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Graha yuddha, who is winning?

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namasthe respected gurus...


jupiter (9th and 6th lord) and saturn (7th and 8th lord) are conjunct to within a degree in 3rd house virgo and are in yuddha according to resources. but which of the two is winning? as both are retrograde? and does the winning of either do good or bad? please give some of your time and interest to this issue?! thanks!


iam learning jyothish using my own horoscope as a perfect study material and would be very happy if any guru could read through this and respond?!


DOB: 8th march 1981

TOB: 14:40 hrs / 2:40 pm

POB: bangalore, india


- regards

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namasthe respected gurus


thank you for your reply! yes you are right! saturn wins pleasing guru! ever since my moola dasa of saturn started in 2004 i have had an antagonism towards alcohol and non-veg although i had a passionate liking towards it between 97-99 and have had trouble with it along with disrespect to teachers! but thanks to the pillars of hinduism...yoga, jyothisha,ayurveda i now know what it is to be able to control the mind and body at will. may the creator bless these knowledge systems and those who "see" for us through them!


- regards

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