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Planetary Gem Conflict; Please Advise

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Namaste and S.S.A. fellow brothers/sisters and respected Gurus;


I need help in understanding that if I should wear my emerald ring (on my right finger on the sun finger (ring finger) and my red coral moonga kara on my left hand (bangle kara). Ive read that these two may conflict each other but my astrologer said no and he has a phd in astrology but im worried maybe he thoguht I would not buy the moonga kara.. the emerald was given by a not so legitimate astrologer but I liked the ring but moonga is my birthstone I do not want any bad conflicts in my life and sometimes I get worried thinking I should just take it off the emerald ring, because Ive read moonga and emerald should not be worn at the same time please advise my birth details are september 26, 1987 13:05 Toronto Canada, Latititude: 43 38 north, Longitude: 79 23 west I have uploaded my birth chart to save time for all thank you all


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Any basic astrologer would ask you to remove emerald. The one who suggested the same would have seen TWO aspects in your chart -


1. Lagna is in Mercury's Nakshatra

2. Mercury in your chart is associated more with the house of income than with the house of death


Also, as 8th lord in 12th, Mercury becomes a vipareet raaj yog karaka in the chart.


The parivartana between lords of income and expenses may not let you save enough, which is why he might also have recommended emerald.


He is right! In your particular case, you could wear both - but not in the same hand. One as a locket may be.


Best Wishes


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Thank you very much respected Deepa Bhandari Ji for answering my question, and I do wear them seperatley one day I decided to wear my kara bangle (this bangle has two moonga stones on it) on my left arm and my emerald on my right hand. I also understand about the expenses part, I welcome any other advice you may for me as well but thank you again!

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Interestingly enough though, it was a Pundit Ji who did numerology who told me to wear an Emerald, but Im really curious, thing is he never did take my birth time he just took my name from some sites I see it has some significance but when he took down my friends name (not his real name) it did not seem as good Im curious as what some people know about it I should start a thread lol

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