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Marriage Muhurtha

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Generally Makara Masam,during the period January 14th to Feb 12th,is considered the best for auspicious occassions like MARRIAGES,UPANAYANAM etc,every year.But this SARVADARI YEAR no auspicious muhurthas are given in any Panchanga for Makara Masam,during January 14th to Feb 12th,2009. Can any body highlight the reason for the absence muhurtha?

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Dear Anusha & readers,

The solar month when the Sun transits Capricorn, is auspicious for good Muhurtas, especially when it coincides with Lunar month of Paush – according to most of the exponents.

However the said period in not auspicious for solemnizing marriage and the like for the reasons given below:

Jupiter and Venus are considered as the best benefic planets. When they are combust, no good Muhurtas are selected. Jupiter shall be combust from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="1" Day="10" Year="2009">10<SUP>th</SUP> January, 2009</st1:date> to <st1:date Month="2" Day="7" Year="2009">7<SUP>th</SUP> February, 2009</st1:date>. Further their Baal Avastha (infant stage) and Vridh Avastha (Old stage) periods are not included in auspicious Muhurtas.

Exponents differ regarding lengths of the said Avasthas. According to Sage Vasist for 5 days each they are in the said . Sage Garg considers this as 3 days while Acharya Keshvark as 7 days – to quote some.

Therefore the said period has not been included in Muhurtas for marriage in 2009.

... V K Shridhar

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Dear Shri.V.K.Shridhar,

Thank you very much, sir.I am now clear about the reason for the absence of muhurtha during the said period. But some are of the opinion that Feb 2nd & 6th,2009 can be considered for Upanayanam(Thread marriage).What is your view,sir?



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Dear Anusha,

Please note that when the time is not auspicious for marriage then, how that time can be auspicious for Upanyanam.


In fact Upanayanam is the most sacred Samskar in Hindus, for which Muhurt must be very properly selected. Only Seemanta, Jaatkaram & first feeding can be done is the above said combust period, which are time bound activities and can not wait for auspicious time-- as per the exponents.


However I am of the opinion that "First Feeding" is the most important activity (Samskar) which must be performed on the day selected by expert astrologer in Muhurt branch. If one is assured of continuous quality food with love & affection, for full life - other virtues shall follow.


... V K Shridhar

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Dear Shri.Shridhar,

I understand your clear view and have learnt a lesson also.Yes,no sacred samskar should be conducted,when benefic planets are combust.Thank you, sir.

Sir, I have a doubt on the following marriage muhurtha day,as the day, to my knowledge,seems to have no tara and chandra balam and also panchagam with Tula lagna for the both boy and girl.

Will you please guide?It seems they have fixed the day in a hurry for some reason.Any need for remedial measures?


A boy born on 01-01-1972 at 08-31 AM At CHENNAI,Tamilnadu is being

engaged to a girl born on 09-01-1973 at 11-06 PM(23-06 hrs) at Jamshadpur.


Date of engagement Fixed on: 28-08-2008(Thursday)


Date of Marriage Fixed on :11-09-2008(Thursday)




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Dear Anusha,


11.9.2008 is an average / good Muhurt for marriage. Further local social customs / traditions override the dictums.


Now on the said date - 11.9.2008- there is no Tara or Chandra Balam (Chandra Ashtam shall be prevailing) for the boy. For the girl, Tara is inauspicious but there is Chanrda Balam on the said date during Tula ascendent. For the marriage Muhurt, presence of either Tara or Chandra Balam is required for both the boy & girl, in addition to other favourable elements of Muhurt. There are diferent opnions of the exponents on these two aspects (Tara or Chadra Balam). However most of the exponents opine that Chandra Balam is more effective than favourable Tara; as it is difficult to find a day when the both aspects are favourable to the both persons.


Now having fixed the date & time, the remedial measure is propitiation (Pooja) of the Moon before initiating the ceremony on 11.9.2008.


According to the exponents, Muhurt for engagement is equally important.


Best of luck.


-- V K Shridhar :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dear Anusha,


11.9.2008 is an average / good Muhurt for marriage. Further local social customs / traditions override the dictums.


Now on the said date - 11.9.2008- there is no Tara or Chandra Balam (Chandra Ashtam shall be prevailing) for the boy. For the girl, Tara is inauspicious but there is Chanrda Balam on the said date during Tula ascendent. For the marriage Muhurt, presence of either Tara or Chandra Balam is required for both the boy & girl, in addition to other favourable elements of Muhurt. There are diferent opnions of the exponents on these two aspects (Tara or Chadra Balam). However most of the exponents opine that Chandra Balam is more effective than favourable Tara; as it is difficult to find a day when the both aspects are favourable to the both persons.


Now having fixed the date & time, the remedial measure is propitiation (Pooja) of the Moon before initiating the ceremony on 11.9.2008.


