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About Maa Bagalamukhi

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Dear All,

Being a new member this is my first ever communication with all of you.

I want to start worshiping Maa Bagalamukhi can any of my friends here guide me about the mantras and the detailed way and procedure of worship and also any other information you think will be valuable to me in this regards

Thanks in advance


When chanting the maha-mantra Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, it is not required to worship Maa Bagalamukhi. Maa Bagalamukhi is something like the superintendent of a prison house, this material world is also known as maithunya agara, prison house. When Krsna performed His pastimes in Gokula He wanted to stop the villagers to worship those who manage the material world. In fact when starting to directly worship Krsna by chanting His Holy Name it is, see below, one of the ten offenses to worship superintendants of the material world.


<center>The offenses against chanting the holy name are as follows:</center> 1) To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives for propagating the holy name of the Lord.

2) To consider the names of the demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be equal to, or independent of, the name Lord Visnu.

3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master.

4) To blaspheme the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the Vedic version.

5) To consider the glories of chanting Hare Krsna to be imagination.

6) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord.

7) To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord.

8) To consider chanting of Hare Krsna one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities (karma-kanda).

9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.

10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to maintain material attachments, even after understanding so many instructions on this matter.

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