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ThinkVedic: Three Questions to ask about your Digestion

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Health& Lifestyle22 Aug 2008 05:49 pm



Three Questions to ask about your Digestion



Regardless of who you are, where you are from and what you do for a living, it is very important to be able to digest what you eat. In fact, I tell everyone that you can eat whatever you want, as long as you can digest it. Digestion is really the key to a healthy physiology. So, how is your digestion?

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There are three factors to consider when you are analyzing your digestion. The three questions you should ask yourself are:


  • <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->How do you feel after you eat?

  • <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->How hungry do you feel around meal times?

  • <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->How is your elimination?

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A typical meal takes on average three hours to fully digest. The first hour of digestion is the Kapha time of digestion, which means that all of the lubrication of the food, as well as the mixing of chemicals take place. The second hour of digestion is Pitta time of digestion. During this time, all of the transformation of the food takes place, so that all nutrients are effectively extracted and metabolized. At this time, the food passes from the upper 2/3 of the stomach, down to the lower 1/3 of the stomach and into the duodenum. Then, the last hour of digestion is the Vata time of digestion in which all of the remaining solids are passed down to the intestines for proper elimination. Now, if you feel any discomfort during any of these hours of digestion, then there is a likely chance of an imbalanced functioning of one or more of these doshas.

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The next factor to consider is how hungry are you? It is natural to feel hungry around breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Being too busy is never an excuse not to eat. There is also never a reason to skip any meals either. Not having an appetite around meal times is also a sign of indigestion.

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And the last important factor to consider in regards to your digestion is your elimination. How well are your bowel movements? If you are not having at least one good, solid bowel movement a day, then you need to take care of the problem. Elimination is a function of Vata and if you are having any kind of trouble with elimination, whether its loose bowels, hard bowels, no urge to eliminate bowels, or even blood in your stool, then you do need to take care of it. Your elimination systems should always be in working order. If there is a problem, then that is also a sign of indigestion.

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Digestion is really the key to a healthy physiology, so next time, I will share with you on how to improve your digestion.

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Dear suchandra ji

its nice things you had mentioned about the Digestion..

and you know in AYurveda only main things we force about digestion and only liver becuase our whole treament is based upon liver and digestion..

you know now a day every where more than 70% people are effected by bed digestion and only the reason behind is that the Ritucharya like ancient time and the food and shedule timmings and also thre working criteria are not same and that is the reason this world is going towards bad side,, and all those big company are selling poison in name of Junk foods.. we need to aware people about the good health and happy wealthy life advantage..


adwait tripathi

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