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Tulsi Plant

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I've a question, somebody told me to plant a Tulsi in house. I've few questions regarding that:-

1. Firstly, should Tulsi be planted in home or outside home or in balcony?

2. Secondly, can there be TWO tulsi plants in ONE home?

3. Thirdly, how to worship Tulsi & it's procedure?


& he asked me to wear Moti in Left Hand in Short Finger.. My birth details are as follows.. 28.05.1988// Hissar, India// 16:15.


Regards & Thanks,

Rakesh Arora

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it will be more appropriate to ask and clarify these questions from the person/astrologer who suggested accordingly. anyway....

1. Firstly, should Tulsi be planted in home or outside home or in balcony?

it should be within boundaries of the house/home. Balcony is also a good option.

2. Secondly, can there be TWO tulsi plants in ONE home?


3. Thirdly, how to worship Tulsi & it's procedure?

Take help of some local pundits in this regard as such the procedure is well understood when described in person.

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I've a question, somebody told me to plant a Tulsi in house. I've few questions regarding that:-

1. Firstly, should Tulsi be planted in home or outside home or in balcony?

2. Secondly, can there be TWO tulsi plants in ONE home?

3. Thirdly, how to worship Tulsi & it's procedure?


& he asked me to wear Moti in Left Hand in Short Finger.. My birth details are as follows.. 28.05.1988// Hissar, India// 16:15.


Regards & Thanks,

Rakesh Arora


NoD 11 Aspects of Transcendental Service

In the Skanda Purana there is a statement praising the tulasi tree as follows: "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the tulasi tree, which can immediately vanquish volumes of sinful activities. Simply by seeing or touching this tree one can become relieved from all distresses and diseases. SIMPLY BY OFFERING OBEISANCES TO AND POURING WATER ON THE TULASI TREE, ONE CAN BECOME FREED FROM THE FEAR OF BEING SENT TO THE COURT OF YAMARAJA [THE KING OF DEATH, WHO PUNISHES THE SINFUL]. If someone sows a tulasi tree somewhere, certainly he becomes devoted to Lord Krsna. And when the tulasi leaves are offered in devotion at the lotus feet of Krsna, there is the full development of love of Godhead."

NoD 11 Aspects of Transcendental Service

In the Skanda Purana there is another statement about tulasi, as follows: "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about or simply by sowing this tree, THERE IS ALWAYS AUSPICIOUSNESS. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world."

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