overbearance of such kind, to take a seat on Jesus Christ's vyasasana.


Although yes, admitted, they need some help how to prepare prasadam.


thanks, sd

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"Although yes, admitted, they need some help how to prepare prasadam."


Yes! If the greatest Yeshiva Rabbi's could accept that offerings of animal carcases ["in sacrificial offering"] is a carry-over from Vedic Culture, especially after the start of Kali Yuga's epoch (3,000BC) then, they may admit the rules-of-thumb of KARMA.



When Jesus died--and famously rose from the Dead--Jesus thus taught, by example, the "First Rule of Spiritual Life".


The "First Rule of Spiritual Life" is:


"You are not this body-- you are Spirit-Soul"


You are not this material body (& Ego) made of material energy;

you are Spirit-Soul made of spiritual energy in a material-like body (with its corresponding Ego).


This is the basis of liberation Theology [ergo, democratic human rights] --We are individual soul with a right to personal Liberty & the pursuit of personal Happiness.


Yet simultaneously people are the cheapest commodity in the work force scheme of things. That is Irony.

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as both srila and jesus have both left the material, seems what they left still lives


perhaps to observe the gifts offers the best continuance of their lives


Note, the contributers still live in our minds and hearts and identify what them of self did after the works, that allows each to find adversities born from the misinterpretations.



The choice each of the greats made will always live as they removed self for the good of the morrow but them afterwards are whom corrupt the intent of the teachers

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Yes, the great acaryas did not say worship of Jesus is wrong. Jesus stopped to exist, is dead and gone, the acaryas never spoke like this.


However, what we have today, so called followers of vedic culture teaching you need a living guru. In other words they live in constant aparadha against Jesus.


Since the Western hemisphere/civilization is based upon the teachings of Jesus is this a good idea, to say, worship of Jesus is humbug, feeblemindedness, idiocy, imbecility, moronism. You need instead a living guru?


At least the great acaryas never preached to live in permanent aparadha against Jesus but to always free yourself from aparadha.


And the genuine true followers of Jesus never indulging in presumptuousness, pretentiousness, insolence or overbearance of such kind, to take a seat on Jesus Christ's vyasasana.


Although yes, admitted, they need some help how to prepare prasadam.


thanks, sd



Never have understood this approach by some Vedantists as theoretically speaking even if the story of Jesus is not true it is a beautiful and divine story in my book so there is no need to deride the followers of Jesus. I find the story of Jesus to be as beautiful and divine as any story I have read in Srimad Bhagavatam and I have a high level of respect for the divinity of Srimad Bhagavatam so I don't view it as some sort of competition as to who is more divine, Hindus or Christians.

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Never have understood this approach by some Vedantists as theoretically speaking even if the story of Jesus is not true it is a beautiful and divine story in my book so there is no need to deride the followers of Jesus. I find the story of Jesus to be as beautiful and divine as any story I have read in Srimad Bhagavatam and I have a high level of respect for the divinity of Srimad Bhagavatam so I don't view it as some sort of competition as to who is more divine, Hindus or Christians.

As we see in Srimad-Bhagavatam, no mentioning that worship of Jesus is useless and that you need a living guru instead. If Jesus cannot still absorb sinful reactions and guide you from within, the acaryas would have mentioned it.

Instead it says, Jesus and Muhammad are powerful devotees.



Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord. Jesus Christ and Muhammad, two powerful devotees of the Lord, have done tremendous service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe. And from the version of Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī it appears that instead of running a godless civilization in the present context of the world situation, if the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide organization under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the Almighty Lord there can be a thorough change of heart in human beings all over the world because the devotees of the Lord are able authorities to effect such a change by purifying the dust-worn minds of the people in general.

SB 2.4.18


Since Western civilization is basically Christian background, genuine Vaishnavas should teach that without Lord Jesus' pioneer work, the Western world would not yet be ready to go further for understanding Vaishnava philosophy.


Without Lord Jesus there would be right now the whole Western world full of nothing but illiterate Neanderthal men fighting against each other about bread.


Not to properly recognize the position of Jesus but calling oneself a Vaishnava means to live in aparadha against Jesus, a powerful devotee of the Lord, as Prabhupada and other great acaryas mentioned several times.


To say, Jesus can guide you from within, di, and absorb your sins, ksa, means you accept Jesus can give you diksa.


To say that the current siksa-guru of all present Vaishnavas, Srila Prabhupada, cannot do this, guide people from within and absorb sinful reactions, means people are having a severe error in reasoning.


Either they say, Jesus is powerful he can do this. Prabhupada is too weak he cannot do this. Or they believe that worship of Jesus is humbug and useless. Both understandings are actually aparadha, hampering and strangling your spiritual development.


But in any case, since there's presently no Vaishnava who presented a new chapter of refined vedic siddhanta but only repeat what Prabhupada presented in his books, they all are nothing but siksa disciples of Prabhupada. In other words, Prabhupada is the guru of them all. They simply must be taught about how to properly understand Prabhupada's books.

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Since Western civilization is basically Christian background, genuine Vaishnavas should teach that without Lord Jesus' pioneer work, the Western world would not yet be ready to go further for understanding Vaishnava philosophy.


Exactly!!!!! I can't find the quote now in the latest vedabase but I have read in a lecture or conversations a statement from Srila Prabhupada that Jesus Christ prepared the Western world for the coming of Lord Jagannatha.


Quote or not it is obvious that basic theism must settle into the consciousness of man before more detailed information of the Personality of Godhead can be known.


This is the common path that ALL theists are engaged in. One step then the next. If we are now theists it is a fact that at some point in our past, this birth or a past one, we were either polytheists or atheists with no information of the Supreme Personality.


Some Avatar of Krishna, a manifestation of Servitor Godhead, either on this planet or another, reached out to us with such information to draw us closer to the Supreme Person.

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