According to the exponents, Muhurt for engagement is equally important.


Best of luck.


-- V K Shridhar :)


Dear Shri.Shridhar Ji,


May I invite your kind attention to the above in response to my seeking guidance as to the marriage muhurtha with TULA ASCENDENT on 11-09-2008 for the prospective couple under reference.


I understand from the wedding invitation that the Murtham has been fixed between 10-30 AM and 12-00 Noon with VIRCHIKA ASCENDENT on the same day, 11-09-2008.


Sir,I wish to know whether the both Mesha & Virchika are suitable Ascendents for the great auspicious occassions like MARRIAGES,Upanayanam etc. (I think Tula Asc is ok as done originally with remdies)


If not,may I,as a well wisher of the prospective couple,request you to suggest remedies to be performed before the muhurtha to ward of the harmful effects.


Please guide.




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Dear Shri.Shridhar Ji,


May I invite your kind attention to the above in response to my seeking guidance as to the marriage muhurtha with TULA ASCENDENT on 11-09-2008 for the prospective couple under reference.


I understand from the wedding invitation that the Murtham has been fixed between 10-30 AM and 12-00 Noon with VIRCHIKA ASCENDENT on the same day, 11-09-2008.


Sir,I wish to know whether the both Mesha & Virchika are suitable Ascendents for the great auspicious occassions like MARRIAGES,Upanayanam etc. (I think Tula Asc is ok as done originally with remdies)


If not,may I,as a well wisher of the prospective couple,request you to suggest remedies to be performed before the muhurtha to ward of the harmful effects.


Please guide.




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Dear Anusha,


To prepare Muhurt for marriage is one of the most complicated, specialised & challenging task for an electional astrologer. It can not be so easily fixed.

Now having fixed the date & options are limited, I can tell you some of the the rules regarding Aries , Libra & Scorpio; & you may decide & advise at your end.


Aries & Scorpio ascendant are suitable for Kshatriayas according to Jyotishnirvana. Kaal Prakashika does not recommend Aries.


In general Libra rising or Navamsha are commended by most of the exponents. However the Moon , rising sign & Navamsha -- all should not be in moving sign. Further both Libra rising and Navamsha (Vargottama) is held as bad in Muhurt Chintamani. Lords of rising sign and navamsha should not be weak.


All the rules can not be discussed in a forum like this.


Please decide at your end


With best wishes.


... V K Shridhar

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Dear Anusha & our learned readers,


Please be informed that purpose of astrology are only two :


a) To ward off evil effects of planets at birth and at Muhurt (to start an important life activity)


b) To select / elect an auspiciuous time for important life activities, to get maximum possible success in the selected venture,.


All other usages of Vedic astrology and their branches are rather ment to be used for amusement / (lessor) guidance to the nativities.


Muhurt is equivalent to giving (another) birth to an event / nativity. Muhurt has lost its importance due to market forces of the present era. Card readers, weekly forcasts, talking of a horoscope on national TV, funny remedial measures without reference to the original treatise (rather self made), befooling about some aspects like "Kaal Sarapa Dosha" and the like. -- are simply misguiding the masses. The guide must specifically state whether the advice is his invention / experience or must quote reference to the specific treatise giving its reference.


To cite an example, if I have to find an auspicious time for an important life activity - I require about a couple of hourshard work. Despite the fact that I have done some deep study of the subject. I know some astrologers giving guidance on Muhurt, when they do not possess even a single book on Muhurt in their library.


Further when none of our exponents (except Acharya Varahmihira) have dared to write on more than one subject / branch of astrology then, how our present day astrologers claim to guide aspirants on all the subjects / branches of our Indian / Vedic astrology !!.


The present day situation has brought disrepute to our astrology.


More on the subject on some other ocassion.


... V K Shridhar :smash:

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Dear readers & Anusha,


For details about the issue, please read my new thread


Need for specialist astrologers in different branches of astrology



posted on 8.9.2008. I do not expect professional astrologers to comment on it, as they shall feel shy, rather embarrassed to even read it. I had invited discussion on this topic in Wikipedia, and there also there has been no reponse- reasons are best known to the astrologers.


But an advice has been given to aspirants to approach only specialist astrologers in specific field of astyrology.


... V K Shridhar

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Dear Shri.Shridhar Ji,

I am just a learner and you are one of my great teachers.I am learning so much from the very immesely useful & informative threads and guidance you have been posting.I have also been visiting your website on Hindu Electional Astrology to reap benefit to the extent possible.I wish you continue to contribute to the benefit of learners like me.




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  • 2 months later...

hello sri sridhar,

boy of utrada star and girl of aswathy star ...girl's date of birth is july 15 .1982 and boy april 29 th 1978 . can u please say a marriage muhurtha date for this..it will b very much helpful...can we do marriage on 31st january for them?please reply soon..




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