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ASTROLOGY vs Science

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Dear Fellow Members,

I am new to the forum. I am self-studying astrology for the past few years but the study is not concrete (obviously without Guru such things happen). Before i enter into discussion, permit me to start the very old yet unconcluded debate of whether astrology is science or not ?.

Let us put up answers against ?s raised by Scientific community by Defining Jyotish(Vedic Astrology), its scope or ambit and the very obvious it's utility.


Jyotish as u all know means (light on life).But what do we mean by that.

The answer is that passing of one's life is not always under the mid heaven Sun where everything is so clear that there is no sign of fear or gloom.

so most of us (not the hardcore scientist) has to pass through the dark & lightless tunnel and unaccustomed terrain leading to fear & apprehensions about the outcome or rather future

Jyotish (light on life) can be compared to a torch needed to pass the tunnel confidently and fearlessly as well as tension free.


coming to a practical approach let us assume that an astrologer predicts that something would fall from the tree on to a person sitting under it and finally it falls as predicted, then the biggest question arises is what is the utility of Jyotish. The answer lies not in changing the event such as sitting under a tree or stop the falling of thing but shifting of injury from head to shoulder where injury could be less. Imagine the circumstances of hitting Head vs. Shoulder the answer u know (difference blood loss, ICU,expenditure trouble to near & dear ones).


Coming to t he 2nd ? of Cause & Effect Relationship to be science, the scientist argue that they found no rays from the planets .

There are 2 answers to it . First consider a situation where a tragedy a person as predicted based on his kundli & current transit (gochara), say of Mars, Rahu or Saturn. The point to note is the tragedy struck to an individual & not public at large even though gochara was same for all. It was rather his planetary combination in kundli that the transit affected him in such away. And such planetary combination was based on his Past Karma in Previous Birth .

This Cause & Effect Theory led the Vedic Seers to the Philosophy of Reincarnation


Scientist were very late to apply this theory in advancement of science


The 2nd point is study of Rays from the planets. I would like to answer this ? in a different way. I would ask best scientist, Doctors, even Botanist to pick up any plant and describe it medicinal properties without experimenting in lab . None dare u None would be able to give a single property of the herb . Our ancient Seers (ayurveda expert) such as charak , vaghbhatt were highly evolved soul and could communicate with the nature and therefore were able to describe the medicinal properties of Herbs. Astrological seers were also highly evolved soul perhaps even higher than ayurveda peers and with their sixth sense they studied the impact of planets on lives of people and World at large.


I will continue….


Anyone who wish to analyse my Kundli and tell any uniqueness (whether good or bad) and suggestions are welcome


My D.O.B:- 26/11/1979


T.O.B:- 11:00:00 A.M


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Dear mysticsanket,


Interesting topic, and one where I would always like to say a few words.


First of all I consider Astrology as a Science. Being specific a science of various combinations. Lets say A was born with such and such chart, an analysis was done and his whole life / biography was saved with his chart. Same was done with B. Now when an individual is born with a chart like A, we can easily say he will have this kind of life with reference to A's biography. With time this science of various combinations evolved and predictions became close and correct.


But when you talk about transits and rays, I really don't consider much from them. It has been said in vedas that Saturn aspects such planets and has enemy with such so we accept it the way it is, without questioning whether Saturn really emmits some rays on other planets or not. As very clearly its all about combinations and drawing conclusions.


The same is with palmistry. Different lines form different combinations and help in predictions.


People do not believe in Astrology because first of all they give priority to karma and its great to think in such way. Some people half heartedly belive in Astrology because they see predictions becoming true and they fear evil. And some devote themselves because they find peace and happiness.


But I believe in astrology only as a science. It was a good example about the tree falling on head or shoulder and that is where this science can help individuals, by indicating them about good or bad.


One should never discard a science if you don't know anything about it. Its foolish of scientists who discard Astrology without even understanding the principles used. Although I do know sometimes Astrology is misused and overly hyped which should not be done.


I would be eagerly waiting to have some more insight from learned astrologers of the forum.




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