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Human Relations

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A.Ravi sekhar

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father's love----------------------he loves his children to be happy with success and try to give support when they are in need.


mother's love-------------------she loves her children to be careful , happy and to be there along with her throughout entire life.


brother's love ----------------- he feels happy when u r in success and he will be next to dad when u need suppport.


sister's love----------------------she loves than a lover and cares than a mother and will demand's the same in entire lfie.


son's love ------------------------he needs to be promisable to dad as ATM character,a robot that helps for mother and guide if the parrents are behaving in a

wrong way.


daughter's love-----------------daughter is a princes for the entire palace but would be proud to their parrents and tries to leave a good shadow in her palace and

need to go for another palace.


puppy(pet)'s love ------------ it loves u as guardian , master and loves everybody as it is also one of the family member.


uncle(and aunt)'s love --------------------some times he is the source to produce support and sometimes he is the destructor to ur family.


real and close friend's love--------------he will be like a brother when u r in failures and will be a trainer in any need.


friend's love ----------- --------when u r in success he feels happy and in ur failures just feels sad.


teacher's love -----------------as u r in success she will feel proud and u r in failures she may badly say try to change the attitude.


girl friend's love--------------- she is just like a trail side of the coin(only at happyness) when u looses that value u may loose her.


wife and lover's love---------she will be just like a girlfriend in one side , sister in other side, she will be reliable as u needs her forever.


coulege----will be a brother and friend


boss----- will be like teacher.

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