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Predicting Conception

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I am new to this forum and am hopeful that I will get an answer to this. My friend and her husband have been trying to have a baby for nearly 5 years but no success - astrolgers have predicted children at various stages and doctors have said there is no problem. Can you help to estimate some approximate times which would be fruitful for them?


Time of Birth/Details:


Husband: SA Birth 4:54am, 31-July-1972, Hyderabd India

Wife: BP Birth 3:21am, 8-April-1972, Chennai - India.


Marriage 31 October 1999.


Additionally, they seem to be positive about it and are not depressed despite social pressures etc..what would be giving them this attitude? They are both deep believers in the power of God and devotees of Krishna/Durga/Shiva.


Thank you in advance for you valuable opinions.





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As per the birth data given following is the observation.


Both in general have a good chart.


Male spouse's is comparatively better and is very positive in respect of progeny.His star: Uttarabadra 4, Rasi:Meena, Lagna:Mituna(Navamsa also)Vargottama He is now running Sukra dasa from 16/04/2001 to 16/04/2020, Ragu bukthi up to 17/07/2011.Also Ragu antar dasa up to 25/11/08.


Female Spouse's Star:Punarvasu 2, Rasi:Mituna, Lagna:Kumbha.

She is currently running Buda dasa from 2-11-2003 to 2-11-2020,

sukra bhukthi from 28/03/07 to 26-01-2010,guru antar up to 19/01/09.

The swapping of 5th & 3rd lords,Buda and Angaraka respectively,also Buda & Guru being aspected by Sani,a malefic and the presence of 6th lord,Moon in the 5th in association with another malefic,Angaraka are not quite encouraging for being blessed with earliest progeny.

Be assured that progeny is not denied at all but only delayed by the reasons stated and they are definitely blessed to be proud parents of a cheerful baby,most propably a male.

It is only a question of time to become conceived and surely they could have their baby by the end of 2009 or in the earlier part 2010.All these give them a +ve attitude and their utter devotion to the all Supreme is an additional strength.

1.They should chant Shri Hanuman chalisa 11 times in the morning and evening with utter devotion after worshiping their family deity first or any deity or Guru in whom they believe the most.

2. Navagraha pradashina once every day in a temple nearby,especially on Wed,Thur,Fri and Sat days will do the best.

May the lord Dakshinamurthy bless them with the best.

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