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are we at the end of kali-yuga

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What is it that people are awaiting? (your opinion and in real world application)?


Every person in this world wants peace,love and happiness(primarily).

These are the requirements of the soul which is more important than the requirements of body.

When people lack these they end their life.

When these primary requirements depend on external factors(something like a puppet).These feelings become temporary.

When these primaries are connected to one string that of the supreme these feelings become permanent no matter what the occasion.

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Then what it is that is expected?
Absolute truth.


Soul consciousness:

let us compare our mind to a racing horse.

Mind is a higher level of energy than matter therefore mind is ideally designed to rule over body.

Actually energy is quite dense as mass but let walk within your approach and find the lesson.



Due to this lack of control the mind wanders here and there and has devloped habits of negative thinking.

The mass is learning by associating within its environment and by being mislead, a negative 'idea' is defined to represent an experienced but if the mind understood the occurrance, then where did the 'negative' come from?


1) a selfish isolation from reality

2) the isolation is learned from another



Our materialistic approach to life without quality,caring or right sensitivity creates lot of burden and pressure.


perhaps if no incorrect knowledge is imposed to the mind, then appreciation of life becomes natural.


With comprehending reality in 'absolute truth' allows each to understand the interaction of life and matter.

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What is it that people are awaiting? (your opinion and in real world application)?



To understand what makes them alive.


In which the laws of God are the same laws of nature and the truth of existence become the truth of life enabling each to equally understand with 'absolute truth.'



Every person in this world wants peace,love and happiness(primarily).

These are the requirements of the soul which is more important than the requirements of body.

In a sense; that the soul is constantly seeking but often the acceptance of beliefs ruins the mind from comprehending truth.


This is based from trying to isolate the self from existence. ie... mass, energy, time and nature (God)



When people lack these they end their life.
as often many die never knowing what life is.


but what is worse is to be alive and still not know what life is. Which then means, they do not understand how to live forever by their choice.


it is the learned isolations created by beliefs that damage the mind from understanding the truth.

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mad bhakta shunya prithivi, kali grasta bhavishyati;

eta smin namtare tatra, krishna dehad vinirgatah. [12]“After these 10,000* years, completely devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled again by Kali’s strong influence (as described in the 12th Canto of the Bhagavata Purana).” Saying this, Lord Krishna departed.


(*Kali-yuga total duration is 432,000 years. So after 5,000 years of sinful degradation and the next 10,000 years of the Golden Age (1486 AD to 11486 AD) of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu as described above, the balance 417,000 years of Kali-yuga will be the most sinful period for the earth planet due to the complete domination by the personality of Kali. At the end, i.e. 427,000 years from now, the Lord will appear on a white horse in his partial incarnation of Kalki to annihilate the demons and restablish the Satya-yuga. So we are extremely fortunate to have taken birth in this Golden Age and not waste this most rare opportunity.)


There is too much commentary (which may or may not be what the passage was getting at), but those with even a rudimentary knowledge of sanskrit can pick out what is really being said here. My point though is on the last paragraph. Agreed, kali yuga is 432,000 years but Surya Siddhanta says it begins on 3102 BCE, if we subtract that from 5000, we get something around 1898. Meaning the golden age is SUPPOSED to have begun on 1898 around the time Swami Bhaktivedanta was born (2 years after roundabout, not looking at the months here..) This is also around the time Prabhupada Siddhanta Saraswati was gaining momentum in his divinity and preaching. Though personally not a follower of ISKCON, there really isn't any organization that has left an impression on the world as they have (w.r.t. vaisnava preaching). One can only hope that it will grow and prosper as time goes forward. There are many bonafide Vaisnava preachers around the world these days, Swami BV Narayana, Swami BB Tirtha, Swami BV Puri, Swami BB Bodhayana, etc. preaching incessantly the vani of Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana around the globe.

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That is really interesting Acyutananda dasa.


Here is something that may be of interest also:



Sri Caitanya His Life and Precepts full book click here



by Swami B G Narasingha

Bhaktivinode Thakur wrote over a hundred books, as well as numerous songs and articles, not only in his mother tongue, Bengali, but also in Sanskrit and English, to attract people everywhere to the sublime teachings of Shri Chaitanya.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the western world had risen to the height of power and influence. Its achievements in science, technology, and economic development seemed to know no limit. It had expanded its political power throughout the world, creating vast empires that dominated Asia and Africa, and with that came a sense of pride and conviction of the innate superiority of its civilization.

India was one of the conquered nations. Deemed backward, underdeveloped, poverty-stricken and bound by the superstitions of the past, it seemed to have little to offer its masters, the British, other than its natural resources and physical labor. What then could the people of this country possibly contribute to world civilization?

In 1896, an answer to that question arrived at Canada’s McGill University in a brown package postmarked Calcutta, India. The package contained a small Sanskrit book, Shri-Gauranga-Lila-Smaranam-Mangala-Stotram, 104 verses summarizing the life and teachings of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Accompanying this Sanskrit work was a 63 page booklet, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: His Life and Precepts, which introduced the 16th century incarnation of Krishna to the English-speaking world for the first time.

The author of both these works, Kedarnath Datta Bhaktivinode Thakur (1838-1914), was a saint and scholar in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition....



His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appeared in this world in 1896 in Calcutta, India.
I am not aware of Surya Siddhanta, its astronomical calculations, and auspicious times. Thank you very much for the info...Sri Caitanya's message spreading throughout the world is definately auspicious for the souls in this world.


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is surely a very special servant of God.

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....Prior to the time of Shrila Bhaktivinode Thakur, principles of Vaishnavism were unknown outside of India. In 1896, however, Bhaktivinode Thakur sent a copy of Shri-Gauranga-Lila-Smarana-Mangala-Stotram to the West, where it found its way into the library of McGill University in Canada. During the same years that Emerson and Thoreau were yearning for Vedic wisdom, the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of London (of which Bhaktivinode Thakur was a member) made the following remarks:

“Under the title of Shri-Gauranga-Lila-Smarana-Mangala-Stotram, the well-known Vaishnava Shri Kedarnath Bhaktivinode, M.R.A.S., has published a poem in Sanskrit on the life and teachings of Chaitanya. It is accompanied by a commentary, also in Sanskrit, in which the subject further elucidated is preceded by an introduction of sixty-three pages in English, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: His Life and Precepts, in which the doctrines taught by Chaitanya are set out in somewhat full detail. This position, and more especially as against Shankara and the Advaita Vedan-tists, is explained at length. The little volume will add to our knowledge of this remarkable reformer, and we express our thanks to Bhaktivinode for giving it to us in English and Sanskrit, rather than in Bengali, in which language it must necessarily have remained a closed book to European students of the religious life of India.”....

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