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Importance of lotus

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brahma kumar

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Om shanti,

Every deity is shown either with a lotus in the hand or sitting on a lotus flower .

Why only lotus is shown not any other flower :confused:


devotion to knowledge; the progression


bhakti for/in contributions


to contribute to mankind for the 'absolute truth'


and to walk in all quests for this progression makes for quality 'feet'

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Lord Krishna transcendental body parts are is compared with lotus.

Lotus existed even before lord bramha. Check Bhagwatam how the creation takes place. So there is nothing in this world which can be compared with Krishna's body part and only Lotus comes closer. This lotus with which we compare Lord is not same as what we see in material lotus.


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The spiritually advanced jiva is commonly compared to the lotus, which rises from the mud (materialism) but still remains unaffected by it. This makes the lotus the most spiritual flower in Hinduism.


While Saguna manifestations of Brahman also live within the universe and incarnate on earth for the jiva, they are not bound by the three gunas of nature. Their proximity to the lotus in Puranas emphasizes this transcendental quality of God.

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The Lotus flower is used throughout history and within these last few days much has been learned.


Areas covered come from Egypt to the Knights Templar


Buddhism shares the combining of 8 symbols



The Eight Auspicious Symbols (Ashtamangala in Sanskrit) are a group of lucky Buddhist symbols that appear on many Buddhist textiles, objects and paintings. Each symbol represents an aspect of Buddhist teaching and when they appear together, their powers are multiplied.

The symbols derive from Indian iconography and have become especially popular in Tibetan Buddhism. Clink a link below for a full article and illustration of each Auspicious Symbol.


  1. Parasol (chattra) - royalty and spiritual power
  2. Golden Fishes (suvarnamatsya) - good fortune, fertility and salvation
  3. Treasure Vase (kalasha) - spiritual and material abundance
  4. Lotus (padma) - mental and spiritual purity
  5. Conch Shell (sankha) - the fame of Buddha's teachings
  6. Endless Knot (shrivasta) - infinite wisdom of the Buddha
  7. Victory Banner (dhvaja) - victory of the Buddha's teachings and wisdom over ignorance
  8. Wheel (dharmachakra) - the teachings of the Buddha
  1. as well Krisna holding the conch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padma_(attribute)
the amount of material is quite vast



According to another scholar, "in esoteric Buddhism, the heart of the beings is like an unopened lotus: when the virtues of the Buddha develop therein, the lotus blossoms; that is why the Buddha sits on a lotus bloom."


or another



The lotus in both Egypt and India symbolizes the union of the four elements; earth, air, fire, and water. The roots are in the earth, it grows in and by means of water, its leaves are nourished by air, and it blooms through the power of the sun's fire. The lotus is therefore the perfection of the fourfold order of the natural world. The growth of a new flower directly from the earth-bound original (inflorescent proliferation) may be interpreted as a symbol of transcendence as found in Indian philoshophy: a spiritual emergence of a higher world directly from our physical manifestation. It may also be interpreted, as in Egypt, as the exaltation of the essence quality of the lotus



it seems like always, that each of mankinds diversities still return to pursuing that last chapter of knowledge and can be seen represented in most all forms of words and symbols and like always many of the diverse representations are pointing at a similar end purpose; the combining of mankind by the knowledge shared by a 'man' born to be true


this last section is different but similar with the bhakti of Godhead




<CENTER>Basic Practices (To liberate all beings) for Modern People of The Lotus Lineage</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER>

Shamatha/Tranquility and Vipassina/Awakening


Theraveda Text: Mindfulness in Plain English


Tantric Text: Ancient Wisdom by Dujom Rinpoche





<CENTER>Practicing After Having Received "Self-Nature" Empowerment of Lovestream</CENTER>


Recapitulate Nature (Higher Self) Empowement or use the given technique to re-recognize.



One reflects deeply on four topics: This precious human life, impermanence, cause and effect, and the insidious nature of samsara (the cycle of realms and suffering).

Recognizing that there is no benefit in continuing in the old way, and great potential in following the teachings of the Buddha (Christ and Dao too). Esoterically they are pure. Exoterically even Buddhism is impure)

Basically one rethinks one's life...feeling the strong desire to enter the path of freedom one continues with the Three Commitments.



Makes the Three Commitments, to the buddha (your nature), the dharma (the way of liberation for everyone) and the sangha (all working on this path), all in order to ultimately benefit everybody.



One reinforces the three commitments through our lineage of support.



A prerequisite for the fast path is that you will need to be the type of person who is almost brutally honest





food for thought as it seems to seek knowledge from the eyes of many, a unity can be observed


So in a sense the combination shares that 'life' reveals the truth.


that a 'life' is of a chain in which all of mankind is awaiting


there is more but today working on the angular momentum of entangled energy between mass ('gravity' of the moon and earth association).....


just combined that with Faraday's experiment of electromagnetism which shares how entangled energy between mass, provides the comprehension of what 'gravity' is


simply doing what this 'i' does best; combining knowledge, defining phenomenon and adding to the book of knowledge,


preparing for the flowering of truth!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi brahma kumar,


As youv mentioned already it stands for purity or renunciation (Vairagya) as the Lotus flower grows in filthy water however still remains pure.


As for on the form of Vishnu Bhagawan, i recall reading that it stands for compassion. Similarly the gadha (mace) and chakra (discuss) are for protecting devotees and upholding dharma, and the conch is used to awaken people with the sound of the nada-brahm Aum.


Hope this helps.

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